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Game-Based Learning

for Increased
Learner Engagement
Ride the Next Wave of Corporate Training 1
Table of Contents
Page No:

Introduction ....................................................................................... 3

Unit 1: Game-based Learning: The Magic Wand to Transform Online

Training ................................................................................................ 5

Unit 2: Play to Learn: Game-based Learning Adds More Than Fun to

Your Training ...................................................................................... 10

Unit 3: Game-based Learning Can Be the Twist in Your Training Tale .. 15

Unit 4: How to Plug Game-based Learning in Your Training ................... 20

Unit 5: Game On: Making a Case for Game-based Learning .................... 25

Conclusion ......................................................................................... 29 2
Game -Based Learning:
How Can It Work for You?
The one question that frequently pops up when discussing game-based
learning is ‘What is the difference between gamification and game-based
learning?’ The terms are often confused, so before we start, let’s try and
break it down so that the difference is clear.

Game-based learning is basically using games to enrich the learning

experience. Learners have to play a full-fledged, interactive game which is
the base for the course. Learning content is woven into the game.

It offers a rich, interactive experience that the learner can enjoy, while
learning effectively through a game and which he can keep coming back
to, repeatedly. Game-based learning provides an immersive experience
because of its narrative elements.

Gamification is the application of game mechanics such as points, levels,

and badges to the non-gaming context of learning. It uses a reward system
as its core context to motivate learners’ participation and encourages them
to learn. 3

Game-based learning can be a replacement for boring and obsolete

e-learning courses and may require starting course creation from scratch,
whereas gamification elements can be added to an existing course to
increase learner participation.

This e-book will talk about game-based learning and how you can use it to
transform your online training. Discover ways to add fun to your training
by infusing game-based learning in different training areas. And game-
based learning can enhance your training by adding an exciting element to
assessments, simulations, and scenarios.

Learn how you can plug game-based learning in your training and about
its benefits which will make you consider taking a positive step toward
implementing game-based learning in your organization. 4
Unit 1

Game-based Learning: The Magic

Wand to Transform Online Training 5
Game-based Learning: The Magic Wand to Transform Online Training

If you are agonizing over learner engagement in your e-learning courses,

then you need to look beyond your regular course design and add something
novel to make your courses more engaging. Game-based learning could be
the solution to garner engagement for your training content.

While a regular e-learning course may not score much on the engagement
factor, game-based learning can make your courses more interactive and
enjoyable, and consequently, more engaging. Let’s explore how game-based
learning can transform training both at the organization and employee

For Employees

Improves Learner Engagement

Games provide an interactive learning experience that actively engages
learners in the learning process.

Games require multiple intelligences for learning; they involve the linguistic,
intrapersonal, kinesthetic, and logical abilities of the learner. There is active
learning, where the learner is constantly seeing and doing something.

Games allow learners to experiment and provide opportunities for self-

expression. Learners get opportunities to interact, cause a reaction, and
experience failure in a safe environment while playing. This leads to the
emotional involvement of the learner, which leads to better learning and
retention. 6
Game-based Learning: The Magic Wand to Transform Online Training

Provides Psychological Pay-offs

While games engage learners, they also promote fun, self-esteem, and social
interaction. The learner can explore, build, collect points, solve problems,
strategize, don different hats, exercise his imagination, and of course win.
When learners win the game, there is a boost in self-esteem, especially when
it is a challenging one and this adds to the motivation factor.

As for social interaction, the scoreboards, messaging features, and multi-

player options allow players to interact with each other and make them
feel they are part of a common experience. Cooperative games encourage
peer-based learning, build a healthy competitive spirit among learners, and
promote teamwork and collaboration.

Aids Real-World Application of Skills &

Game-based learning places learners in virtual environments which mirror
the actual environment. In this virtual environment, learners work toward
a goal where they choose their actions and experience the consequences.

Learners can make mistakes in a risk-free setting and the opportunities

for experimentation allow them to learn and practice the right way to do
things. This keeps them highly-engaged and they are encouraged to apply
behaviors and thought processes that can be transferred from the simulated
environment to real life.

This aspect of game-based learning can be effective for training in military,

medicine, and business fields. It enables the acquisition of procedural and
strategic knowledge crucial to succeed in these fields. 7
Game-based Learning: The Magic Wand to Transform Online Training

Simplifies Complex Subjects

Complex concepts such as critical thinking, decision-making, debates, and
group discussion can be taught better through games. They can be used
to create a simulated environment where the learner experiences life-like
situations and based on his experience can master these complex topics.

