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1) A social dialect is really called a “social REGISTER” of a specific

language. It refers to the type of speech, pronunciation, and vocabulary

used to communicate in the language with a specific social class or group
within the greater society. And also you say that social dialect is the
dialect used by certain social groups. From example, female dialect, male
dialect, adolescent dialect, etc.
A regional dialect, on the other hand, is one that is strictly defined by
geography, and as such, is used among all people of all social
classes/groups within that geography. It’s a natural deviation from the
Standard Dialect through a long process of language evolution, rather than
a social construction used to more effectively communicate between those
of different socio-economic status within a given area sharing the same
standard language. And also regional dialect is a variation language which
is used in certain areas. For example, Javanese language dialect Medan,
Indonesian language dialect Bugis, and English language dialect
2) Because, there are several factors that caused language can change such as
internal change, and external change.
- Internal Change

Sometimes the changes are not an outcome of any external force but
something internal for example the word ‘burn’ is easy pronounced and
write than its original version ‘Brennan’. Slowly people start saying ‘burn’
and it gets changed. This is called an internal change.

Another example of English has maintained a distinction in voice among

interdental fricatives as seen in teeth /ti:ø/ and teethe /ti:ð/ although the
functional load is very slight.

- External Change
When a language is influenced by another language such as borrowing
that forces a change in meaning or even construction of a word itself, it
is known as external change.

And another definition can you say that external language changes that
occur as a result of language contact processes, both in the linguistic
area and within the framework of social-political relations. For
example, loan word/ borrowing from other dialects or languages.

3) Please find one case of creolization and explain it in your own words.
4) Because, diglossia is found within one language (in the same community)
perhaps in dialects, or in two closely-related languages. So if you are
bilingualism, diglossia could (theoretically) be found in both in these
languages (both languages could have two varieties –one “low” and one
“high”. At a technical level, the “high” version could differ enough to be
seen as another language at a linguistic level, but when referring to
bilingualism, it usually means that the speakers should be able to speak
two different languages fluently, ranging from informal to formal. For
example, an older form of a language that is used for specific formal
situations (higher education, poetry, religion, etc).
5) I think can’t, because code-switch can change in an informal situation and
formal situation. For example, English students when talking to lecturers
and having difficulties in language automatically he will do code-
6) Because, language change is caused by three factors: age, gender, and
social class. These three factors have languages variation within them, for
instance, we will not use the same language as our grandparents and
grandchildren. And also languages change because of people’s exposure to
other languages. For example, has added words from all over the world.

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