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Hue University – College of Foreign Languages

Department of English


Instructor: Trương Bạch Lê Student: Lê Thị Vân Anh

Student’s code: 11f7511009

Hue, 2014
The texts was compiled from the story To Build a Fire
Nhóm lửa (Jack London)

1. English - Vietnamese translation:

a. The source text:

(1)The man flung a look back along the way he had come. (2)The Yukon lay
a mile wide and hidden less than three feet of ice. (3)On top of this ice were
as many feet of snow. (4)It was all pure white, rolling in gentle undulations
where the ice-jams of the freeze-up had formed. (5)North and south, as far as
his eye could see, it was unbroken white, save for a dark hair-line that
curved and twisted from around the spruce-covered island to the south, and
that curved and twisted away into the north, where it disappeared behind
another spruce-covered island. (6)This dark hair-line was the trail—the main
trail—that led south five hundred miles to the Chilcoot Pass, Dyea, and salt
water; and that led north seventy miles to Dawson, and still on to the north a
thousand miles to Nulato, and finally to St. Michael on Bering Sea, a
thousand miles and half a thousand more. (7)But all this—the mysterious,
far-reaching hair-line trail, the absence of sun from the sky, the tremendous
cold, and the strangeness and weirdness of it all—made no impression on
the man. (8)It was not because he was long used to it. (9)He was a
newcomer in the land, a chechaquo, and this was his first winter. (10)The
trouble with him was that he was without imagination. (11)He was quick and
alert in the things of life, but only in the things, and not in the significances.
b. The target text:

(1)Anh ngoái nhìn lại con đường vừa đi qua. (2)Con sông I-u-con rộng gần 2
cây số nằm giấu mình dưới một lớp băng dầy 1 thước. (3)Trên mặt lớp băng
đó là 1 lớp tuyết dầy hơn thế. (4)Tuyết trắng một màu, chỗ nào băng ùn lại
nhiều, mặt tuyết cuộn lên thành những đợt sóng gợn lăn tăn. (5)Từ bắc
xuống nam, xa hút tầm mắt, tuyết trải trắng một màu mênh mang, trừ có con
đường nhỏ như sợi tóc kia in thẫm ngoằn ngoèo quanh khu rừng thông về
phía nam, rồi lại quanh co ngược lên phía bắc và biến mất sau khu rừng
thông khác. (6)Con đường vạch nhỏ sẫm như sợi tóc này là con đường mòn -
lại là con đường chính - chạy về phía nam, khoảng ngót 1000 cây số để đến
đèo Trin-cút và hồ nước mặn; rồi về phía bắc, hơn 100 cây số để tới Đo-xơn
và chạy tiếp về phương bắc 2000 cây số nữa để tới Na-la-tô, cuối cùng đến
Xanh Mai-sơn nằm trên bờ biển Be-rinh, phải tới trên 2000 cây số nữa.
(7)Nhưng tất cả những thứ như con đường mòn nhỏ như sợi chỉ thần bí, dài
muôn dặm ấy, cảnh thiếu ánh mặt trời, cái rét khủng khiếp, cho đến cảnh
hoang vu kỳ quái quanh đấy đều không gây ấn tượng gì với anh. (8)Không
phải do anh đã quen thuộc từ lâu với cảnh tượng ấy. (9)Anh là người mới
đến khu này, một kẻ “xa lạ”, và đây là lần đầu tiên anh qua mùa đông ở vùng
này. (10)Khốn nỗi anh không có trí óc tưởng tượng. (11)Anh lanh lẹn, nhạy
bén trước việc đời, nhưng chỉ đối với công việc, chứ trước ý nghĩa của
những công việc ấy, anh lại chẳng hay biết gì.

In general whole of the text had some similarities. Firstly, the text was
translated in formal style. Secondly, the tense that the author used was the
simple past tense in the source text (English) and simple present tense in the
target one (Vietnamese). The reason is that in Vietnamese, the words “đã,
rồi” can’t use but still show the meaning of text, but in English, it is
impossible. The third common thing is using linking sentences, in
Vietnamese they are “và, nhưng, cuối cùng...” and “and, but, finally, etc” in
English one. However, in Vietnamese text, those words are translated which
is adjusted in line with Vietnamese language. For instance, the word “mile”
in English text and “cây số” in Vietnamese one. This makes the readers
easily understand the content of the story. Besides, those words in English
are not translated, but we still understand the meaning of story. The last
common thing is using article, in English they are “a, the” and “này,
những,..” in Vietnames one. However, there was some differences between
the source text and the target one. Now, I will point out the specific
differences in each sentence:

Sentence 1:

This was a complex sentence but when translating into Vietnamese it was a
simple one.

