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THE INFERNAL TEXTS NOX & Tae Covus| rel STEPHEN SENNITT Copyright© 1997 & 1998 by Stephen Sent All rights reserved. No att ofthis book, in parton whole, may be Teproduced, transmitted. or utleed, in any form oF By any meat, ‘ironic or mechanical inudng photocopying recoding ot a fration storage and cetieval system, thot permission ih writing from the publi, except fr bref quotations in eel artis, Books andrews International Standard Book Number 156184.234.6 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 204112983 First Eition 1997/1958 Logos Pres ‘Second Revised Eston 2004 New Falcon Publications The paper used inthis publication meets the minimum requiements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Pape for Printed ibrary Materials 23948-1984 Address all inquires to Naw Farcow Ponsrearions 173) East Broadway Road #1277 Tempe AZSSHZUSA. () 5 Fast Charleston Biv, #204286 Las Vegas, NV910E USA, website: itpsloew.nevefalconcom ‘infoBnewfalcon.som ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword 7 Nox Acknowledgements Unleash the Beast! ‘The Order of Nine Angles “Satanism ts Essence and Meaning ‘Satanism, Blasphemy and the Black Mass ‘The Stan Mase Hermetic Rituals S TheRiteof Nine Angles ‘The Approach of the Dak Gods Loveraft andthe Dak Gols Opening a Star Gate wo the Dark Gods ‘The Werewolf Order "The Frontline ofthe Demonic Revolution Aare You a Werewoi?) Us vs. Them Seite Ratio Werewoit Nameless Sodality ‘Voodoo Meat ‘The 23 Curent ‘Me Cut of Revival i" We ofthe Black Star Liber Koth Acknowledgemet Dedication Introduction tothe First Edition: Shadowing Forth ‘The Formulation of the Shadow Liber Koth About the Author/Editor 9 2 93 10 101 9 FoREWORD ‘Te volume you ae now reading was originally published as wo separate limited edition (Liber Koth and Nax: The Black Boot) by Logos Press in 1997 and 1998, respectively. However, the genesis of both volumes extends back to the 1980's In 198 athe age when most young people ae geting thee fist. job, or heading out for thir fit semester al university. 1 self- published a smal, quarterly journal entitled NOX, The idea was 12 Ealgamte the then-current fad for Chaos Magic with ideas found inthe works of Kenneth Grant, H.P Lovecraft, Austin Osman Spare, tnd others similarly creatively disposed tothe "dark side” of the ‘ovale To ny suprise, NOX was wel received i amos al quarters fnd led on to my acgusintance with, and in some cases, doing Magickal Workings with, most ofthe "Names in the ocult fl the time (and ever since) such as Ray Shervin, Pil Hine, Dave Lee, Lionel Sn, Joel Biroeo, “Mouse”, Genesis P.Oridge, John Halance, “Anton Long”, Nikols Schreck, and many others more or less as prominent and brilliant in their own specifi felds—and most al of them became contributors to NOX. 'Moce significantly yet, I also mot Peter Smith, then-U.K. representative of The Esoteric Order of Dagon: an event fated (0 flee me to authenti "Lovecraften” Magick ints purest sense and Ultimately, to have led to the "receving” of Liber Kosh trom its [venancein the Pits ofthe Yuggothian Outer Spheres So it comes to pass thatthe book you now hold in your hands represents snl, bt fi, presentation of ideas ad research fom Narlous proups-either centrally organised, ike the Order of Nine ‘Atle, loosely amalgamated bythe indivduals and small groups {ve refered to as "The Nameless Sodality"—who in one way or ttle have been connected with myself or NOX magarin over he yuan at there word of warning The Infernal Texts bictions which alee the unwary reader to thee and the O.N.A (lo which the editor chil writer and pub, ‘this book donot necessarily subscribe) might dict any ite isations in question, and not othe aforementioned editor, ishers. Those whe instead wish to make genuine ing the EOD and ater sections writen by myseit (email communications are invited to. ‘Stephon Semin@virginct — Stephen Seni, September 2004 INFERNAL TEXTS 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS All O.N.A. materi is copyright Aton Long andlor O.N.A. and used by permission. “Satanism, Blasphemy ad the Black Mass” fist appeared in Nox #2, July 1986; “Satanism—s Essence and Mean ing" and “The Rite of the Nine Angles” first appeared in Nox #3 Nov. 1986; All thee “Dark Gods” articles fire appeared in The Lamp Of Poth in ssues18, 19 & 25, respectively. The rest are from the ONA's Book of Wyrd. ‘All Werewolf Order materia is copyright Nikolas Schreck and used by permission, "Radio Werewol? fst appeared in Both the Ones, 1989; “Seth?” rst appeared in Dark Doctrines The Nox Anthology, Stephen Sent (E4199 NB All the following articles are copyeight “the individual uth?” and ured with permission except those marked "*, in which tery effon was made to contact the author in question to nova “The Michael Berti acle was fist publisbed in The Lamp of That issue #21 & #22. The 23 Curent by Peter Smith Fist appeared as “Editorial” in Fragments 2, 1991 ‘The Cult of Revival" fist appeared in Khobs #4, 1988. “The Sign ofthe Old Ones” by Stephen Dziclewice and “The Grey Rite fet appeated in The Black Obelisk Vol 2 #1, 1998 “The Howling” by Phil Hine fist appeared in Nox #6, 1988. The Rite of the Black Sta" by "Nergal” fist appeared in Instrument Vo. 8.83 “The centre pats ae copyright “the individual artist” and used with permission: pe, 79 Bean Ward, pe. 80 Mick Lyons, pg. Samuel Adkins, pp. 82 Carina Van Der Snee, pg. 83 Peer Smith eB Peter Smith, pg, 85 unknown, pg. 86 Alistair Campbell Liber Rosh header & cover, Steen Senne. UNLEASH THE Beast! ‘Welcome, dear reader, t9 NOX, an amhology of tulydnfema Texas on the csting-edge of moder sinister occas! “The first section comprises a representative selection of wans- ressve essiys fom the satanic Order ofthe Nine Angles: undoubs Ea the most controversial of Hermetic groups in modern times, Srnose notorious allegiance to ultt-Righe Wing organisations has been recently documented by the anisNazi magazine Searchlight (April 198), The OA, continues to exert a baleful inuence from its underground lair somewhere in the Welsh borders, surviving ike Hider ints bunker a the Allied Forces ofthe Stats Quo close int beard the Bea in aie leasing this Beast was what Nikolas Sehveck's Werewolf ‘Order as al bout! Seaton Two presents sampling ofthe lean thropie philosophy which outlines Schreck's plans for Feral-Man's rise iowards world domination. Are you a werewolf? Read on ‘The thind, and final, part showcases sees af essays by a lose ‘configuration of serious Left Hand Path Occultsts with a back [round ina variety of disciplines, groups and orders—but with one fou in sight the restoration ofthe True Gnois. I've termed this ever volving, ever mutating, configuration of individual thinkers, The Nameless Soaliy — Stephen Sennit (Editor, September 1998 ‘THe ORDER oF NINE ANG “4 SSxanist Ins ESSENCE AND MEANING Satanism may be suid to possess two main themes: the Dark “Tradition concerning the Dak Gods together withthe Sepenary 5} tem, and opposition tothe organied religion ofthe Nazarene. “radional Seana despise the religion ofthe Nezrene and for centuries have waged a war agunstt, They see it s a negation of those instincts that urge conquest viaiy, exploration and know fge: It had inverted al natural values and set evolution back many ‘ousande of years. Yet Satanism is much more than simply 8 rejec ‘on ofthis comapt and disgusting religion. First and mos importantly, Satanism is a means whereby ind viduals may enhance ther own evolution by developing ther latent ables thee vitality, perosption, cnsciousbss and knowledge a Wells their Occult facafties, and such a Way or method is organized Tor the benefit of individuals over centres. Traditional Satanist froups, Orders or Adept ae nt ata eopeered about numbers, do hot poseytze and concem themselves very litle with "tual romp Ings ofthe kind the media love ‘Second, Satanisin encourages through the members and asoei- stes at groups and Orders and through the distribution or its teach ings those forme —be they transient or otherwise—which nay be sid to expres atlas to some extent the tenets of Sutanist philoso Diy. In ts way, Satanism encourages the evolution of our species, Since it isa fundamental axiom of Satanist philosophy that every individual possesses the potenti! to be divine, to achieve far more than they ever elie ‘Satanism as way of life combines two elements, which most people assume are contradictory insight and ruthlessness. Insight ferves from self-understanding snd knowledge; ruthlessness i an tttude of mind arising when a strong il is combined with a def rite and tangible goal. Most people tay—parly asa result of cen tures of Nazarene infuence~are weak willed, apathetic and ack the Conquering spit aswell as possessing ite insight I is quite easy {o be ruhless~but tobe ruthless witht insight and understanding is the beginning of stupidity. Insight ite isthe begining of wis ‘doin and as is origin in personal experience. Part ofthe reason for following the Dark pat, of entering the ‘Abyss or taking up Left Handed vaditions of magic, ist exper 6 Nox ce from witi hse infer errs which anand fen do tine insight an ineasedconsiounes although ts fen ong Suan combines the experienc of the Abyss ih many eer experiencesjyful,teiying and perplexing and fom them shows ow the individual, by combining with hem Knowledge can tcl ame ing aie aanism often regards itself ts soperior to other traditions ‘ecase it combines seh calvation of epercne by ften danger ous meats th the evelopment of wil a iy. fits ian escent uon! Satan sey feet from he ace iage—ubich mony concentra on ay tual” paces and nvohatons fo te Devils well gate sine from the varios selfs Satnist groupr which owtish {ody These later groupe are mony cover fr inulgenceof quia ste a sexual o monetary nate std wile wig same ofthe ap. pings or Satan piso, do nothing fre veo and do Tle wo enkance the longer iaty oftheir coher They mos certainly do not posses any etter Knowledge and have no ees in creating fom the power ofthe Atys he et ge of haan tolition The same, to's lester ete applies the “Church of Satan which once ours Ameria" ds nt ad never ee ossessed nay way the esene of Satanism and emt ocom Sree te plese pice which mi ao a “The essence of Satanism les in its Alcheny—the seven-old wa) 10 te ie: the etn of nw nd ain ew Species, Satanism detest the religion ofthe Navarene Bocuse ‘aks te india impotent inthis ie where Suanin egrdh this ite as an opprunty. nt piven spin, to each up towed he greatness ofthe gas We repo say hit ae lind by pene cet th realy of ts fact