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Michael Duquesnel
Professor Lindsey
College Writing
11 October 2019

Discourse Ethnography: Northville High School Drama Club

How will I gather data: I plan on interviewing a close friend of mine, Jack Fulton, who is also

the current president of the drama club. I am going to send him an email with a list of interview

questions about the club and the environment. I have some knowledge of how the environment

was in past years, so I will ask to see into the show programs and Facebook group to see the

similarities and differences since I have been absent.

Interview: My interviewee will be Jack Fulton, the current president of the club. I will send him

the interview questions at the beginning of next week. He is a close friend of mine and I plan on

sending him an email with every question I have for him. I am hoping to have the interview

completed by the end of next week.


● Send questions to Jack - 10/14

● Have them answered - 10/18

● View communication methods of the group - 10/18

● Start drafting the first draft - 10/21

Six interview questions:

● What phrases or terms are unique to the Northville High School Drama club?

● What is the main purpose of the club?

● What methods of communication do you use between club members?

● What would someone who has been involved with the club longer than other newer

members know about the community?

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● What is the most effective form of specialized communication for this group?

● How long have you been apart of this discourse community? Why did you get involved

in the first place?

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