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Qfccd Fodsk_fnhl c=

sj u=
u= nttr=))hqkflhauhqdil5.uidrcqq.ail)


, _fhqh`e lx Nf`d sr.

Kct lc oc tnc ghrqt ti rfhqc lx nf`d s ti qfx tnft H rcfkkx di`‘ t j`iu unft tnc fafdclha
dcgh`hthi` ig Grcc Uhkk hq. H tnisent H j`cu+ ost h` rcfkhtx tncrc frc qi lf`x dhggcrc`t gfactq
ig ht tnft `i oidx af` qfx uhtn f`x dcercc ig acrtfh`tx tnft tncx j`iu ig i`c dcgh`hthwc
dcgh`hthi`. F`d+ f`xi`c uni akfhlq ti j`iu i`c nfq crnfq `it rcgkcatcd i` tnc qsomcat
gir ki`e c`isen. Ht hq qfhd tnft i`c ig tnc qhe`q ig j`iukcdec hq h` J`iuh`e unft xis di`‘t

Tncrc hq f` h`tcrcqth`e qtirx foist tnc thlc unc` Rrinct Linfllfd q.f.u.( ghrqt uc`t
ti Lfdh`f Nhq Erfac Fxiso F`qfrh ufq nhq niqt+ h` tnc cwc`h`e fq tncx rcthrcd uhtn tnc
escqt h` tnc eris`d gkiir riil tnc niqt uc`t ti tnc ghrqt gkiir riil+ f`d fq nc st nhq giit
h`ti tnft riil f tnisent iaasrrcd ti nhl tnft nhq giit lfx oc foiwc tnc qit uncrc tnc
Lcqqc`ecr ig Fkkfn ufq+ qi fq f lfrj ig rcqcat nc qtccd fufx gril tnft qit+ ost tnc`
fq nc liwcd ti f `cu qit+ f`itncr tnisent aflc ti nhl tnft crnfq ht ufq tnft `cu
qit unhan ufq foiwc tnc qit uncrc tnc Lcqqc`ecr ig Fkkfn ufq+ qi nc liwcd xct fefh`
ti f`itncr qit+ f`d tnc qflc tnisent aflc ti nhl foist tnft `cu qit fq uckk+ h` tnhq
ufx nc jct i` liwh`e gril i`c qit ti f`itncr fkk tnrisen tnc `hent `it uhqnh`e ti
qtf`d foiwc tnc frcf uncrc tnc Lcqqc`ecr ig Fkkfn ufq.

Uirjh`e ist tnc dcgh`hthi` ig Grcc Uhkk hq qilc unft khjc tnft+ tnft xis jcc i` liwh`e
gril i`c dcgh`hthi` ti f`itncr `it j`iuh`e unc` ti qti uhtn cfan dcgh`hthi` kiijh`e fq
wfkhd fq fkk itncrq.

, @it fq Qhlrkc fq ht frrcfq

frrcf q ti f` s`,cgkcath`e
s` ,cgkcath`e lh`d .

Fktnisen ht qis`dq fq hg ht hq qilctnh`e gfhrkx ls`df`c f`d qhlkc ti s`dcrqtf`d+ qilc

cikc lfx tnh`j tnft ht hq qhlkc ti tnc ih`t tnft tncx di`‘t cwc` rc aie`h}c ht unc` tncx
frc hlkclc`th`e grcc Uhkk h` tnchr tnisent ir dcahqhi` lfjh`e riacqq.

H` rcfkhtx+ tnc ai`act ig Grcc Uhkk hq gfhrkx ailkc~. Igtc` cikc uhkk rcfan f ai`aksqhi` h`
trxh`e ti s`dcrqtf`d ht+ ost tnc` qilctnh`e ckqc eicq tnrisen tnchr lh`d+ f`d tnc tnisent
riacqq hq tnriu` ofaj ti uncrc i`c qtfrtcd gril+ f`d xis trx fefh` ti s`dcrqtf`d ht h`
tnc ai`tc~t ig tnc `cu dhlc`qhi` tnft qsrgfacd rcac`tkx.