The sevenfold way i ifialtand dangerous; but beaus of this itis testing nd through shades can produce praoun ‘change. = a Yeelenien — Anton Long Nor SaTANtsM, BLASPHEMY AND THEE BLACK MASS In one important respect Satanism may be regarded as cath sis—a means whereby individuals may divest themselves of those limiting roles tat are often (but not alway) the ereaton ofthe eos ff the society in whic the indvival nd themsves. "Thus, i the past thousand years or so in Western Europe the most important Satanic itl wat the Black Mass simply because the hos which outwardly ruled was the organised religion of the Nazarene. However, where Satanism hasbeen grealy misunderstood isin the reaon for this ct of ears, particularly snce the genuine [Back Mass bears only a superficial resemblance 1 the “Black Mas deseibed by various wrier and “authors” over the ast five hun tied years oso, ‘Sutanim represents, on 2 fundamental level, dhe dark aspect of the individual and by Kenting with this, the individual is enabled, by th transformation that results, to complete the Great Wark whose Itainmeat is the gol ofthe Adept. This Great Work is simply the eatin of «new individu and this new type, by virtue ofthe path fotlowed, often inspites in others a certain terror (Nietzsche's “The ‘Anti-Christ: “He hs rather been the most feared." OF couse, his Left Handed path is dificult and dangerous, and failure results because the person journeying along the path inisunderstands how the dark forces may be approtched. manipulated and most impo. tantly integrated to enable an identification beyond both good and bil as these terms ae commonly understood. That 8, those who fall In thei quest alone this path (and Gilles de Rais is 4 good example) tdoso because they accep fundamentally the dichotomy of “good” fd “evil” whereas no sch tiageusts Within the cosmos except as {projection ofthe mind ‘Satanic catharsis essentially blasphemy, but one ordered and witha definite sim-it results from an individual will channelled by ‘eonsclous understanding. Is this application of will which marks the wensne Staistfom the imitation or faire. ASatans revels in Titethe files find themselves tapped by theit own conscious desires which they do not have he intligence to understand nor the will ies. Blasphemy i only effective if itis, fistly a genuine shork and reason to those valves which though acceped are often uncon Iinunlyseceped, and sevonly an aprecaton of the pose and 8 Nox Mass which in its unexpurgated version represents @ shocking bit in “La Bas,” is enervating. True Satanic opposition produces the adversary, : ee broken free of constraining opposites, ae 2 Nor 1” foster such uncovering by blasphemous ries and individual guid ‘nce. Beyond such uncovering, conventional magick, and ritual i fel, ceases, replaced by the profoundetermpuhy. What CG. Jung «alled“ingiviuaton” i similar this empath, but individuation is itself only a beginning. Satanie Orders eahance evolution ie the majority of peaple slp earfl of such infernal errors. — Anton Long ‘Tae Satanic Mass Participants THE MASTER: in black robes MISTRESS OF EARTH in sire robes, CONGREGATION: in Black Robes ‘Temple Preparation: > The Altar is covered with black cloth on whichis woven an inverted pentagram, Bebind the alter i 4 fll-length fot banner black symbol in a white circle on aed background, On the Ata lies 4 crystal shaped like atevahedron. Incense of Satu to be burned Sind purple candles used. The Master and the Mistess of Earth stand fn fron of the alter, with the congregation in a hal-cicle behind them, “The Mistress signifies the begining of the situa by vinging the bell nine times (Note on the ritual, which follows: The Satanic Mass has taken ‘over fom the Black Mass in most Satanist groups within the lst fe ‘ecades Iti, n these groups, the most often performed Ceremonial Ritual. The Sstinic Mass, following tadion will shock most people today just atthe Black Mas shocked earlier generations. Genuine Sataiste seek balance within change and itis in this sense hat The Satanic Mase isto be understood, Those who cherish the restrictions ofthe present age—and many do unconsciousiy—should read no further) OO lr 2 Nor The Mass: The Master tus othe congregation, ves wth his ight Roman sate std sys et The Law is of our breaking!" ALL: "Hail, Avenger MASTER: “Blessed are the Pure of Blood for th Masten Pure of Blood for they shall be ALL: "Blessed are the Pre of Blood.” MISTRESS OF EARTH: “Blessed are the Warton inherit the Earth, : a ALL, "Bleed are the Wario MASTER: "Blessed are the noble for they shall ater the Gos!" ALL: "Blessed are the noble who wil father the Gs!" MISTRESS: "Blessed are the women who bec ALL: "Blessed are women who breed!” MASTER: "May the spirit and greatnes of Kuli the dest forever with you, ot ALL: "AS they re with you." MISTRESS: “Let us emer in silence ou iatlen Commd their memory live Ten thousand years. 