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Wellness Medium and Your Wellness Plan

1. What medium have you chosen? Please describe and/or attach/upload visual.

2. What does this medium represent to you? Why? Please describe why this is meaningful.

The photo that is included within the assignment is a picture of my acoustic guitar. This picture
is meaningful to me because I love playing music and writing and composing my own songs,
although I am not very good. Growing up I was always interested in playing the guitar and
started taking guitar lessons in my middle school around 6th or 7th grade. I eventually picked up
the bass guitar as well while in highschool and my close friends and I started a band our
sophomore year called Chordata, We played many shows here in tucson and even had band shirts
made in which all of our friends purchased and wore in order to support us, we even had people
we’ve never met buy/wear our shirts. This guitar specifically was given to me by someone very
dear to me and I am truly grateful to have received it as well as being able to make music with it.
3. Post your personal wellness commitment statement and plan to care for YOU below. Be
My personal wellness commitment statement is to continue to play my guitar and learn new
songs as well as compose my own. I plan to use my guitar as a why for my own self care. My
goal is to at the very least play the guitar 5-10 hours a week, and to write a new song every 1-2
months. Another goal of mine in my plan of care for myself is to also learn a new song every 1-2
weeks/whenever I have the time to do so.

Sp 18 MOC
Sp 18 MOC

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