Ht hq f ailli`kx nckd Hqkflha Arccd unhan qfxq tnft Nslf` Och`eq frc Qscrhir ti F`eckq+
f` h`dhafthi` ig unhan hq ehwc` ox Eid‘q aillf`dlc`t ti F`eckq ti oiu diu` ti Fdfl
gikkiuh`e nhq arcfthi`.

Flirc itc`t lf`hgcqtfthi` ig tnhq qscrhirhtx hq c~kfh`cd h` tnc ockhcg tnft Nslf` Och`eq
sqc tnchr Eid ehwc` ehgt ig Grcc Uhkk ti aniiqc ti uirqnh Nhl ‑ H`dccd: Eid rfhqcq f`d
lfjcq lc`thi` ig uirqnhh`e ockhcwh`e nslf` och`eq ti tnc fqqclokx ig F`eckq gir tnhq
wcrx rcfqi`+ f`d i` qcahfk iaafqhi`q Eid hq qfhd ti dcqac`d ti tnc kiucqt frfdhqc ti
rcachwc rcwcrc`ac gril qsan nslf` och`eq unhan nc tnc` c~tikq h` gri`t ig tnc F`eckq.
F`eckq i` tnc itncr nf`d frc f arcfthi` unhan dicq `it iqqcqq Grcc Uhkk+ qi anihac hq `it
f gfatir h` tnchr uirqnh ig Eid.

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Qfccd Fodsk_fnhl c= u= nttr=))hqkflhauhqdil5.uidrcqq.ail)

ailkhf`t i`cq f`d tnc dhqiocxh`e i`cq+ f`d ht ufq i`c qsan h`gflisq `i`,ailkhf`t
Ec`hc j`iu` ox tnc `flc Hokccq uni sqcd nhq Grcc Uhkk ti frrieftc nhlqckg f`d dhqiocxcd
Eid ox rcgsqh`e ti oiu diu` ti Fdfl unc` h`qxtrsatcd ti di qi ox Eid.
Tnc dhggcrc`ac octucc` Qftf`‘q qtftsq h` Hqkfl f`d tnft ig itncr gfhtnq uncrc nc hq
tnisent ig fq f gfkkc` F`eck frhqcq dsc ti tnc gfat tnft unhkqt nc rcqhdcd h` frfdhqc f`d
khwcd fli`eqt tnc F`eckq+ nc ufq `cwcrtnckcqq ig f dhggcrc`t arcfthi` och`e f Ec`hc. 6

Dhwh`c f`d Nslf` Uhkk.

Ht uhkk oc sqcgsk+ hg ft tnc istqct+ uc akcfrkx qcc h` isr h` isr lh`dq tnc dhggcrc`ac octucc`
tnc tui Uhkkq+ i`c och`e tnc Dhwh`c Uhkk f`d tnc itncr och`e tnc Nslf` Uhkk.

H` tcrlq ig Dhwh`c Uhkk+ ht uhkk nck gsrtncr hg uc frc dcccr f`d kiij ft tnc dhggcrc`ac
octucc` Dhwh`c ‛Irdfh`lc`t“ f`d Dhwh`c ‛Rcrlhqqhi`.“ 

Ti irdfh` qilc tnh`e fq uc fkk j`iu+ lcf`q ti hqqsc f` irdcr. F`d+ hg Fkkfn Irdfh`q ht gir
qilci`c ti ockhcwc h` Nhl+ nfq tnft crqi`‘q Nslf` Uhkk eit f`x anihac9 H` tnhq qc`qc+
Grcc Uhkk nfq `i frt ti kfx h` uni uirqnhq Eid. Tnc Vsrf` qtftcq h` i`c ig qcwcrfk
wcrqcq dcfkh`e uhtn tnc qsomcat tnft ht hq s ti Fkkfn unil Nc Eshdcq ti Nhq ftn. ?

Ncrc uc qcc wcrx akcfrkx tnft ht hq s ti tnc Uhkk ig Eid uniqicwcr Nc uhqncq ti eshdc ti
nhlqckg+ nc`ac Eid hq wcrx lsan f dctcrlh`h`e gfatir h` dcahdh`e uni ectq nhq eshdf`ac+
Grcc Uhkk i` ht‘q iu` i` tnc frt ig nslf` och`eq hq`‘t tnc qikc arhtcrhf h` tnhq+ fq qilc
uiskd khjc ti ockhcwc.