7 (Alt now give brief Roman Salute) {he Master now intone, inthe key of A the st Enc wile the cogreaton dance coke th Hymn he Got sponses.) =o MASTER: "Cursed are our eternal eneinies, May they die in ALL: "Let them die in isery MASTER: "By the Power or my Prince I eu them! ALL: "Curse Tem! MASTER: "May demons torment and death destroy then! ALL: "Destoy Them!” Nox 2 MASTER: "They are curs whom we curse” ALL: "They are cus! (The Mistress removes from under the tetrahedron the symbol ofthe ‘eral enemy, sing) MISTRESS: "By the Power of my Earth Torus them!” (So saying she beaks the symbol and scatters it) ALL: "Crush them? MASTER: "Hail Vindex ALL: "Hail Vinds: (The Master chants the “Agios o Vide.” The congregation gather {na half-crcle around the alter ARer the Master fas finshed, the “Mistress of Earth ums tthe congregation saying) MISTRESS: “I who am Mistress of Earth Welcome you ho dare to trample the cherished pasion ofthe play no guilt should bind you no thought est” (Ste kisses each member ofthe congregation in tur saying) MISTRESS: "Prosper as you wll (The Master sises his ar, saying?) MASTER: "Let there be laughter and life, thee is no fear where T fm, Happy ae they who dwell in my Temple. I shall ter the ment ‘ory an the promise of my reatness. Let hers say: Hola capita ‘Vesra maha.” (The Mites of Earth pints tothe Fylft symbol, saying!) MISTRESS: "Ecce in qu salus Mundi pepenit MASTER: "Maharba! ALL: "Cracfige! Cucfige!™ (MISTRESS: "Dignum et justum es (The congregation laugh and begin to dance, chanting te Diabolus as they do. When they have finished, they stand before the Master fd the Mistress of Earth. The Mater points t the banner, stying:) MASTER: “Bebold! The symbol of Lite, But ever remember Noth ing is beaufl except Man: But most beautiful fal.” (The Mistress removes her robe to reveal her nakedness.) 2 Nox 1s a woman! So it hasbeen, si do shall i be again by the Power of ou Prince Satant™ vane (They a depart ftom the Temple. The ritual is concluded by a feast) Note: The Satanic Mass canbe adapted to suit the attendant circum ‘ances; any idea which becomes a sacred dogia canbe reviled init con tusoaLenetoontek BERR ce Bea, rei Heaweric Riruats ‘A Ritual of Destruction Begin Black Fast seven days before the intended ritual snd du ing this time procure anew piece of black chuh und const from ‘wood a smal coffin suitable forthe wax eligy which will be mae luring the sua. A sunset onthe appointed day ben the itu. Stand before the sigl and chan hee ties the Hyrnn othe eat Day followed by an extempore invocation regarding the intent af the ritual. Then pro ‘eed io make the image by placing some wan candles in water that has just been boiled. To this water shovld have been added three Pinches of graveyard dust. After the water has cooled, film of wax will form onthe surface and this should he used to make thee ke Image. The image must be produced entcly by hand. pag e gs ont res om the Hack lh and ayo "You NN. (name of person) whom I have formed from chaos are mine to do asT wil By the power ofthe Prince of Darts master of Magic, confine you, NIN, by this shroud. (old the elt over the head) “as my will and magick wl contin your hie" (fold the cloth over he legs) “Thus wil you, NIN return tothe blackness Nox 3 (fo te iat side ofthe cloth) “irom whence you came" Uoid he left side overs thatthe image i completely covered), ‘By my power Ihold you, bound by my wll!” Circle the Temple twice counter clockwise, chanting the Sanctus ‘Shaitan, imagining the person wrapped in your clos. Then, dancing ‘counterclockwise bring the frenzy of your wil o bear upon the per Sonat its heieht seize the wrapped image ad beak of is hea, Goat onthe person's death and place the wrapped mage inthe cf fin Seal the cofin and laugh, gleeful atthe person's death, “Tak the coffin and bry it ina secluded spt Destruction by Elemental ‘Prepare fr this by a Black Fast over thitesn days, Daring this peiod seep should fadally be reduced. At the exaet momen of Tenet om the sppoted de of death enter the Temple and ow Beely othe dynes Then siting hs comfortable poston begin, by coraction of muscles and breath con foil up an age on elemental of thriges und death When i complet, astro your desire forthe subject deh ying ro, command yout “Sec out NN il in! Go! Kilt An bring me back is then relax, to wait for ‘your elemental’s return. Command the clement oe the spin theca (ide olen) that 08 have peared. Seal theca very securely, wap tn ack oth tnd bury very deeply in asad ple “Then you ust eer banish te element you have created by snaking wth you right hand the invested seven sin nd sealing the fees to Ear, or ume the element nd comm to aend Youatal ines andoby our wil an your wil done Note: is vey moran Gring ial ha no intrapons of any bd ccc Por is reason the noe ta often performed Se notated latin chosen forthe bora Tis so important at the cof te oly sae. M4 Ritual of Desire peron undertaking the ritual desies-weallh, women (or mes if “he method employed o bing tee desis of on the ability of the person undertaking the hal--there fhe tmethod of vision tn the method of model The Tomer de tery of willtranstorence; the later demands an abity to consoct reali modelo he xen thence a he ttc to bring about. Both assume the ability to direct the forces of desire imo the igh channel. Only the method ef walzaon Is eves ‘here—the mode! method is very similar in form. : >For or bee sani 7 tmed to reach its conelusion sunrise. Begin with chanting the Sarcos Shaan while dancngcounrtnckvceooee ant Cli ucts ee un pao hn, tan) then eraualy bald pare ofthe der Samp your desir is for 4 woman then visualize that woman (a picture tobe fled hat int han atl cured ad ou se ening 