Vocabulary: the verb “flung” contains the meanings of “ném, quăng” and
here the author used the verb “ngoái”. It is a great word which expressed the
action as well as the motion of the character in the story.
The word “the man” in English text is translated “anh” in Vietnamese. In
addition, the word “he” (English) was not translated into Vietnamese
because it is not necessary in this situation.

Sentence 2:

This was compound sentence. This had a similarity in structure in the source
and the target language.

Vocabulary: “mile” means “dặm”, here the author chose “cây số”. In
England “1 mile = 1,609 km”, so “a mile” in the source text was translated
“gần hai cây số” in target text. This is suitable for Vietnamese style.

“Hidden” means “trốn, ẩn nấp, náu, and giấu”the author chose“giấu”. It is

the most suitable word in this situation because it expresses the beauty of

Sentence 3:

It was a simple sentence. There was a change the order word, “snow” was in
last position of the English sentence, but it was in middle position in
Vietnamese one.

Vocabulary: “many” means “nhiều”. This is cardinal numerals. It was

translated “dày” in Vietnamese. The author chose the word “dày” in order to
express the cold weather.

Sentence 4:

It was a compound sentence.

Structure of sentence: There was a change the order of words, verb phrase
“rolling gentle undulations” was in middle of the sentence. But it was in the
last position in Vietnamese one. It made more clearly the meaning of the

Vocabulary: The word “it” in English sentence was translated “tuyết” in

Vietnamese one. The word “tuyết” was mentioned in English text before, so
the author used “it” to make the sentence shorter and avoid the repetition of

“rolling in gentle undulations” means “cuộn lên trong chuyển động sóng nhẹ
nhàng” if we translated it by word for word and here the author used “cuộn
lên thành những đợt sóng lăn tăn” to make the meaning of the sentence

Sentence 5:

This was a compound sentence. It got the same structure.


“as far as his eye could see” means “theo như mắt anh ấy có thể nhìn” if we
translated it word for word and here the author translated “xa hút tầm mắt”.
This makes the readers understand clearly the sheer majesty of natural

“it” in English sentence was translated “tuyết” in Vietnamese one. The word
“tuyết” mentioned in the second English sentence before, so the author still
used “it” to make sentence shorter and avoid the repetition of word. This is
similar to the sentence 3.
Verb “save” means “tránh, bớt, lưu”, preposition “save” means “trừ ra, ngoài
ra”. The author chose “trừ”. It is suitable for the meaning of the sentence.

“spruce-covered island” means “vùng đất được bao phủ cây vân sam” if we
translated it word for word, here it means “rừng thông”. The word “rừng
thông” in Vietnames was translated “pine forest” in English one. Here, the
author chose means “rừng thông” in translating noun phrase “spruce-covered

Sentence 6:

It is a compound sentence.

Structure of sentence: The word “and” was repeated so many times in

structure of English sentence. It got the same repetition when translating into

There was a change of parts of speech “this dark hair-line” is a noun phrase;
it was transferred into comparison sentence in the target sentence “con
đường vạch nhỏ sẫm như sợi tóc này”. The author translated in Vietnamese
style to help readers understand more easily.

Vocabulary: “mile” means “cây số” when translating into Vietnamese. It

made suitability in Vietnamese.

Sentence 7:

It was a compound sentence.

Structure: there was only one word in English text “mysterious”, it was
translated in a Vietnamese clause “sợi chỉ huyền bí”. It makes the meaning
of the sentence more clearly and helps readers understand more easily.

Vocabulary: “tremendous” mean “ghê gớm, kinh khủng, khủng khiếp, dữ

dội”. Here, the author used “khủng khiếp” to emphasize the harsh weather.

Sentence 8:

It was a compound sentence, but when translating into Vietnamese is simple

one. The word “it” in clause 1 of the English sentence was not translated in
Vietnamese one.

Sentence 9:

It was a complex sentence.

