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Part 1

After checking the Unit 1 Topic 2: Modal Verbs, write 1 sentence using each one of
the modal verbs regarding your duties and rights as UNAD student: can – could –
may - must - should - ought to – have to – need to- had better - would.

1. I must have a grade greater than or equal to 3.0 to pass a course.

2. I have the right to enable the course.
3. I can request approval for a change of academic program
4. I must participate in the academic activities programmed by the institution,
maintain order in them and facilitate their realization.
5. 7. It is necessary to enter the platform constantly.
6. 8. I have the right to make academic applications through the FUS when required.
7. 10. we should participate more constantly in collaborative work forums
8. I can't miss classes.
9. 7. I should check the internal messaging of the course more often.
10. I must cite each article and information I share

Part 2:
According to the topic Past Progressive (Unit 1: Topic 3), each
student must write 5 things you were doing recently and 5
things you were not:

5 things you were doing recently:

1. I was helping my mother move home

2. I was doing several academic works of the University.
3. I was practicing the final presentation of the closing of my son's
school year.
4. I was talking on the phone with my husband.
5. I was in annual medical control.

5 things you were not:

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