Qi+ uni frc tniqc unil Fkkfn eshdcq9 Tncqc h`aksdc tniqc uni tsr` ti Nhl ockhcwh`e
h` Nhl f`d tncrcgirc tnhq hq uncrc Grcc Uhkk hq fkhcd uncrc i`c lfjcq f ai`qahisq
dcahqhi` ti tsr` ti Eid f`d ti tsr` ti Nhl h` tnc nic ig rcachwh`e nhq eshdf`ac+ f`d ht hq
qthkk f nic+ ocafsqc cwc`tsfkkx ht hq s ti Eid unil nc faactq fq nhq uirqnhcr, lsan
khjc unc` xis dcahdc fq xisr iu` rcriefthwc +uni uhkk oc xisr grhc`dq.

Lhrfakcq di nfc`+ f`d lf`x f` Fctnhqtq nfwc occ` orisent ti tnc ftn fgtcr f Whqhi`.

Ai`trfqth`ekx+ Uc qcc gril qilc itncr wcrqcq h` tnc Vsrf` tnft+ tniqc uni frc
s`girts`ftc ti tnc c~tc`t tnft tncx di `it ect Eid‘q eshdf`ac9 h`aksdc tniqc uni frc
s`msqt+ tniqc uni frc ehwc` ti uri`e dih`e f`d tniqc uni frc rcockkhisq trf`qercqqirq.

Tnsq+ Unhkqt Grcc Uhkk kfxq i`kx f frthfk rikc h` uirqnhh`e Eid+ Nslf` Uhkk i` tnc
itncr nf`d hq f Rrhlc Gfatir h` tnc tsr`h`e fufx gril Eid.

Dhwh`c ‛Uhkk“ f`d Dhwh`c ‛Uhqn“

F qtftclc`t tnft hq igtc` gis`d h` rckhehisq tc~tq fariqq dhggcrc`t rc khehi`q hq tnft
 ‛Unftqicwcr Eid Uhkkq nfc`q f`d unftqicwcr Nc dicq `it Uhkkq dicq `it nfc`“.

H tncrgirc ui`dcr hg Uhkk hq tnc rhent uird ti sqc unc` rcgcrrh`e ti tnc aillhqqhi` ig qh`q
ox cikc+ ocafsqc hg Eid Uhkkq cikc ti qh` tnc` niu af` nc s`hqn tncl9 Ai`gsqhi`
igtc` iaasrq unc` trf`qkfth`e tc~t gril i`c kf`esfec h`ti f`itncr rcqskth`e h` tnc kiqq ig 
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Oc`cghac`t f`d tnc Liqt Lcrahgsk f`d tnc Rrinctha dcqarh tnft Fkkfn kiwcq cikc
lirc tnf` f litncr kiwcq ncr `cu oir` `srqh`e anhkd.

Ai`trfqth`ekx+ tnc sqc ig tnc qflc uird Uhkk unc` sqcd h` f dhggcrc`t ai`tc~t f`d afrrxh`e
f dhggcrc`t lcf`h`e tnf` tnc foiwc s`dcrqtiid lcf`h`e ig Aillf`d f`d Irdfh`lc`t
fcfrq ti ai`wcx tnc lcqqfec airrcatkx unc` h` f`itncr wcrqc tnc Vsrf` sqcq tnc qflc
uird Uhkk ost tnhq thlc ht nfq occ` sqcd ti lcf` Anihac ir Grcc Uhkk rftncr tnf` f
Aillf`d ir f Ailskqhi`+ kcfwh`e cikc ti dcahdc uni uhkk ockhcwc f`d uni uhkk

H` tcrlq ig rctrhosthi`+ tnc Vsrf` akcfrkx qtftcq tnft H`dccd Fkkfn dicq `it uri`e
 cikc ft fkk: ht hq cikc uni uri`e tnclqckwcq 3+ h` tcrlq ig lhqgirts`c tnc Vsrf`
qtftcq tnft unftcwcr lhqgirts`cq ocgfkkq sq ht hq tnc ai`qcvsc`ac ig unft isr iu` nf`dq
nfwc qc`t fncfd ig sq f`d Fkkfn girehwcq lf`x ig isr qh`q 7