Structure: noun phrase “his first winter” means “mùa đông đầu tiên của anh
ấy”. Here it was translated in a Vietnamese clause “lần đầu tiên anh qua mùa
đông ở vùng này. The author translated in Vietnamese style to help readers
understand more easily.


“chechaqua” is from a Chinook jargon word meaning “newcomer”. Here

the author translated “kẻ xa lạ” that it also got the same meaning. This
avoids the repetition of word and expresses his feeling in the first time to
come this land.

Sentence 10:
It was a compound sentence, but when translating into Vietnamese was a
simple one.

Vocabulary: “the trouble with him” means “nỗi lo lắng với anh ấy” if we
translated it word for word and here the author used “khốn nỗi” to make it
suitable for Vietnamese style and make the meaning of the sentence more

Sentence 11:

It was a compound sentence. The structure in general was the same in two


“thing” means “cái, đồ, vật, sự, vật, thứ”. Here “việc” was the most suitable

“not in the significances” means “không phải trong ý nghĩa” if we translated

it word for word and here the author translated “chứ trước ý nghĩa của
những công việc ấy, anh lại chẳng hay biết gì”. This made the meaning of
the sentence more clearly and helped readers understand more easily.

In short, this is a formal text. The way of using words of Jack Lon don is
wise and reasonable. Thought using reasonable words, the readers
understand clearly about the harsh weather in here.
2. Vietnamese into English translation

a. The source text:

(1)Anh nghĩ thế, nhưng không chỉ ngồi mà nghĩ. (2)Trong lúc ngồi nghĩ như
thế, chân tay luôn luôn phải cử động. (3)Anh làm một cái nền mới để nhóm
lửa, lần này ở ngoài chỗ bãi trống để không có một cái cây xảo trá nào có thể
làm tắt ngọn lửa được. (4)Tiếp đó anh đi kiếm cỏ khô và những cành cây
con bị trôi giạt quanh đó từ vụ nước tràn về lần trước. (5)Anh không thể lấy
mấy ngón tay kéo từng cái một, nhưng vẫn có thể dùng cả hai bàn tay mà vơ
cả những cành củi mục và rêu xanh. (6)Biết làm cách nào khác được?
(7)Anh làm như một cái máy, thậm chí nhặt cả một ôm lớn những cành to để
dùng sau khi lửa đã bùng to. (8)Trong lúc đó, con chó nằm im và chăm chú
nhìn anh, với con mắt thèm muốn, vì nó coi anh là người cung cấp lửa, vậy
mà mãi không thấy lửa đâu. (9)Khi đã chuẩn bị mọi thứ sẵn sàng, anh móc
túi lấy ra một miếng vỏ cây Phong nữa. (10)Vẫn biết cái vỏ còn nằm trong
túi, thế mà tìm mãi vẫn không có cảm giác gì, mà rõ ràng anh nghe thấy
tiếng lạo xạo của các vỏ cây va vào nhau. (11)Anh cố hết sức mà không sao
nắm được miếng vỏ cây. (12)Trong khi đó anh vẫn nhận biết được rằng mỗi
lúc bàn chân mình thêm tê cóng. (13)Nghĩ thế, anh đâm hoảng sợ, nhưng cố
gắng giữ bình tĩnh. (14)Anh lấy răng kéo găng tay rồi vung cánh tay, đập
mạnh hai bàn tay vào hai bên sườn. (15)Hết ngồi, anh lại đứng dậy vung tay
trong khi đó con chó vẫn ngồi yên dưới tuyết, đuôi nó quấn lấy hai chân
trước trông ấm áp, hai tai sói thính của nó vểnh lên nghe ngóng, chăm chú
nhìn chủ nó.

