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Statement of the Problem

An interview conducted by the group saw that the main problem of the proponent, Mr. Simeon E. Daez, job
placement coordinator of the College of Engineering and Information Technology, is keeping track of the graduates of
the said college and obtaining the necessary information to further generate the reports. Stated below are the specific
problems based on the said interview.

The methods used to gather the necessary information from the graduates are inefficient and insufficient. The
proponent sends text messages to the graduates which is proven troublesome for only a few replies to the messages.
This is due to the students not knowing who the proponent is, therefore, the messages are being ignored. The
proponent also sends messages via electronic communications such as the Messenger app and e-mail, which also a
few responds to.

The proponent had to keep track of the reports being generated every day. Messages are checked daily to
see if there are further responses to be included in the report. Reports are therefore insufficient because of the missing
data from other graduates, prolonging the period of time needed to generate the report.

The number of graduates being handled by the proponent is unrealistic. The proponent had to keep track 734
graduates just in the fourth quarter of 2017. The proponent had to know whether the graduates are already employed
or unemployed and whether they are working under the government or in a private company. Only a small percentage
has been tracked and the proponent aims to track at least 80% of the graduates. This would not be possible if the
proponent uses the methods currently at use.

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