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 Case Study

A 2-year-old-infant who was seen in the Emergency Departemen with wheezing and
coughing with phlegm is admitted to the pediatric unit with a diagnosis of bronchitis.

Based on the data presented

• Develops for oxygen administration:
1. Producing Oxygen


A. Nursing Process
 Client Conditions
a) Subjective Data
- Client complaints cough with phlegm
- And he was diagnosed with bronchitis
b) Objective Data
- Wheezing sound
- Cough with phlegm
- and is diagnosed with bronchitis
c) Diagnosing : Bronchitis
d) The Purpose of nursing : To reduce cough with phlegm and expedite
e) Intervention : Providing oxygenation to facilitate breathing

B. Orientation Phase
“Hello, good morning?” “My Name is Nurse Nisa, “I’m nurse on duty today, from 7
am to 1 pm”.
“What is your name? “How are you feeling today?”
“Oh, you had breathing difficulties Okay?”
“Okay, I need to help you to Delivering Oxygen with Simple Mask, you okay for
“The time is about 5-10 minute for the place is in this room”.
“The purpose is to need your oxygen supply”.

C. Working Phase
“Okay, First I will to change your position with s what emi fowler position, so you can
breathe well”.
“After that I will connect the oxygen hose and simple mask to the humidiflier, and I
will adjust the according to what you need”.
“Then, I will place this simple mask on your nose and your mouth”. “then rubber to
your head”.
“You can stay this simple mask and breath well”
D. Termination Phase
“How are you feeling after I delivering oxygen?”
“Do you feel better?”
“Okay, It’s finished, If you need to help, you can press this button at the bed side”.
“I will come back again to give you medicine at 12:00 pm, Okay see you later”.

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