b. The target text

(1)Such were his thoughts, but he did not sit and think them. (2)He was busy
all the time they were passing through his mind. (3)He made a new
foundation for a fire, this time in the open, where no treacherous tree could
blot it out. (4)Next, he gathered dry grasses and tiny twigs from the high-
water flotsam. (5)He could not bring his fingers together to pull them out,
but he was able to gather them by the handful. (6)In this way he got many
rotten twigs and bits of green moss that were undesirable, but it was the best
he could do. (7)He worked methodically, even collecting an armful of the
larger branches to be used later when the fire gathered strength. (8)And all
the while the dog sat and watched him, a certain yearning wistfulness in its
eyes, for it looked upon him as the fire-provider, and the fire was slow in
coming. (9)When all was ready, the man reached in his pocket for a second
piece of birch-bark. (10)He knew the bark was there, and, though he could
not feel it with his fingers, he could hear its crisp rustling as he fumbled for
it. (11)Try as he would, he could not clutch hold of it. (12)And all the time,
in his consciousness, was the knowledge that each instant his feet were
freezing. (13)This thought tended to put him in a panic, but he fought against
it and kept calm. (14)He pulled on his mittens with his teeth, and threshed
his arms back and forth, beating his hands with all his might against his
sides. (15)He did this sitting down, and he stood up to do it; and all the while
the dog sat in the snow, its wolf-brush of a tail curled around warmly over its
forefeet, its sharp wolf-ears pricked forward intently as it watched the man.

In general, whole of the texts has some common. Firstly, the text was
translated in formal style. Secondly, tense that the author used in the source
text was the simple tense, it was past tense in the target one. The reason was
that translating tense correctly in English is very important. If we translated
it not correctly, it made the readers misunderstand the meaning of the
sentence. In short, it affects directly the meaning of sentences and by
contrast, in Vietnamese we still understand the meaning of sentence without
adding any word “đã, rồi”. Thirdly, both English text and English one used
means of linking text by conjunctions such as and, so, but and so on. Now, I
will show some specific differences in the source text and target text in each

Sentence 1:

It was a compound one.

Using means of linking sentence: conjunction - but to link two clauses.

Sentence structure:

There was a change the part of speech. “Anh nghĩ thế” is a clause in
Vietnamese text was transferred into a noun phrase in English one “suy nghĩ
của anh ấy” to make a correct English sentence ‘such were his thoughts”.

Sentence 2:

It is a compound sentence, but when translating into Vietnamese was a

complex one.

Sentence structure:
There was a change the part of speech. The second clause in the source text
was translated before clause 1 in the target one. It made suitability in

In the clause “chân tay luôn luôn phải cử động”, the word “chân tay”, “cử
động” was not translated, it was just “he was busy all the time”. However,
the readers still understand the meaning of sentence that his legs and his
arms work all the time.

Sentence 3:

It was a compound sentence.

Structure of sentence: there was the same in the form when translating from
Vietnamse into English.

Using relative pronoun (where) to link the clauses of sentence.

Article: the author used “a” new foundation for being an indefinite noun.

“The” open for being definite noun.

Vocabulary: “chỗ bãi trống” - in the open . The author did not use “in the
space” because “in the open” is noun describing small space, by constract
“in the space” is noun describing a big space (used in universe).

“cây xảo trá” - “treacherous tree” . it was very suitable word in this sentence.

Sentence 4:

Using means of linking sentence: conjunction - and.

It was a compound sentence.

Sentence structure: “bị trôi dạt quanh đó” was not translated when
translating from Vietnamese into English because it is not necessary in this

In clause “vụ nước tràn về lần trước”, the word “lần trước” was not
translated in the target one.

“vụ nước tràn về lần trước” was a clause in the source text was transferred
into noun phrase “the high - water flotsam” in the target one.

Article: using article “the” for “the high - water flotsam” to refer things that
readers know before.


Jack London used “tiny twigs” to refer “những cành cây con”, not “small
twigs”. Because the word “small twigs” is a normal word. So the word “tiny
twigs” is the most suitable for this sentence.

Sentence 5:

Using means of linking sentence: conjunction - but to link two clauses.

It was a compound sentence.

Sentence structure: the first clause had the same form when translating from
Vietnamese into English. However, in the last clause “he was able to gather
them by the handful”, there was a change in the order of words “nhưng vẫn
có thể dùng cả hai bàn tay mà vơ cả những cành củi mục và rau xanh”. This
made it true in English grammar. Besides, word “củi mục và rau xanh” was
not translated in English one, but the readers still understand what the author
said through word “them” .

Article: “the” - “handful” - it is a noun existing.

Vocabulary: Jack London used “bring” for meaning “lấy”, not “take,
extract”. The reason for that was that the verb “bring” express accurately the
action of character.

Sentence 6:

Using means of linking sentence: conjunction - and, but and relative

pronoun (that) to link two clauses.

It was a simple sentence, but when translating into English it was a

compound one.