Different types of games can be used for various types of training; simulation
games can be used for skills training while character-based games can work
well for soft skills or for imparting product and process knowledge.

Helps Provide Instant Feedback

The feedback in games in the form of scores, points, and reward
structures has a positive influence on learners. The feedback is instant and
personalized, which helps learners correct their mistakes. It helps them
achieve the learning outcomes when playing the game. They can measure
their progress and be an active part of the learning process. The feedback
also gives managers tools to assess the progress of the training.

For Organizations

Increases Learner Adoption and Retention

Learners are receptive to game-based learning and quickly adopt it because
of the motivation it provides. They can spot the connection between the
learning experience provided by the game and real-life work. The interactive
experience that game-based learning provides encourages them to actively
engage in the learning process. 8
Game-based Learning: The Magic Wand to Transform Online Training

Traditional, passive training including a non-game-based e-learning course

is designed to teach and then test the learners on the content of the course.
Even if the learner retains the facts and procedures in the lesson, his behavior
in true-life situations is not tested.

This is possible through game-based learning where not only the facts are
taught but there are opportunities to understand abstract principles that
help them retain more and perform better in their jobs.

Works for a Multi-Generational Workforce

Games appeal to learners of all ages. Using game-based learning can work
for a multi-generational workforce simply because the complex problem-
solving tasks that are a part of it engross learners, irrespective of age. It
cuts through distractions and engages the learner in ways very few teaching
methods can.

Improves Multiple Skill Sets

Games can improve the skill sets of employees at various levels; from
improving basic eye-hand co-ordination skills to complex ones such as
problem-solving, strategic thinking, and social skills. Employees experience
learning by doing and experiential learning through game-based learning.

It is Cost-Effective
Though the general view is that game-based learning can be expensive, it
is not. Technology has made rapid advances; tools and software required to
develop these games are available widely and are less expensive.

Organizations can buy game templates and customize them. The cost
depends on the complexity and levels of play, but the results of creating a
highly-interactive and engaging training solution is worth the investment.

With so many benefits to offer, game-based learning meets the expectations

of learners in providing an engaging learning experience. 9
Unit 2

Play to Learn:
Game-based Learning Adds
More Than Fun to Your Training 10
Play to Learn: Game-based Learning Adds More Than Fun to Your Training

Instructional designers are looking at game-based learning to make courses

more interesting to learners, given the spike in levels of engagement. Let us
see how game-based learning can add the fun element and invigorate three
common training areas across organizations.

1. Compliance Training

Mention compliance training and the immediate image that comes to

learners’ minds is a boring activity or a ‘check-the-box’ exercise they are
reluctant to do. Why not use game-based learning? This will generate
curiosity and keep them engaged throughout the training.

Repetition is no longer boring: One grudge learners have against

compliance training is that it is a repetition of the same rules. Learners
react with an “Oh! We already know this.” and do not pay any real attention
and fail to remember the rules. But turn this repetition into a game, and
the results are remarkable.

Games that require players/learners to execute a series of steps (which

can be the rules they should follow) will help them master the rules
when they play the game repeatedly. This actually helps them remember
the information, because they are exposed to it a number of times. The
difficulty levels of rules can escalate as they progress through the game.

Learn in a risk-free environment: Game-based learning can help you

recreate real-life simulations of hazardous situations learners may be
exposed to, in the course of their work. For instance, if employees have to
be taught how to react in case of a fire in the premises, the situation can be
recreated in the form of a simulation. 11
Play to Learn: Game-based Learning Adds More Than Fun to Your Training

Making this simulation part of a game will pique the learner’s interest and
allow him to practice, experience, and interact in this environment, and
take decisions, without worrying about the consequences of his actions. He
can experiment with his reactions till he gets a perfect score in the game,
which incidentally will help him learn the right steps to take in case the
scenario plays out in real life.

Games can be in the form of scenarios that mimic the real world or real-
world challenges. For instance, in a course on IT security, when the learner
is playing a scenario-based game, if his response is wrong, he will become
aware of the consequences and through the feedback he receives, will
remember not to commit the mistake again.

Exposing learners to interactive games based on simulations and scenarios

will help them retain the information better. And the added benefit is
compliance training is transformed into an engaging learning experience.

2. Product Sales Training

Game-based learning can be leveraged for product training to help sales

reps. When a new product is launched, sales reps will have to learn about its
specifications, operations, and technology, which they must absorb before
they meet their next client.

Reps will cram this information from handouts, PDFs, or PowerPoint

decks. But how much of it will they actually retain? Chances are, they will
remember little unless this knowledge is reinforced.

