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So a while back I created a Journal with things regarding myself, a few spells of my own creation, a

little bit of info on Lycanthropy and a few experiences with Beelzebub. Need less to say, nothing in
there really applies to me anymore since I started to work with Lilith. I also pretty much bored myself
out of my mind with that Journal. Just wasn’t fun or amusing to me.

Ever since Lilith entered my life, Iv started changing and discovering things about myself. My
practice and path had begun to change as well. So I’m creating this journal to record everything I
experince and learn from Lilith.

It’s been a really interesting ride with her thus far, and I’m really excited to share these things with
you guys. Originally I was planning on making this thread about Sallos and Lilith, but he just didn’t
really click. Anyway, later today I’ll be making my first post for this thread. Bye bye guys. Stay

Edit: (I’m such a fucking weirdo

Lilith’s appearance+Feeding

So today I had one of the most physical encounters, I have ever had with a entity before, in my

I was laying in the dark, closing my eyes and resting, I was thinking of Lilith. Began to slowly delve
into a trance. I closed my eyes and imagined myself walking through a black or purple door. It had
Lilith’s name inscribed on it. Once I walked through, I found myself in a lush green forest.

I asked to see Lilith, and then the Forest began to fade away. The leaves turned to black, the sky to
purple. Coldness and darkness enveloped the area. I saw a girl from behind, she had long black hair
that went to her waist. She was wearing a tattered and dirty white gown or dress.

Once that ended, another image popped into my head. It was of a character from some Vampire movie
I watched a few years ago. My thoughts told me, that I could use this to represent her, this was how I

Then my wrist began to feel funny. It felt like someone had bitten into it, pain began to travel up and
through my arm. I kept getting the feeling as if someone was sucking blood from my wrist.

I felt as if she was feeding off of me, in exchange for what she showed me. Still in a trance, I saw red
energy and a murky green-like energy, leaving my body.

Once it stopped, I was really dizzy. Just standing up makes me lightheaded. Its an odd sensation, but
one things for sure, is that im deffently gonna sleep good tonight.

Anyway, night guys.

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