1 Keep the vation for slong phen soup dace Corse nig san ness, Master of the Earth nd te gi a “Tue Rite oF Nive ANOLES in elena! and peed choi cruret fm iors Scat Chin, The Sr of rp dS nema ot Larence Oliphant. The dea of see pale tet forthe it ne Th hl seo hse de coming together of two individuals: restart priestess who, on earth (hat 1) stand as cle win heron whch ens hes ‘omplty c- Rsau Piluphrun= "make ond sce of the man and the woman) The stoning oh to ahh he Nox 35 Pritosophers Stone—the operation takes place in space (that 8,3 “imcoston) according tothe low of ie. Is essemal forthe two {hueiduale to be, in Jung's terminology, “individuated’—that is individuals who have undergone the magickal grade ritual of Intemal IRaept which the Golden Dawn misrepresented as the so called hoedge and conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel and which {Seguivalent othe alchemical process of putrefacton) andthe ritual ‘tae Internal Adept (hich i ts genuine frm involves the cand dhe living insolation for several months), may be regarded 5 ne sry prepataton forthe Rte ofthe Nine Angles. Only through the emule ae the forces represented bythe thre alchemical substances ‘id their nme combinations capable of being release ina physical ay Cr Oliphant’s Sympneumata,p.1O1F) and despite many al Wats the Gontary the rel site requires actual individuals since ‘eral the Philosophers Stone is not possible. The rite exists in (io forms: the chon andthe natura The ltr takes place athe ‘Simmer solstice in a consecrated glade where the energies of Gaia dre pronounced. Ustlly, the lade itself forms the cirle andthe {eahodron ytmhoic ofthe Nine Angles) constructed etl via the use of an esoteric chant after the individuals have identified themselves symbolically with the foros invaved, Thus, the female ‘presents Gala and beyond, and the male thse forces normally ‘Sinbotied by Sol. Together though the act of unio, they Become the Cate and achieve in the sisolution pas the circle ofthe forces, the Stone ise. This achievement, andthe dissolution, i entirely [path and doesnot depend in any way on word, geste, ritual or Ewteage of any Kind whatever, and its the empathy the fdivid- 2s poste for their surroundings and the forces that makes the nite egecfa, Sach empathy i the only sim ofthe grade tual of inter fal adep_and indeed, ntti lf and Tor the nara form ofthe Tite of the Nine Angles tis empathy approximates to the Taoist “hvucWel" The consiousnes induced if the ites done corety is a representation ofthe Philosophers Stone, an sich consciousness teins profound way the ives of he individuals involved, and Sometimes, the world a well, trough mimesis.” "Tne Chthonic form is conducted within a ice of stones (usually rin in number) onthe Winter Solstice, the tetrahedcon Being at the ce of hs ctl This tetaedron ie made of a precious tone and the vibration, by the partipats, of u secret chant produces changes ihe crystal similar tothe way light produces changes ina phot 26 Nor electric eel, According t one authoritative tradition, the best mate Fal fr the tetrahedron is quart (rock cya) andthe chat the repe tition of the vibrated phrase: Bina At, gu wath am, This vibaion is akin, in depth of one, to a Tibetan Buddhist chant When the tetrahedron resets (and the larger i the shorter the reaction time) the union begins. The changes indued bythe version ofthe te ae “lata seal and dete. In many eset, he hon fon is more powerful but itis also very dangers forthe indi wasted. This oem ofthe tits ealing fr of the Dark Gos and snot ob ated ih, Type. Aiter rowley misinterpreted his ite From an essenally hermetie tual te mate thepscudoystical TX of the 0.0 ditorng the emp thy ofthe participants by insisting on tansic Knowledge and using words and Yorms suited tothe Old Acon. The magick of the New Aeon s preeminent the magick of Thought at deve ofboth ord and “esoteric knowledge"). Crowley probaly knew the tah snd had a zood laugh t those who believed his vernon — Anton Long THE APrRoACH OF THE Dank Goos cant Sete Sees of the Senay epee: Gates and each Gate express an aspect of what epee bythe asta sy bole ne ete xs npc wero ose realms created by te evolution of comsiosnes isl. Thse reali an be viewed In tvo ways-fery. ay consenien abstractions bounded by acausal time, and whose ot fondue orm ae what Jung called “archetypes and secondly. a having satel Stance eins comtied as pole a ie Enough on ei own evel, bt witout ny exincce ta can bese otialy ascertained. In this sense, they ae psychologic. fa he Second insane, the els reconsidered to haves acl cl ‘existence and various model for such existence have Ba po posed This ter enact tegh Oats, be spy fale the “scales forte sake of connenene and shee ‘chelsto consider th casa nthe pychologial eno, each ne Nor ” ate most ative at their own mode f explication, using the faculty of Thought Each Gate that joins these to realms (thats, the causal and the causal) when i opened signifies a New Aeon and a consequent increase in human consciousness. Accoeding to tradition, each Gate it inked toa specific place orfoeaton and itis through this locaton {hich may be considered channel Tor the frees involved thatthe ‘magical form of the pacar Aeon i most obviously expressed. The teaching of the Order of the Nine Angles accepts that