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Assignment # 4


James Pontius

Step 1:
Step 2: Followed instructions and uploaded an image of a person (not myself) found on google
images by searching the word person. Unsurprisingly this mans last name happens to be Person.

Step 3: Results of the step are as follows

5oclock shadow: yes (17%), age: 28 (60%), arched eyebrows: no (32%), attractive: yes (2%), bags
under eyes: yes (71%), bald: no (85%), bangs: no (99%), beard: no (32%), big lips: no (18%), big
nose: yes (62%), black hair: yes, blond hair: no, blurry: no, brown hair: no (69%), bushy
eyebrows: yes, chubby: no (15%), double chin: yes (0%), expression: smile, gender: male (89%),
glasses: no, goatee: no (67%), gray hair: no, heavy makeup: no (86%), high cheekbones: yes
(90%), mouth open: no (51%), mustache: no (46%), narrow eyes: no (25%), oval face: yes (27%),
pale skin: no (94%), pitch: -8.99, pointy nose: no (29%), race: white, receding hairline: no (42%),
rosy cheeks: no (65%), sideburns: no (72%), straight hair: yes (72%), wavy hair: no (76%), wearing
earrings: no (69%), wearing hat: no, wearing lipstick: no (82%), wearing necklace: no (87%),
wearing necktie: yes (41%), yaw: 13.78, young: yes (39%), chin size: extra small, color clothes
middle: d2d8db (10%), color eyes: 422c1f (50%), color hair: 0e0902 (50%), color skin: ab6640,
eyebrows corners: average, eyebrows position: extra low, eyebrows size: extra thin, eyes corners:
average, eyes distance: close, eyes position: extra low, eyes shape: extra round, glasses rim: no,
hair beard: none, hair color type: black (50%), hair forehead: no, hair length: none, hair
mustache: none, hair sides: very thin, hair top: average, head shape: extra heart, head width:
extra narrow, mouth corners: extra raised, mouth height: thin, mouth width: small, nose shape:
extra straight, nose width: extra wide, teeth visible: no,

Step 4: Downloaded File and Unzipped the file.

Guesses are as follows:

1: Brad Pitt

2: Zach Braf

3: Sarah Chalke

4: Jack Nicholson

5: Matt Bomer

6: Mario Lopez

7: Neil Patrick Harris

8: Patsy Stone

9: Vicki Lawrence

10: Estelle Getty

Step 5:
Step 6: Worked with trying to create a project and implement the image into the various tools
but failed to figure out what the goal and exact tabs needed to screenshot for the project were.
Likely user error.

Step 7: From what I found the accuracy was substantial for free tools used by an ameteur the
results were fairly precise from what I was able to accomplish

Step 8: Videos

Step 9: Went to site

Step 10:
Results were unimpressive. Turns out I am barely better at guessing microexpressions even on
beginner difficulty. I originally tried on Intermediate but after 20 or so attempts my failure rate
was worse than even guessing the same thing over and over again.

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