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1st step acknowledges own fear.

It’s normal completely normal to be phobic of any thing but what is

important is to actually identify and acknowledge it. Once you’ve done that now. Let’s take action on it
with a positive mind-set.

2nd step Don’t be scared to learn formulas. We can always create our formula card from the chapter
which we are currently pursuing. Keep it handy with you so that you can go through them anytime and
any where.

3rd step don’t try to cram the things. At the same time remembering the formulas or certain results is
okay, but trying to cram in my opinion if you try to muck up the solutions, then it’s going to be a
complete disaster. So reason out try to understand the procedure and ask, why is something being done
and how is it being done.

4rd step Math is no novel. So don’t sit with your text books or note books and start reading them. We
have to make notes and we have to try solving each and every question on our own.

5th step don’t shy away from making mistakes. We should never forget the solution or the procedure for
a question where you make mistakes several time. It would be deeply engraved in mind.

Last step we can try beginning with maybe just 20 minutes every day until develop interest and it
becomes a part of your routine. Try to take more complicated problems and break it into smaller and
simpler parts. Then practice this every day. Consistency goes a long way. Remember slow and steady
wins the race.

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