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BAGUIO, Christian Erick

GAMANA, Alana Vera
ROMUGA, Stella
TORRES, Mary May Fred




In every place around the world, we work together as a group or team to achieve
our goals. In every group we are in, we have a leader who guide us to have an ordered
and successful objective. We choose leaders through voting and here, the term
“election” exists. An election is a process in which people vote to choose a person or
group of people to hold an official position. In our country, the Philippines, particularly in
Bohol, aspiring candidates use money as their power in order to secure and to win their
candidacy. Most candidates during the election buys vote to win and this becomes
common in our society.
Vote buying is a trend during the elections. People become disappointed every
time they don’t receive something from the people who needs their trust and vote. We,
as the youth sector of today and the young adults of tomorrow, we feel disappointed
about this rampant and unethical practice. Countless reports are raised about this
problem but then our people are still neglecting this serious and immoral practice and
afraid to follow what is right and necessary. As the part of today’s generation, we want
to know the authenticity of these reported cases regarding about vote buying because it
is now rampant and no one takes an action about it and this tremendously affects the
dignity of Filipinos as an individual and the sanctity of suffrage.
Our setting is located in the islands of Bohol. This province is gifted of its
beautiful beaches, historic churches and the iconic and world class destination, the
Chocolate Hills. Due to its God-given treasures, the province strived to be as a major
tourist spot in the country. Annually, it is visited by approximately 1, 700, 000 number of
tourists of different races and nationalities. Bohol is a vast province consisting 1,109
barangays in 47 municipalities. Based on our research, there are approximately 775,
785 registered voters in the whole province.
Vote-buying does not literally means using money as power it also includes the
people who gamble their dignity and sell our rights for a much better future. Is vote-
buying illegal? Yes, it is. According to Section 261 (a) of the Omnibus Election Code of
the Philippines (Batas Pambansa Blg. 881), “Vote-buying and vote-selling are among
the prohibited acts which are punishable by the said law. The person who got caught
about vote- buying or vote selling should pay punishment for this offense.” According to
Section 263 and 264 of the Omnibus Election Code, “Any person found guilty of vote-
selling, vote-buying and other election offenses under the code shall be criminally liable
and be punished.” So, if ever an individual is caught doing this illegal practice, this
person would undergo imprisonment of not less than one year and not more than 6
years and the guilty would not be able to hold any position and be a public servant
anymore and should pay a fine that is not less than ten-thousand pesos (PhP 10,
000.00). If this individual is a foreigner, he will be deported after his sentenced
imprisonment. The right to vote for a candidate is a basic human right here in our
country. We should always remember that our vote is not and will never be for sale.
From the time this vote buying and vote selling existed, leaders that are elected
failed to govern a group of people, effects of this are the countless establishments that
are unfinished and causes the citizens to fail on their part as well. This becomes a trend
and continuously happening on our present time. We should always be responsible on
dealing with this issue because we are the most affected individuals who cries for the
honest and peaceful type of governance. We should learn how to take good care of our
right as a part of a democratic government.
In this present day, we as researcher notice the immoral doings of politicians
during election which is vote-buying, particularly in Bohol. Until now, some of the
municipalities here in Bohol still practice this and it seems like it becomes a common
thing. If not dealt properly this might lead to some serious political issues like corruption
and will be used its privileges and power for personal interests. This research will be
conducted to investigate and to verify the reported cases of vote buying done by the two
opposing parties.


Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to investigate or uncover the alleged vote-buying of

the two opposing candidates for the gubernatorial slate last midterm polls particularly in
the province of Bohol. At this stage in the research, the investigation on the alleged
vote-buying will be generally defined as the act of the two parties and the reason behind
the unsuccessful political leadership in the province of Bohol.

Central Question
How do the Boholano voters narrate about the reported cases of vote-buying
done by the two opposing candidates for Gubernatorial Race that happen last midterm
Sub Questions
1. How authentic are the reported cases of vote-buying in Bohol during the
midterm polls specifically in the Gubernatorial Race?
2. What degree of vote-buying did the gubernatorial candidates in Bohol exert
during the last election?
3. What kind of groundwork does the Boholano voters employ during the
midterm polls in the province of Bohol?

Significance of the Study

After the research, we would be informed how rampant vote-buying is in all of the
elections not just in Bohol, but throughout the whole country. The main benefactors of
this research are the Filipino people itself. Through this intensive research, they would
be informed of what could be the outcomes if they would still neglect the tremendous
effect of this action.

Scope and Delimitations

This study of investigating the alleged vote-buying by the gubernatorial

candidates in Bohol last midterm polls aims to verify the authenticity of the reported
cases concerning about this problem.
This research is ought to be conducted several months after the campaign
season and the Election Day (May 13, 2019) to be exact. The target respondents are
the registered voters of the province of Bohol specifically in Panglao. These twenty (20)
respondents include the newly registered voters (18-20 years old), young adult voters
(21-30 years old), middle age voters (31-59 years old) and the senior citizens voters (60
years old and above).
A questionnaire which is thoroughly authenticated by our teacher will be our
method in gathering the data needed in our research. After we have gathered our data
through questionnaire, we would like to do a follow up interview to really evaluate their
answers. In doing the interview, we assure that their identity will be protected and will
remain private from the public.

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