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PYTHON Session – IV

Exception handling and Object Oriented

Topics covered:

• Errors
Fourth session started by showing them different types of commonly
Occuring Errors in Python and how to debug those Errors, I showed them
around 10 - 12 types of Errors and debugging of all those.

• Exception Handling
After showing them different types of Errors I told them why we need to
handle these errors. I told them about the syntax of Exception handling. I
showed them 4 – 5 Examples of handling Exceptions. In the end of
Exception Handling topic the Excercise given was solved by all the student
who has attended the session.

• Object Oriented Programming

In the beginning of this topic I told all the theory concepts related to
OOP’s like class, object, data member, method. I also showed them that
every thing in python is object and almost everything in python have
attributes and methods. Then I told them why we need to Create our own
Class. After that I explained them the syntax of Class creation, object
creation and the __init__ method and self keyword. After that I started
giving them few basics examples of creating their own class. Then i taught
them about inheritance and special methods (method overloading). After
that i had given them a Exercise problem to use concept of special
methods and class.

• Outcomes:
At the end of Session:
• Students was able to Debug the code.
• Students was able to Write the code which will not give user any
unwanted errors.
• Students was able to Write class and create methods of that class.
• Students was able to perform arithmetic and logical operations on

Session is Conducted by:-

1. Azad Khan (Exception Handeling)
2. Binu Kumar (Object Oriented Concepts)

Snap Of session:

No. of Students attended the session: 35 - 40

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