Games can be a better way to learn about the product and industry. Strategies
such as spaced repetition or feedback loops can be linked to the design of 12
Play to Learn: Game-based Learning Adds More Than Fun to Your Training

the game. This will help sales reps remember the information, even if they
play the game for just a few minutes each day.

The game play helps them retain important information. When the product
and technical knowledge is especially complex, sales reps appreciate the
fact that games help them learn and remember.

The sales field is by nature competitive, and sales reps appreciate the
competitive element in their learning. They will welcome games with
leaderboards; they can be given points for best grasp of product knowledge,
procedures, and selling skills.

In sales training, game-based learning provides a risk-free environment to

learners where they can experiment with different approaches for interacting
with a customer through scenarios designed in a game. Negotiation skills
and activities that have consequences are best taught through game-based
scenarios, where learners get to experience the after-effects in a risk-free

3. New Hire Training

Regular induction or new hire training usually means subjecting new

hires to a series of PowerPoint presentations. These are lengthy and time-
consuming and it is doubtful the new hires absorb any knowledge and
actually become ‘job-ready’.

But when this training is game-based, it instantly appeals to new hires of

different ages. The new recruits are better able to understand subjects ranging
from company policies to the organizational structure and functions. Apart
from this, leaderboards, rewards, and scoring systems make the training
engaging, enjoyable, and effective. 13
Play to Learn: Game-based Learning Adds More Than Fun to Your Training

For a client who wanted an engaging induction training course, we designed

a game-based course with a virtual campus of the organization as the
background. The aim of the course was to give new hires an overview of the
company and its different departments. The new hires were introduced to the
campus through different buildings.

Once they click the first building, the CEO’s room appears where they get to
meet the CEO who gives a welcome message (in the form of a video). Learners
then progress to the next level by clicking the second building where they learn
about the company’s vision, mission, goals, and business objectives.

The result was the new hires learned about the company when playing the

When choosing game-based learning for the different training needs in

your organization, remember that a balance between fun and learning
should be maintained while the content should be combined with strong
game mechanics. This will ensure that the content sticks with the learner. 14
Unit 3

Game-based Learning Can Be the

Twist in Your Training Tale 15
Game-based Learning Can Be the Twist in Your Training Tale

Game-based learning is rapidly becoming popular in corporate training.

We will look at three learning activities that can be made fun and engaging
through games.

1. Assessments

2. Scenarios

3. Simulations

1. Assessments (Pre and Post )

Assessments, both before (pre) and after (post) a training course are
important to gauge the knowledge levels of the learners. While pre-
assessments help measure the level of knowledge the learner has so that he
can be steered toward a personalized path in his learning, post assessments
help determine how much he has actually learned through the course.

Standard assessment procedures can be tedious; learners look for something

beyond the usual single-select, multiple-select, drag and drops, matching, or
drop down lists. This is where game-based assessments can make a change.

Game-based assessments can accelerate learning by engaging learners and

reinforcing knowledge. Games included in assessments make the learner
move away from taking an objective stance and urge him to apply his skills
and knowledge. 16
Game-based Learning Can Be the Twist in Your Training Tale

Pre-assessments in the form of quizzes, puzzles, or mini games will help

assess how much the learner knows about the subject. The games for pre-
assessment can have rankings such as basic, intermediate, and expert
which will help the learner understand where he stands and decide on the
course he has to take next.

As for post-assessment, maze-like games can test the learner’s knowledge.

With the right answers, he progresses toward the end of the maze. Skill-
based games test the learner on the specific skills he has acquired. He can
practice these skills in a virtual safe-environment while testing his progress.

For example, a treasure-hunt style assessment can be used in safety courses

where learners have to identify all unsafe zones/equipment in a given area
– complete with hints and points.

Feedback should be provided to learner responses for both pre and post
assessment games. It is important to explain the correct or incorrect choices
made by them. This will help them understand the implications of their

Gamified assessments can also be standalone – hosted on the LMS and

assigned to learners periodically to gauge retention and offer needed

Assessments for Curriculum Courses

Assessments in curriculum courses are important to help learners progress
from one course to the next. Formative and summative assessments are an
integral part of assessments in curriculum courses.

For formative assessments, a memory game can help learners recall

what they have learned through matching of text, images, or even sounds.
Games where the learner has to demonstrate his knowledge by dragging
and dropping text or images in the relevant categories will reinforce his
knowledge. 17
Game-based Learning Can Be the Twist in Your Training Tale

As for summative assessments, scored games can engage the learner in

the assessment process. This game called Trivia Time, based on a familiar
board game which consists of MCQ questions, is made interesting because
the learner moves up or down the board, based on the die cast by him. He
draws a card based on the number and progress depends on the answer.

