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Claim: Reason why kids cyberbully other


 Cyberbullies are motivated by revenge

- To retaliate for the pain, they have experience
- Wanted other to feel what they have felt and feel justified in doing so
- Feel a sense of relief and vindication for what they experience
 Cyberbullies Are Power Hunger
- Manifestation of social status
- Internet to perpetuate relational aggression and mean girl behaviour
- Trying to climb the social ladder at school or gain some social power will resort to
cyberbullying to get attention
- To diminish the social status of another person.
 Cyberbullies Lack Empathy
- They feel little to no remorse for their actions
- Student who engaged in cyberbullying not feeling anything after bullying the victim
 Cyberbullies Are Bored
- Looking for entertainment to add some excitement and dram to their lives
- Lack of attention and supervision from parents
- Internet become their only source of entertainment and outlet for getting attention
- Entertain themselves by creating digital drama.

Counter argument :

 To prevent kids from cyberbullying others

Claim: Way to protect from cyberbully


Recognize Warnings Signs

Becoming withdrawn, anxious or avoiding social situations

Having difficulty concentrating.

Changes in grades or acting in uncharacteristic ways.

Monitor Online Activity

- Regularly check children’s online presence and privacy settings on their social media accounts.

Turn to Resources

Feel ashamed over being bullied or fear the bullying get worse

Many place to turn such as Crisis Text helpline and Stop It Now

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