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Star hotel

In Belfast , on 1980, a man called Joseph died in a mysterious car accident. He

had a wife called Rose and a daughter called Emily. She was eleven years old and
was a happy girl. Rose was forty five years old. She was very funny and warm.
They had a great relationship.
After Joseph died, they started having financial problems , so they decided to sell
their house and started staying at hotels.
One day they were looking a hotel to stay for a few days, when they found the
“Star Hotel”. The hotel had a weird vibe but it was the only thing they could afford,
so they stayed there. The first person they met was Mrs.Key who was the
secretary. She was a really serious and cold person. During lunch time they met
Luke, the owner of the hotel. He was tall and robust and a good person. He told
them that as soon as he sell the property he would move to another country to start
again. They felt very comfortable in that place, so they went our the hotel and
continued their day walking around the city. The first night, while they were
sleeping, they heard steps, which sound stronger every second. They were afraid
but they went throw this situation. In the morning, they asked for the noises, but
Mrs. Key refused to talk about it and after that she acted strange the rest of the
That night when they were almost going to sleep ,they heard the steps. But this
time they decided to see what was happening. They were walking down the
corridor when they saw that Luke's door was open. They enter the room and Mrs.
Key was trying to hit Luke with a lamp in his head. They stopped her and saved
Luke. When they asked Mrs. Key why did she did it, she told them that if Luke died,
she could be the owner of the hotel.
As a reward for saving his life, Luke gave them half of the money he was going to
earn with money of the property.
With the money they got from Luke, Emily and Rose bought a house; while Mrs.
Key was sent to prison.

Melina Campana
Tiziana Castroman

3° “C”

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