2. Scenarios

Game-based scenarios can be used to create an immersive experience for

the learner. When the learner plays the game, he relates to the situation by
putting himself in the scenario or connecting with the characters in the

Scenarios can be of great value to teach decision-making skills. These

scenarios can place learners in a particular situation and they get to choose
a specific course of action. These scenarios can mirror real life situations
that the employees may face at work.

Scenario-based assessments help learners apply the knowledge they have

gained. Giving the learner plenty of options will help him weigh all the
choices that can help him take decisions in real-life situations. 18
Game-based Learning Can Be the Twist in Your Training Tale

3. Simulations

Simulations help learners build and test hypotheses on how to execute a

process, follow rules, or learn an application. They are useful when you want
to train learners on executing a software application, using complicated
machinery, or the safety measures to be followed in hazardous areas.

These simulations will give learners a chance to interact with a situation

they could possibly face in the course of their actual jobs. When these
simulations are part of a game-based learning experience, learners get a
chance to try out different responses to a situation and receive actionable
feedback immediately so that they eventually learn the correct course of

It can be so designed that learners are required to mimic the steps they
would perform in the real world. This saves hours of expensive, live training.
Simulations provide a safe method to practice what would be too costly or
harmful in a real-world situation while engaging the learner. 19
Unit 4

How to Plug Game-based Learning

in Your Training 20
How to Plug Game-based Learning in Your Training

Many organizations are eager to jump on the game-based learning

bandwagon but forget that the lack of knowledge on implementing the
initiative the right way can make it a failure. The main reasons behind
failed attempts at game-based learning are either poor design or non-
alignment with business goals. This can be avoided if you follow the right

Tips to Design Effective Games

Know Your Objective

When designing an e-learning course, it is crucial to know your objective,
the same applies to game-based learning. You should know whether the
learning objective of the game is to help your learners acquire a new skill,
gain knowledge, or bring about a change in behavior and attitude, or if it is
a combination of the three. This will determine the content and design of
the game.

For instance, if you want to teach certain terminology, you can have a
crossword puzzle where learners can learn the terms by solving the puzzle.
Similarly, for safety training, when learners have to be taught certain rules,
a simulated game where they have to spot the right equipment will help
them learn.

You must also know the business objective you are trying to achieve through
the initiative: is it to achieve your sales goals, improve customer service, or
improve the quality of your deliveries? Knowledge of these facts will help
align the game activity with the business objectives. 21
How to Plug Game-based Learning in Your Training

Make the Focus should be

Game Relevant on Learning
The game content and design has It is very easy to get carried away
to be relevant to the audience. The by the design of the game such
game and rules should be aligned as using more action, sounds,
with the topic. For instance, in complex scoring methods, or
order to teach terminology, a background for your game that
treasure hunt will not work but a you miss the main objective
jumbled word game will be ideal. – which is to help learners
retain important information.
Learners need to have activities Focusing on design turns the
in the game that are related to learner’s attention away from
their learning material and their the knowledge and skills he is
job. The game should highlight supposed to acquire from the
important points or learning game.
bytes and give opportunities to
practice this knowledge, for better
retention. Make Game-Based
Learning Part of a
Provide Learners a Blended Curriculum
Unique Experience Implementing only game-
A game-based learning experience based learning for your training
creates learning pathways for may not work; the better option
individual learners. This ties up is to use it as part of a blended
with the learner’s need to take training strategy, where the
decisions that will determine games will cover a specific
the course of the game. This will knowledge or skill.
make the experience attractive
to the learner. To make it useful, Games can work well as a
feedback should be provided at the reinforcement tool; the game
right time so that learners know can introduce the topic which
what is right, and the reasons for will be covered later in the
it. This should help in reinforcing course. They can also be used
learning. as standalone assessments. 22
How to Plug Game-based Learning in Your Training

Ways Games can be Included

in an E-learning Course

Use Existing Games

Games can be created using the framework of
games that already exist. The advantage of this is
it takes lesser time to create since the framework
can be adapted to meet the learning objectives.
Another advantage is that learners are already
familiar with the rules and know how to play the

The use of something familiar will help learners quickly adapt and learn.
Here is a screen grab of a quiz, built on the lines of a popular game which is
used to teach learners about the basics customer service.

Create Customized Games

Customized games are tailored to meet the specific training needs of
organizations and can be designed to better meet your learning objectives.
These games can be conceptualized based on the topic, learner profile, and
learning environment. They can be designed based on company-specific
curriculum to achieve the desired learning outcomes.