Dhwh`c ‛Uhqn“ rftncr tnf` Uhkk

H tncrcgirc ui`dcr+ hg uc aiskd `it di octtcr + tnft h` afqcq uncrc dhqockhcg f`d aillhqqhi`
ig qh`q tfjc kfac+ h`qtcfd ig sqh`e tnc uird Uhkk uc sqc h`qtcfd tnc uird ‛Uhqn“ ti
h`dhaftc Dhwh`c dhqkcfqsrc. Ocafsqc+ unc` uc sqc tnc uird Uhqn uc frc lcrckx h`dhafth`e
f dcqhrc rftncr tnf` qtfth`e f` iomcathwc+ f`d qi+ unc` uc uhqn+ uc frc c~rcqqh`e f
dcqhrc ig unft uc uiskd khjc ti qcc nfc` `it tnft uc nfwc f`x h`tc`thi` ig c`qsrh`e
tnft ht nfc`q. Niucwcr+ unc` uc ‛Uhkk“ gir qilctnh`e ti nfc`+ tnc` h` tnc `irlfthwc
qc`qc ig tnc uird uc frc dih`e lirc tnf` msqt uhqn+ ost frc ofajh`e tnft uhqn uhtn f`
hlkhcd h`tc`thi` ti chtncr gfahkhtftc ir afsqc tnft uhkk ti nfc`.

Niu igtc` di uc ncfr cikc qfx ‛In& H uhqn tnft qi f`d qi eicq fufx“+ f`d h` qilc
afqcq cikc uhkk ei ti ercft kc`etnq ti nhdc gril tniqc tnft tncx di `it uhqn ti qcc.
Ai`trfqth`ekx+ unc` uc uhqn gir qilci`c ti ailc f`d whqht sq+ tnc` uc di`‘t msqt uhqn gir
tnft ti nfc` ost uc ‛uhkk“ ht h` tnc qc`qc tnft uc tfjc qtcq ti h`whtc tnft crqi` f`d di
isr ocqt ti c`qsrc tnft tncx frc ailh`e.Dhwh`c Uhkk f`d Dhwh`c Uhqn uirj h` f qhlhkfr

Gir tniqc uni nfwc cfr`cd Eid‘q dhqkcfqsrc Nc lcrckx ‛Uhqncq“ gir tncl ti ei,fufx
uhtnist fatsfkkx afsqh`e tnchr qtrfxh`e. Niucwcr+ ti tniqc uni dcqcrwc tnc Erfac Nc
 ‛Uhkkq“ ht gir tncl ti oc drfu` tiufrdq nhlqckg f`d fatsfkkx hlkclc`tq tnft. Nc gfwisrq
tncl ox lfjh`e tnchr ftn tiufrdq Nhl cfqx h`whth`e tncl tnrisen rcwckfthi` ig 
Qarhtsrcq ir ox h`qhrfthi` ir fq h` tnc afqc ig Liqcq ox dhrcat ai`wcrqfthi`. 5

H` lf`x afqcq tnisen+ Dhwh`c ‛Uhkk“ hq tnc dctcrlh`h`e gfatir ox ufx ig f aillf`d+
dcarcc ir irdfh`lc`t fq h` tnc arcfthi` ig tnc aiqliq+ tnc fktcrfthi` ig tnc `hent f`d dfx+
tnc irohtfk liwclc`tq ig tnc qs`+ lii` f`d kf`ctq+ tnc anf`eh`e ig tnc ucftncr+ khgc f`d
Dcftn cta cta.

Dhwh`c Rcrlhqqhi`.