all previous Gates had terres counterparts for example the centre of fis Hyperborean Acon was the are around Stonehenge; that ofthe Heller Delph) and thatthe opening ofthese Gates was the result bf the natural evolution of consetousness rather than something cm ‘ious planed That i, one may think ofthe Gates being opened, Inthe symbolic snse by Gala the Earth Mother. Our consciousness {hat is our ability To consciously reflect, to question Being, isthe result this process, and inthe pat this process was understood by the use of myth Each f the previous five Gates (hats, fom the \ Pre Hyperborean othe Westen) derived their power fom the Earth Shu its energies (although according Yo one tation the first Gate teas opened due tothe interference of alien ife-forms [discussed Tater and itis important to understand that there existed no "Golden IRee" inthe remote past from which there was a subsequent fall Bich Avon drew its magickal inspiration from a natural force which fran symbolised and which gave rie fo the powerful archetypes and Ityths und which became the ethos ofa particular higher civilisation, IA the geographical Ieation of a particular Gate, the foree was feveted, and its vital realize tat his religious reverence was ony partly conscious: its origin was an empathy with Gala and this empe Thy wos patally understood (1, coasiousy) through symbols and ‘nyth Inevitably this empathy became obscured by dogma, ial and abovate myths unl the eente self became magikally exhausted, Sd another Aeon dawned. Some centres however, ike Stonehenge, Sil ain an aura of power, hut nothing like that which one existed, ‘This gradual exhaustion ofthe Aeonic free—and the Consequent decline of the cvilsitions asccited with it—is @ natural process ‘which may’be likened tothe depletion of a battery under electrical Toad “The last Acon the Western whose centre i in Norihem Europe {6 aruwing tos close as Hs energies fade. The next Aeon, however, S Nor ‘asa its centre not our Eat, but a facaton in space and unt his cette is reached, the new Aeon will not be possible. However, the (Old Acon has sorne 350 yar stil eft to run and ding is pio, the energies ofthe New Aeon will become thore and more bufous 88 they seep around te Gat, brought in art by deliberate Ritual by ‘small groups of Adept. Hither, th seeking or Aeon centres hic been mostly instinctive, but we have now reached the stage In Our evolution when we can consciously decide our own Destiny. In Sense, we have, due tothe opening of the previous Gates, passed 2 Seshold, and henceforward ile s certain because out posenion of reflective, logical and scenic consciousness, represent 8 ew sind complex variable inthe equation that governs Aeon forces, Already. for instance, as the old Aeon dies, small groups of Adept sil cinging to an invered aspect oftheir Aeon te ying thrugh Fitual to change our evolution in accord wth cevtin “prophecies ‘ver evo thousind years old, These adeps hope to establish tones teal centre not many hundreds of miles Irom the centre associated With the Sumerian centre, and ted a6 they are tothe illusion of ‘posites that hasbeen such a fundamental and detrimental feature of Nazarene belie, their sucess will mean a signifteant sep Back. wards inte evolution of consciousness In the evolutionary sense, the next Gate is and must be ext ‘erestrial and the force beyond this Gate may be signified in two ways, Practically, the free willbe represen by the physical ex Ploration of outer space trough vehicles suchas spacecraft mg cally. the fore is represented bythe mythos othe Dark Gods since, in essence, this magickal force is chaos sel It is Beyond oppo. sites—a retum to the primal chaos, which the previous slccesion has covered up through tus, word and even symbol, Misunder Stood—that is, seen from the perspective of the Ol) Aeon this ‘epresens the intrusion into our woe, rom ether dimensions ofthe darkest of dak frees, a return, according to the tradition mensonea earlier, of those alien forms who came to Earth Acons ago a the avn of man's consciousness In shot, the new Acon signifies a calling forth ofthe Dark Gods through the Rite of the Nine Angles. This Rite is very simples and has a its basis what old Aeon gabbalisi thinking signified by the Word "LASHTAL" but the Rte isl @ conjoining, a drawing oven, though pute Thought, at is devoid of Ward becuse the two Fundamental aspects (of which 186 one) hitherto apart and drawn Nor » sper tho Desiny Cw ae nem ee ven SESRSEGA Ine move smbolic way. and viewed teu Shnrtoy ospories wie sch eu of the ol Aon, one ser a kes eps by the Gippod fhe 70 pi lng than monn ei he fn Gate wa pen salon Ea fala: Tene aes were, ten ‘Bren, witht egal Ferm and wercpabe of asuning va ‘Sos she icing aman om, Leg! sows of em 2 “agechage rte demon hen, a le Lave Shs a ha ayn ath Beco Ea Mo senor Hag poe he nt, pst a ott iy wey rem, aman BRE Tika song ior an in ged they ae Known as ‘lide Some Unt efomtaton Btwn he w= Fates ected on vor pan, tae of con «ee phan pnd te bl betwen Arh ad Sha TUS SLT St fee humanoi peste nated i thereon ow ids tar evlation (according 10 one igen neo anton romans sta tadion tobe believed or ol, according David Myatt 30 Nox Lovecearr AND THE Dark Gops 1 lots been sid and writen in recent years about he writings of HP. Lovecraft particle hit