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Short guide to install and use Fluidprop 3.

1. Install the program using the .exe file

2. Activate the Add-In (sequence valid for MS Office Excel 2007-2016):
 File
 Options
 Add-Ins
 Go… (click on the button)
 Browse
 Look for the installation folder of Fluidprop, probably in ‘C:\Program Files(x86)’ or
‘C:\Program Files’
 Select the .xla file in the Fluidprop folder
 Activate the Add-In (flag on the item “FluidProp Add-In” in the list)
 OK

General use:


 =Pressure("freeStanMix; Isopentane";"Tq";F4;J4) [temperature in F4, vapor quality in J4]
 =Enthalpy("freeStanMix; Isopentane";"Ps";F5;J5) [pressure in F5, entropy in J5]

Available pairs of input properties:

PT; Pq; Tq; Ph; Ps; Ts (remember to avoid “PT” in two-phase conditions)

Useful properties (attention to the units):

 Temperature [°C] T
 Pressure [bar] P
 Enthalpy [kJ/kg] h
 Entropy [kJ/kgK] s
 VaporQual [vapor quality, dimensionless] q
 SpecVolume [m3/kg] v

 Isopentane = “freeStanMix; Isopentane”
 Water = “IF97; Water”
 Air = “TPSI; Air”

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