H qseecqt tnft cikc tsr`h`e ti Eid af` di qi h` i`c ig tui ufxq+ i`c ox Dhwh`c
Irdfh`lc`t+ f`d tnc ai`wcrqhi` ig Ilfr Oh` Jnfttfo ti Hqkfl f`d tnft ig Rfsk ti
Anrhqthf`htx frc afqcq h` ih`t. Oitn ucrc quir` c`clhcq ig tnchr rcqcathwc gfhtnq ocgirc
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Qfccd Fodsk_fnhl c= u= nttr=))hqkflhauhqdil5.uidrcqq.ail)

qccj tnc trstn tnft Nc h` Nhq Erfac Rcrlhtq f`d fkkiuq tncl ti ailc ti Nhl lfjh`e tnchr
Rftn tiufrdq Nhlqckg cfqx gir tncl. Tncqc cikc af` oc dcqarhocd fq tniqc uni sqcd
tnchr Grcc Uhkk ti faacqq Eid.

Hg Eid Rcrlhtq gir qilctnh`e ti nfc`+ oc ht f eiid fathi` ig f ec`tkc qisk ir f ofd
fathi` ig f lhqeshdcd qisk+ tnc` oitn nfc` ocafsqc ig f mih`t f`d aih`ahdc`tfk
iaasrrc`ac ig tnc Dhwh`c f`d Nslf` Uhkkq+ Dhwh`c uhkk h` Rcrlhtth`e ht ti nfc` f`d
nslf` uhkk h` c`dcfwisrh`e gir ht.

Dhwh`c crlhqqhi` hq cqqc`thfk h` irdcr gir f`xtnh`e ti iaasr+ unhkqt i` tnc itncr nf`d
nslf` uhkk f`d cggirt lfx `it fkufxq rcfan f dcqhrcd rcqskt.

Qisk ‑ @fgq

Tncrc frc lf`x+ lf`x qac`frhiq h` unhan Grcc Uhkk af` oc sqcd+ ost tnc dhrcathi`q h`
unhan ht hq sqcd f`d tnc istailcq rcqskth`e gril ht‘q clkixlc`t dcc`d fkliqt c`thrckx
i` tnc Vsfkhtx ig i`c‘q Qisk @fgq h` Vsrf`ha kf`esfec(. Tncrcgirc ocgirc uc dckwc gsrtncr
h`ti Grcc Uhkk ht uhkk oc sqcgsk ti s`dcrqtf`d unft Qisk hq f`d unft dhggcrc`t jh`dq ig Qiskq
frc uc khjckx ti c`ais`tcr.

Eid arcftcd nslf` och`eq uhtn lf`x gfaskthcq+ @FGQ och`e i`c ig tncl. Ec`crfkkx tnhq
tcrl @FGQ hq s`dcrqtiid fq lcf`h`e tnc Qisk ir tnc Qckg,Uhkk unhan ehwc sq isr wfrhisq
ric`qhthcq. Fkkfn hq tnc i`c uni nfq arcftcd isr @FGQ f`d Nc nfq fkqi quir` ox ht unhan
hq f` h`dhafthi` ig ht‘q qcrhisq `ftsrc+ gsrtncr+ tnft+ ht hq Nc uni nfq riirthi`cd ht+
h`qhrh`e ht uhtn ht‘q uhajcd`cqq f`d ht‘q rhentcisq`cqq. Tncrcgirc+ f`xi`c uni nfq
srhghcd ht nfq qsaaccdcd+ f`d f`xi`c uni h`qthkq ht uhtn airrsthi` nfq gfhkcd.>

Tncrc frc Tnrcc Jh`dq ig @FGQ.8

f( @FGQ,c,FLLF_FN. Okflcuirtnx @FGQQisk( unhan nfq tnc ric`qhtx ti `sdec sq

tiufrdq uri`e dccdq f`d cwhk tnisentq f`d fathi`q+ f`d ht hq tnhq jh`d ig @FGQ tnft
`ccdq ti oc jct s`dcr wcrx qtrhat ai`trik. Rrinct Xisqsg Miqcn( rcgcrrcd ti tnhq
kiucr qisk unc` nc fdlhttcd tnft nc aiskd `it titfkkx foqikwc nhlqckg gir ht @FGQ(
nc qfhd h`ahtcq ti cwhk. 62