Chui Mythos: but gain oo insight into he rth sneer to revel forte fit ime one ot the ost secre and sinister taon of Oculism, Linesaf seus of pas ofthe ancien dition of the Dark Gods, dramas sod Instepresened the Wadton ass whole. Pur ofthis misrepresents ton was era, some of it rae ocsuse Lvecratcouls nate yond the Abyss where opposites are meaningless Bo mos ft sisrepresenaton arose beeiceLovecat had acest oly foro the radon, through his own Occult researches and sometsece nee experiment with eam cont. To these headed intenons oft ‘oun—sich asthe Necronomicon, wich he wove inte hue Mythos. The recently published books bearing is tee ane This Mythos ears shout as moch resemblance to he genuine adh, son ofthe Dak Gods, rom which ts derived. sa we doce sno One of Lovecraft’ misepesemtions is in naming the Datk Gots. The Dak Gods (roses) ay besynned by stator sine itis aly trough sich vibrato tha contain peal esl of onsciousness may be reached. These levels represent Pinal Chaos—iat they are devoid of Word since such eve peta, the covering up, by Word tu ien and even myth, ofthe ones from which Being and nonBeing were denned. Viewed consen Lonaly, these ene are negative and by ther etn restos ‘Chaos— rough the stricture of opposite such 2 ret sey. According otration, the Dark Cos are waling: that te asserted a 3 parallel univers, to return to Ea td ee oe ‘pail caus universe. Essential, he univers of te Dak as causal andthe two universes may he repented s beng fled by Various Star Gates. These Gates are regions of space whee ssage from one universe to another owes eran tines thats when he Cates are aligned secordng tote connie pee eatin, iis believed tha hexe Gates open stout once Coe) 2.000 years Because ofthe nature ofthe wo connecting wee, iat thee tferences inte and spacial geomaty) Got only physical avd posible between thom, bat also oa ited eee a Special fom of asta rave. This sta form is posse base ee ‘own consciousness, ys nature and evolution, pay saul sd Nox a ‘past: they involve great danger to the individual(s), hideous rituals of tepotntd ce According adn, he stoner pie a ‘wings and eyes and emitting sounds which they send forth to all who ‘have ears to hear and minds to know. And they wait and reside in the hich man ease ob" Sah tients fle ae te orm ‘successful and one of those involved went insane. Trcies these changes have heen a preloe tothe ang Toth hat, a Nor will reopen the physical Gate and turn the Datk Gods to our ui ‘vere and thus to Eath sel The details that Lovecraft gives regarding “als” and ites re ‘mostly fanciul and only ina few places dos he inadverteny reveal ‘he trth-—for example, in his mention of the tapezohedon and Azathoth, The key to wavel along the passages between the Sar Gates isthe Nine Angles and the key tothe Nine Anges is the ery tal tetcahedron which i activate by voice vibration. Azathoth, as \escibed by Lovecraft is symbolic and distorted representation of te intersection, in acausal space-time, ofthese Astral Star Passages: kind of galactic vortex or node. Those who joumey there never ‘eum the ame, Along the Star Pasages the shells of long desd The Nine Angles (the key to contact both physical and astral are represened inthe Septenary Stat Game of the Order of The Nive Angles: cis through this symbolic representation thatthe magick of ‘he Dark Gods is manifest The est the unit yshet tro Oresnc a Stax Gate 10 THe Dank Goos To open a StarGate and return the Dak Gods, crytl ttre son made of quartz should be obtained. This crystal shoul be 23 large as possible and the nearer in shape to etrshedron, the bee The Rite of returing exists in two versions, and both wil be given, First Version ‘Should take place onthe night ofthe new moon with Satu rs ing and involves a man and a woman assuming the role of Priest and Priestess. The rte itself should be conducted on an isolated hilltop removed from human habitation and begin nthe hou following sure =. Both participants shuld be naked. The rite begins wit he pres Vibrating Seven times the phrase! Nth Kika Atacoth “The Priestess should hold the crystal in her hands, palms out stetched before her. When this complete, the priest places his hands over the exystal and both ibe Binon ath ga wath am Nor Pe 4s powerfully as possible. Stil boling the crystal the priestess Shut te with her head Nor, the priest atousing hee (Loci ius) the sexo ten Yes wth oth valine the Sr Gute opening andthe Seaded prima for of Atzath cm ihe ft trom the acesal nensins, hough the Ete, toward he FBaeAacoh maybe visualised a a dark, nebulous chaos—a rend TEN fo of sastuddedspace—wbich changes ins dragon ike nity. Alte the china of he union, he priestess buries he crys ithe eat ofthe il saying ‘Aperatrterraetgermin!