To do this, businesses can take the help of in-house game design experts
or outsource it to those with the required expertise. There are gaming
platforms available that can create games with the content that is provided. 23
How to Plug Game-based Learning in Your Training

Immersive Games
Games can be created to provide an immersive learning experience to
learners by providing them an opportunity to locate the information
themselves. This will work better if the game components are similar to the
real-life responsibilities of the trainee.

For example, in sales training, the trainees can be given certain goals such
as targets to achieve or number of prospects to convince. This will create
involvement. 24
Unit 5

Game On:
Making a Case for
Game-based Learning 25
Game On: Making a Case for Game-based Learning

The benefits of game-based learning in corporate training cannot be

disputed with every research study in favor of it; moreover, it promotes
engagement and long-term learning.

Despite the favorable reviews, companies think twice before deciding to use
game-based learning for their online training initiatives. The reasons are
the cost implications of implementing game-based learning, doubts about
where it can be put to use and its suitability for adults. We will dispel these
notions and give credible reasons for you to make a convincing business
case to your top management.

Things to Include

Cost Implications
Many organizations tend to believe that including game-based learning in
their courses will increase the cost of the e-learning course substantially; this
is far from the truth. Technology has advanced so much that the software
required to develop these games are available and at a low cost. You can buy
readily available game templates and customize them according to your

Authoring tools come with these templates and additional features that
makes developing game-based learning easy and cost effective. A reputed
custom e-learning solutions provider will be able to help you use game-
based learning effectively for your training needs. 26
Game On: Making a Case for Game-based Learning

Applicability Doubts
Another area of doubt businesses have about game-based learning is its
applicability in different training areas. Many presume that game-based
learning would be suitable only for developing motor skills. This is not the
case, in fact without expanding your budget and time, games can be created
for various training purposes. They can be used for new hire training, sales
training, soft skills training, or process training.

Different types of games can be created based on the training purpose,

character-based games work well for process, product, and soft skill training
while simulation-based games work for sales training. Mini games and
puzzles can be used to teach learners about important terminology, recall
information, or test their knowledge.

Suitability for Adult Learning

There is a common misconception that game-based learning is more suitable
for children than adults, and games being just fun and a distraction from
work. You can rest assured that games promote problem-solving abilities in
adults and are effective in engaging them to learn.

Games can be created to cater to different adult learning styles – visual,

auditory, or kinesthetic. They can be fashioned to cater to more than one
learning style.

Games can be designed for individual learning paths, be personal, and

speak at the learner’s level while motivating him to complete the game. This
will help employees complete tasks, retain information, and apply what they
have learned in their work.

These benefits can convince businesses to implement game-based learning

in their online training but the catch is, it has to appeal to learners as well. If
the games are designed to meet the expectations of your learners, they can
succeed in their objective. 27
How to Design Games that
Appeal to Learners ?

Offer Instant Feedback Present Challenges

Playing games requires taking split- There is no doubt that games
second decisions, the learner has to present a challenge to the learner
respond immediately and his actions but the level of difficulty has to
are his responses to the challenges gradually increase when playing
posed in the game. It is important the game. In the initial stages,
that immediate feedback is given to the learner needs to get used to
the learner. playing the game but after this,
he needs to be presented with
Take care to avoid the usual ‘you are
challenges so that he does not lose
right or wrong’ but explain why he got
interest in the game.
the right answer or why he did not.
This will not only add interactivity
to the game but also provide an
opportunity for self-assessment,
correction, and reinforcement.

Ability to Lose and Get a Second Chance

In game-based learning, the learner should be allowed to make mistakes so
that he can learn from them. This means that a bad score in a quiz should
not stop all chances of the learner trying again. A better option is to give
the learner scenarios where he gets a chance to improve and is motivated to
start again and improve his performance. The game design should inspire
him to rethink his understanding and not give up easily.
When making a business case for game-based learning, include these
elements to make a convincing and strong case for your management. 28
Game-based learning is fast catching up in the training circles and is
considered the next wave in online training. It throws up exciting possibilities
for different training areas and has the potential to add to excitement and
actually urge learners to complete their training course.

It offers options to infuse creativity into your instructional design strategies.

There are numerous ways to plug game-based learning in your training to
inspire your learners. With advances in technology, the future looks much
more exciting for game-based learning with possibilities of creating better
interactive and immersive experiences for learners.

We hope this e-book gave you an insight into how game-based learning can
transform your training into something exciting and consider ways to ride
on this next wave of training. 29
expect-of-elearning 30
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