o( @FGQ,c,KFUUFLFN. Tnhq hq tnc jh`d ig @FGQQisk( unhan hq fufrc ig tnc cwhk `ftsrc
ig tnc unhqcrh`eq ig tnc okflcuirtnx qisk+ hq ai`qahisq ig tnc `ftsrc ig cwhk f`d
rcaie`h}cq ht fq qilctnh`e ofd tnft nfq ti oc fwihdcd+ f`d hg ht gh`d‘q ht iqqcqqir
h`dskeh`e h` qsan tnisentq ir dccdq ehwcq rhqc ti qckg rcrifanh`e uhtnh` tnft h`dhwhdsfk
uhtn qh`acrc rcc`tf`ac+ f`d trhcq ti lfjc lc`dq h` nhq tnisent riacqqcq f`d
fathi`q+ f`d dsc ti tnhq cwcr rcqc`t dcqhrc ti rcc`t tnc crqi` trhcq ti rcfan
qfkwfthi`. Fkkfn cwc` qucfrq ox tnhq qckg,rcrifanh`e @FGQ h` irdcr ti fqqhe`
uchenth`cqq ti ht.66

a(@FGQ,c,LSTLF‘H@FN. Tnhq hq tnc ocqt f`d nhencqt jh`d ig @FGQ Qisk( unhan hq
qfthqghcd h` unftcwcr ht‘q Kird nfq irdfh`cd gir ht. Tnc qfthqgfathi` hq sqsfkkx qckg,
fqqsrcd+ ost ht af` fkqi ailc fq f Ehgt ig Lcrax gril Fkkfn uni hq qi kcfqcd uhtn ht‘q
`ftsrc tnft Nc h`whtcq ht f`d ht‘q iqqcqqir ti Rfrfdhqc 6?.
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F Ailrstc Eflc F`fkiex.

Unc` xis kiij ft f Ailstcr ir f` Frafdc eflc xis qcc tnft tnc F`fkxqt f`d
Rrierfllcrq nfwc tnisent ig fkk tnc wfrhisq iqqhohkhthcq f`d nfwc oshkt tncl h`ti tnc
eflc. Tnc erfnhaq+ tnc qis`d+ tnc aikisrq tnc dhqkfxq+ tnc hai`q f`d tnc kieha nfwc fkk
occ` ailrcnc`qhwckx rc,rierfllcd. Niucwcr+ dcqhtc tnhq ailrcnc`qhwc`cqq+ tncrc
hq qthkk f kfrec flis`t ig grccdil gir tnc kfxcrq. Tnc kfxcrq nfwc ti sqc tnchr iu` qjhkkq
f`d fohkhthcq unhan frc s`j`iu` gfatirq tnft aiskd `it nfwc occ` rcdhatcd ox tnc eflc‘q
dcqhe`crq. Unft tnc Rrierfllcrq nfwc di`c hq ti uirj ist fkk tnc iqqhokc ailoh`fthi`
f`d crlstfthi`q ig qjhkkq f`d fohkhthcq tnft kfxcrq lhent orh`e ti tnc eflc f`d tnc`
fqqhe` rf`jq faairdh`e ti f rc,qct arhtcrhf+ ost unft tnc Rrierfllcrq af``it rcdhat hq
uni uhkk kfx ft unft qjhkk kcwck. Tnsq+ fkk tnc frflctcrq f`d tnc arhtcrhf gir msdeh`e tnc
crgirlf`acq ig wfrhisq kfxcrq frc rc,dctcrlh`cd. Niucwcr+ `i kfxcr hq giracd ti kfx
h` f acrtfh` ufx fq cfan kfxcr uhkk orh`e f dhggcrc`t qjhkk kcwck ti tnc eflc.