-—CHAOS. “They then depart fom the il Second Versi “The second version involves nine individuals: a cantor (rained in the dark tradion) a priest anda Priestess and three male and three female pancipants, They should al be Yobed, barefoot and have Shout ot their person non-metallic objects The ite takes place ether fn the Autumnal Equinox or the Winter Solstice. The best place to SSadtct the rte is na hllop of voleanic rock containing large Ghantfes of quart. Te ime i sght when Venus sts after the sun nd the moon fs near Dabih or when Tpiter and Satu are both near {he Moon whic s becoming new the tme before dawn. The crystal Should be placed on a pediment of oak oa a sheet of mic. The sit bein with the Cantor ibang in E minor Nythra Kehna Atazoth white the sx dance according 0 their desire Moon-wise around the ‘Gatton, Pest and Priestese chaning Atazth. The Cantor vibrates Seven times afer which the Priestess touches the erst. The Priest tnd the Cantor then vibrate the "Diabols” in fourths according 10 the principles esoteric chant ‘The Diabotus Dies ine dis ila Solver saci in fav Teste Satan cum Silla (Quanius tremor et Fuaurus 4 Nox Quando vind ext venurus Gancta trite dscustur Aperianr stella et germinet ‘Atacoth et folie! Alter this chant, the six begin an orgastic te according t their desires. The Priest and the Priestess then chant he pase Binan ath ga wath am, 2 fh (ora fit and an octave) apart while the cantor vibrates the ame Atazoth. The Dark Gods may then be manifest—initially through sound, smell presence and temperture change. The priest and priestess shoul ater ther chat visualize the gate opening while they Toin in sexal union, ‘THe WEREWOLF ORDER Thr FRONTLINE Or Tus Demonic REVOLUTION ping spain ude Christian Prt Like Fast, we have made our ot with the mighty powers of darkness No boundary «an al or quest for Sonn, x Weare a Satanic Latest schoo, impa the lack magical power uc cable carole te a tre ade in vey el Scns, Acts At Mas, Biogy — Seni principe at work) The 90's shal ean iverson of the piles el you ings wvanew secant. eee*OY “he power of Sanyo nasa x invinsble— tis dam in th voto ‘te thas ben bed vp arn 3 year Wen ser unleashes woe he adr Chon death dite lacie! a. ‘We are rnag the whe of istry, gpg the reins of power rm he weed ind fel hand at have hel hm feos ‘No longer can he best in man be resined by the leash Judeo-Christian sep moral ‘The Wolfpack has uthere. summoned yt CCatlorite Wi Re him Nox ‘Ane You A Wenewour? ‘This text is directed towards sincere inguirants, who, having been exposed Io ane of more ofthe various facts of our operation, xpress desi to participate, Lett be known that we do not sole Inetnbership, nor do we seek to persuade, convertor proselytise I you ar allued to ou frequency and allow nature co ake is course, You are already in league with us. Lycanthropy “There has always been an uneasy coexistence between humans and another separate stain of ereatres. Tis other species, a pred tory type has since prehistory been earicatuized in the ancient Inyths f the werewolf, vampire apd otber nocturnal beasts, Those tho are bom ofthis Iycaniopi bred are aware of the diference between themselves and humankind from avery early age, Simi. Fhumans have always sensed this “otherness” eating to it with feat ven as sheep wl stampede when confonted by a wolf. Despite this Sdertandable fear, it the lyeantrop ma and woman Who Blaze the Promethean tal of tanovation, creation, and discovery Inall the "Black Ars” whether manifested in the architectural Scientific, sical, ecological cinematic. among other spheres of en- tleavor, uch as the lot art of governing), the werewolves among us have always plonered. If ou ae one ofthis endangered species and you hive hetrd our call, you ma feel compelled to enhance your tesa! nature At this crossroads in the wilderness chat you have Come to sever paths are open. Before you decid, you must under Stand the following “The WO is no an organization, as tht words commonly under- stood, nota church, We should no be defined ase politcal party or fn occultsts lodge, The Werewolf Order ean ot be Joined in the Tundane sense Iisa process which bogins in dreams a sorcerous Cirle of thought, a state of mind, accessible only by an inherent Tap port withthe mysterious and unnamable multiplicity of forces that fem the nexus ofthis movement. Iisa dret means of ingress to that realm of which only symbol and archetype can hope to delineate to the consioue mind, We reject the ignorant categories of let and Fight good and evil ax well all otber semantic simplifications. “There are no centralized mostngs ated, or dues wo pay. No men- bership cards are issued no roters kept. As we live By the laws of 3 Nor ‘ature, there i @ natural order that we are an integral part of. We are an aristoracy, and 28 wolves form ther own indiviual packs oo oes our dominion consist of many royal families. Your iateracion with us is based completly on your innate abilities sod deteanine, Wo Dens If you have an understanding ofthe mechanics of « wolfpack, ou will understand our system. Wolves are paterncd in an one five hicrrchy. Reflecting the inequality of ll beings, dominance snd ‘utmission rituals are crucial tothe preservation of order idan the wwolpack, The WO has an Alpha male and Alpha female (N. Schnee, and Zeena) that serve as directors of the loosely inked network of ‘werewolfs worldwide. Each individual cel of the Werewolf Order's 8 WO Den, These dens are opened, aumed and overseen by des leader who voluntarily devotes thei ime and energy tothe yeas thropie mission, Leadership ability is demonstrated by operation of & ‘magically productive den. We hive sen thatthe best rss car sly be achieved by those who ae drawn together by a natural afi Js far more effective to begin the nucle of your den witha tried and proven comrade, a they your wife or husband, family maniber,