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Relaxation is an effective method especially in patients who experience chronic pain. Breathing exercises
and relaxation techniques reduce oxygen consumption, respiratory frequency, heart frekuency, and
muscle tension, which stops the cycle of paint-anxiety-muscle tension. while the distraction technique is
diversion from the foccus of attention to the stimulus to the other. The technique can help deal with pain
based on the teory that activated reticular displacement of the pain stimulus. Pleasant stimuli from the
outside can also stimulate endorphin secretion, so that the pain stimulus felt by the client is reduced.



The patient takes a deep breath and fills the lungs with air. Slowly exhaling the air while allowing the
body to become saggy anf feel and feel how comfortable it is. The patient breathes several times with
the norm rhythm. The patient takes another deep breath and exhalles slowly and leaves only the saggy
legs and soles


Some distraction techniques include :breathing slowly, message while breathing slowly, listening to songs
while tapping your fingers or toes, or imagining beautiful things while closing your eyes.



1. Relaxation will reduce anxiety assosiated with pain or stress

2. Reducing muscle pain

3. Helping individuals to forget pain

4. Increase the effectiveness of other pain therapies

5. Reducing feelings of helplessness and depression arising from pain.


While the benefits of using this distraksi techniques so that someone who receives this technique feels
more comfortable, relaxed, and feel in a more pleasant situation.

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