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Name: __________________________________________ (Optional)

1. Gender: Male Female

2. How often do you dine out in restaurant?

a) Daily b) Weekly c) Monthly d) Once in three months

3. Which type of cuisine you like to eat?

a) Italian b) Mexican c) Chinese d) Indian e) Any other _______________

4. On which time are you prefer to visit restaurant?

a) Morning b) Afternoon c) Evening d) Night

5. What kind of taste you like?

a) Sweet b) Spicy c) Sour d) Neutral

6. If you have a dietary restriction, are you willing to pay high price?
a) Yes b) No

7. How would you rate the value of our food?


8. How likely is it that you would come back?

1. Very Likely 2.Likely 3.Unlikely 4.Very Unlikely

9. How would you rate the range of options on our menu?

Too Few Options : ----: ---: ---: ---: ---: ---: ---: Too Many Options

10. Did you get any poor response or low quality services? Rank your experience

+5 Very Good Services

Low Quality
-5 Very Poor Services

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