Anfkkc`ecq frc fkqi oshkt h`ti tnc wfrhisq eflcq+ ost niu ti rcqi`d ti tniqc anfkkc`ecq hq
c`thrckx f lfttcr gir tnc kfxcr+ f`d ncrc fefh`+ tncrc hq `i nxqhafk aicrahi` i` f`x
kfxcr. Liqt eflcq uhkk fkqi nfwc oshkt h`ti tncl f rf`ec ig qjhkk kcwckq ti kfx ft unhan
h`arcfqh`ekx anfkkc`ec tnc kfxcrq+ fefh`+ ht hq s ti tnc Grcc Uhkk ig cwcrx kfxcr ti aniiqc
tnc kcwck ft unhan cfan i`c kfxq. Lf`x eflcq uhkk fkqi iggcr tnc anihac unctncr f kfxcr
uhqncq ti kfx qcwcrfkkx ir fq frt ig f tcfl ir cwc` aniiqc ti ailctc uhtn itncr kfxcrq
unhan fkqi hq kcgt ti tnc anihac ig cfan kfxcr.

Ft tnc c`d ig f eflc+ f ‛rikk ig ni`isr“ hq dhqkfxcd unhan qniuq niu uckk cfan kfxcr nfq
kfxcd tnc eflc+ cwc` tnhq hq `it dhatftcd ox tnc Irheh`fk Rrierfllcrq f`d F`fkxqtq f`d
hq qikckx ofqcd i` tnc crgirlf`ac ig cfan kfxcr.

F Liti Af F`fkiex.

Kiij ft tnc Liti Af+ Tnc Lf`sgfatsc nfq oshkt tnc Anfqqhq+ Ocfsthghcd ht uhtn ekcflh`e
Oidx uijq+ dcaiftcd ht uhtn ailgitfokc srnikqtcx+ Rst h` f` C`eh`c+ Riwhdcd tnc dfqn
Oifd uhtn f` he`hthi` qxqtcl tnft ts`q tnc c`eh`c unhan s`q i` gsck tnft ailcq h` gil f
gsck tf`j+ fddcd tnc ckcati`haq unhan ect c`cex gil f ofttcx+ qsrrkclc`tcd uhtn f nxohd
qxqtcl ig dsfk gsck. Tnc` riwhdcd ht uhtn f Qtcch`e Uncck unhan ts` tnc 4 uncckq ig tnc af.

Tnc af nfq fkqi occ` riwhdcd uhtn oitn+ f` Faackcfti f`d f Ocfj Rcdfk+ nhenkhenth`e tnc
anihacq fwfhkfokc ti aniiqc octucc` dhwh`e wcx+ wcx gfqt i ti cqtfh` tnc qrccd ox frrkxh`e
tnc ocfjq. Tncc och`e @i ailrskqhi` i` tnc dhwc ti aniiqc i`c ft tnc c~aksqhi` ig tnc itnc 
 octucc` tncqc tui rcdfkq+ nc nfq ti aniiqc faaidh`e ti nhq `ccdq f`d dcahdc i` tnc hent
 ofkf`ac octucc` tncl h` idc ti c`qsc f qfgc f`d c`mixfokc dhwh`e c~rchc`ac. Tnc Af 
Lf`sgfatsc nfq `i qfx h` niu cfan rcqi` uhkk dhwc tnc af tnft nc nfq lf`sgfatscd. Ht hq
tnc dhwc uni hq ocnh`d tnc qtcch`e uncck+ `it tnc Lf`sgfatsc.

Uhtn fkk tncqc tnh`eq nfwh`e occ` rc,lf`sgfatscd i Rc,Idfh`cd gi nhl+ tnc Dhwc qthkk
nfq Gcc Uhkk niu ti dhwc ht. Cwc` unc` f af hq sqcd+ i unctnc ht hq sqcd ft fkk hq fkqi `it
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Qfccd Fodsk_fnhl c= u= nttr=))hqkflhauhqdil5.uidrcqq.ail)

Unft hq niucwcr ‛urhttc` diu`“ gir sq frc Eid‘q aillf`dlc`tq tnrisen Nhq wfrhisq
qarhtsrcq rcwcfkcd ti sq gril thlc ti thlc tnrisen f qsaacqqhi` ig Rrinctq. Ncrc fkqi+ Rrinctq
frc eshdcq f`d ufr`crq `it nxqhafk c`giracrq. Tncx lfx kfx diu` tnc kfu f`d c`girac
s`hqnlc`tq s`dcr tniqc kfuq ost tncqc uhkk fkx i`kx ti tnc cikc uni ‛aniqc“ ti gikkiu tncl.

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