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Preposition of Movement Quest

Direction: Watch the example video. Then, recreate the video of the
following instructions using the past continuous or past simple tense to
describe the action happening in the video.

1. Run away from the dogs.

2. Jump onto a chair.
3. Run toward the tree.
4. Walk around the table and run toward the window.
5. Crawl up the stairs of building 16.
6. Run down the stairs of school hall.
7. Throw the ball over the football goal post and lie on the ground.
8. Dance along the street.
9. Run around the teacher and sing a happy birthday song.
10. Sleep under the tree listening to baby shark song.
11. Do a jumping jack with silly face behind the most handsome or beautiful teacher
in the school.
12. Jump out of the box and roll on the floor.
13. Dip your foot into the water.
14. Run through the crowd after the school assemble in the morning and scream
“I love you”
15. Walk past the café or shrine and bow.

English Fundamental Class E32102

Kru Supaphorn Kokklang

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