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How do we develop our ears to the voice of the Silence?

1. Listen to music that is played by eastern instruments that have half tones and
quarter tones.
2. Never listen to music that is not in tune or is too loud or blasting. Mechanical
music shuts the Subtle ears.
3. Save your sex energy. Never sleep with someone who does not have a pure clean
heart, and lofty emotions.
4. Never send destructive ,negative messages through your voice, emotions and
thoughts. Your own negative voice influences you in various levels.
5. Imagine your Master or Teacher talking and try to hear his words.
6. Try to hear the voice of your solar Angel.
7. Try to hear the thoughts or emotions of your friends.
8. Give ten minutes daily to hear the note of universe in F#.
9. Protect your ear from shocking sounds , explosions , screams.
10. Do not sit close to electrical devices.
11. Do not curse or swear.
12. Do not manipulate or exploit people.

T.S,Meditation Volume 2

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