Sentence structure: from question sentence was translated into statement

sentence in the target one using relative pronoun (that). Here, Jack London
used many words in English clause “rotten twigs and bits of green moss”,
“undesirable” without in Vietnamese sentence in order to help the readers
understand more easily about the content of the sentence.

Article: “cái”-“the” was used because it mentioned in the before clause.

Sentence 7:

Means of linking sentence: the author used conjunction of time - “when” to

link sentences.

It was a compound sentence.

Sentence structure: there was the same form when translating from
Vietnamese into English.

Article: “The” - larger branches was a definite noun.

“the” - fire is a noun mentioned before.

Vocabulary: Jack London used “methodically” for meaning “cái máy”, not
“engine”, “machine” because these word used in goods, by contrast the word
“methodically” refer his way of working.

“cành to”-“larger brancher”, “bùng to”-gathered strength was these good

words to express his preparation for the cold weather.

Sentence 8:

Using the mean of linking sentence: conjunction - and.

It was a compound sentence. It had the same form in the last clause. In the
first clause “con chó nằm im và chăm chú nhìn anh”, the word “im”, “chăm
chú” was not translated, it was just “the dog sat and watched him” because
the readers still understand that the dog sat and expected the fire from the

Article: “the”- while, fire - refers the time mentioned before.

“the”- dog - refers animal mentioned in the before paragraph of the story.

Vocabulary: the author used “sat” for meaning “nằm”, not “lay” because in
this situation, “sat” is a verb expressing the action as well as condition of the
dog that it expected the fire from the man. So, the word “sat” is the most
suitable for this situation.
“Thèm muốn”-“wistfulness” was a great word to express wating for the fire
of the dog from the man in the cold weather.

Sentence 9:

It was a compound sentence.

Sentence structure: It had the same structure in both the source text and the
target text.

Article: “the”-man- is a noun that the author mentioned before.

“A”-second Piece because it is indefinite noun.

Vocabulary: “sẵn sàng” - ready is a good word in this sentence.

Sentence 10:

Using means of linking sentence: conjunction - and.

It was a compound sentence.

Sentence structure: there was a change the order of clauses in the sentence.
The second clause in the source text was in the last clause of the target text.
There were some words used in the target text without in the source one. In
addition, the word “túi” was not translated in the target text. Instead, Jack
London used the word “there” for meaning “túi” because the word “túi” was
used before. It makes the sentence shorter and avoids the repetition of

Article: “the” - bark refers thing mentioned before.

Vocabulary: “xào xạc” - rustling is a good word in expressing the sound of
the bark.

Sentence 11:

It was a simple sentence, but when translating into English it was a

compound one.

Sentence structure: “anh cố hết sức”-“try on he would”. There was a change

the order of words. It changed to be correct in English grammar. In addition
the word “vỏ cây” was not used in the target sentence. The word “it” was
used instead of “bark” in this sentence because “bark” was used before. It
makes the sentence shorter and avoids the repetition of words.

Vocabulary: “nắm”-“clutch”, not “hold” because “clutch” is a formal word

than “hold”.

Sentence 12:

Using the meaning of linking sentence: conjunction-and, and relative


Sentence structure: from a simple sentence was translated into a compound

sentence using relative pronoun (that).

Article: “the”-time is a noun mentioned before.

“The”- knowledge because the readers knows this before.

Vocabulary: “tê cóng”-“freezing” is a great word because it expressed the

man’s feeling before freezing weather.
Sentence 13:

Using the mean of linking sentence: conjunction-and, but.

It was a compound sentence.

Sentence structure in general had the same in form. However, there was one
clause using in the target sentence without in the source one “he fought
against it”. Jack London used this clause helping the readers understand
more clearly.

Article: “a”-panic is indefinite noun.

Vocabulary: “hoảng loạn”-“panic” is a great word because it expressed the

man’s a state of imbroglio when he known that his feet were freezing.

Sentence 14:

Using the meaning of linking sentence: conjunction-and.

It was a compound sentence.

Sentence structure: clause “he pulled on his mitten with his teeth” changed
the order of words - “anh lấy răng kéo găng tay” to make it correct in
English grammar, so it was reasonable. In addition, the words “back and
forth” -“qua lại, qua qua lại lại” was in the target sentence without in the
source one. Jack London used it expressing the man’s action that his hand
moved continuously. All of them were reasonable.

Sentence 15:

Using the mean of linking sentence: conjunction-and.

It was a compound sentence. “vung tay” in the was not used in the target
one. Jack London used “to do it” instead of “vung tay” because the word
“vung tay” was mentioned before. The readers still understands a complete
sense of the sentence, though. This not only makes the sentence shorter but
also avoids the repetition of words. Besides, “its wolf-brush of a tail curled
around warmly over its forefeet” changed the orders of words “đuôi nó quấn
lấy hai chân trước trông ấm áp” in order to make it correct in English

Article: “the”-dog, man: because these were objects mentioned before.

“The”-snow: this was the object that only one exists.

All in all, this is a formal text in the source and the target text; it expressed
the reasonable way in using structure and words in Jack London. Therefore,
the reader understands easily about the meaning of the story that the vital
force of people is very strong before the cold weather. Thought Jack
London’s story, I understand clearly about using structures and words in the
writing style of a story.

The end.
biết là 50 độ dưới 0 độ, nước bọt nhổ xuống tuyết là nổ vỡ, nhưng lần này nước
bọt lại nổ vỡ ngay trong không khí. Như vậy, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhiệt độ
phải lạnh hơn 50 độ dưới 0, biết là 50 độ dưới 0 độ, nước bọt nhổ xuống tuyết là
nổ vỡ, nhưng lần này nước bọt lại nổ vỡ ngay trong không khí. Như vậy, không còn
nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhiệt độ phải lạnh hơn 50 độ dưới 0, biết là 50 độ dưới 0 độ,
nước bọt nhổ xuống tuyết là nổ vỡ, nhưng lần này nước bọt lại nổ vỡ ngay trong
không khí. Như vậy, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhiệt độ phải lạnh hơn 50 độ dưới
0, biết là 50 độ dưới 0 độ, nước bọt nhổ xuống tuyết là nổ vỡ, nhưng lần này Lúc
quay lại tiếp tục cuộc hành trình, anh nhổ nước bọt xem trời lạnh đến mức nào.
Vừa mới nhổ xong, 1 tiếng nổ giòn tan làm anh giật mình. Anh lại nhổ 1 lần nữa.
Lần này nước bọt chưa kịp rơi xuống tuyết đã nổ tan ngay trong không khí. Anh
vẫn biết là 50 độ dưới 0 độ, nước bọt nhổ xuống tuyết là nổ vỡ, nhưng lần này
nước bọt lại nổ vỡ ngay trong không khí. Như vậy, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa,
nhiệt độ phải lạnh hơn 50 độ dưới 0, nhưng lạnh hơn bao nhiêu độ thì anh không
biết. Song thế đã hề chi. Anh phải về khu mỏ cũ ở nhánh sông bên trái của con
sôgn Hen-đơ-xơn, nơi đó anh eLúc quay lại tiếp tục cuộc hành trình, anh nhổ nước
bọt xem trời lạnh đến mức nào. Vừa mới nhổ xong, 1 tiếng nổ giòn tan làm anh
giật mình. Anh lại nhổ 1 lần nữa. Lần này nước bọt chưa kịp rơi xuống tuyết đã nổ
tan ngay trong không khí. Anh vẫn biết là 50 độ dưới 0 độ, nước bọt nhổ xuống
tuyết là nổ vỡ, nhưng lần này nước bọt lại nổ vỡ ngay trong không khí. Như vậy,
không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhiệt độ phải lạnh hơn 50 độ dưới 0, nhưng lạnh hơn
bao nhiêu độ thì anh không biết. Song thế đã hề chi. Anh phải về khu mỏ cũ ở
nhánh sông bên trái của con sôgn Hen-đơ-xơn, nơi đó annước bọt lại nổ vỡ ngay
trong không khí. Như vậy, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhiệt độ biết là 50 độ dưới
0 độ, nước bọt nhổ xuống tuyết là nổ vỡ, nhưng lần này nước bọt lại nổ vỡ ngay
trong không khí. Như vậy, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhiệt độ phải lạnh hơn 50
độ dưới 0, phải lạnh hơn 50 độ dưới 0, biết là 50 độ dưới 0 độ, nước bọt nhổ
xuống tuyết là nổ vỡ, nhưng lần này nước bọt lại nổ vỡ ngay trong không khí. Như
vậy, không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, nhiệt độ phải lạnh hơn 50 độ dưới 0, vvvvvv

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