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(General Description Purification, The kind Of Excrement,

And The Way To Purified)


Dr . H. Asep Jamaludin M.Ag

Hapid Ali, S.Pd, M.Hum

Compiled by Group 4:

Muhammad Haris 1162040061

Nurhayati Sri Amelia 1162040069

Pratiwi 1162010075





Islam requires physical and spiritual cleanliness. On the physical side, Islam
requires Muslims to clean their bodies, clothes, houses, and community, and they are
rewarded by God for doing so. While people generally consider cleanliness desirable, Islam
insists upon it and makes it an indispensable fundamental of religious life. In fact, books
on Islamic jurisprudence often contain a whole chapter on this very requirement.
Prophet Muhammad, upon him be Gods blessings and peace, advised Muslims to appear
neat and tidy in private and in public. Once when returning home from battle he advised
his army: Soon you will meet your brothers, so tidy your saddles and clothes (Abu Dawud,
Libas, 25). On another occasion he said: If I had not been afraid of overburdening my
community, I would have ordered them to use a miswaq (to brush and clean their teeth) for
every prayer (Bukhari, Iman, 26).
Moral hygiene also was emphasized, for the Prophet, upon him be Gods blessings and
peace, encouraged Muslims to make a special prayer upon seeing themselves in the mirror:
God, You have endowed me with a good form; like-wise bless me with an immaculate
character (Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 1:34, 6:155). He advised modest clothing, for men as well
as for women, on the grounds that it helps one maintain purity of thought.
Being charitable is a way of purifying ones wealth. A Muslim who does not give charity
(sadaqa) and pay the required annual zakat (the prescribed purifying alms), contaminates
his or her wealth by hoarding that which rightfully belongs to others: Of their wealth take
alms so that you may purify them (9:103).
All the laws and injunctions given by God and His Prophet, upon him be Gods blessings
and peace, are pure. Any law established by Divine guidance is just and pure.
Purity (Arabic: ‫طهارة‬, Tahara(h) [1]) is an essential aspect of Islam. It is the opposite of
najis, things which are considered ritually impure are in the state of najāsa.(Wikipedia)


1. Inner Purification

It is the purification of the heart from polytheism, sins etc. It is not

possible to attain purification when the filth of polytheism lingers in the
heart. As pointed out by Allah I:”O you who believe, verily, the
mushrikun (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in oneness of
Allah and in the message of Muhammad) are najas (impure). So let them
not come near the Al-Masjid Al-Haram (the holy masjid in Makkah) after
this year; and if you fear poverty, Allah I will enrich you, if He wills, out
of His bounty. Surely, Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.” ( Tawbah:28)
And the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said: “Indeed the believer does not become impure.” [
agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim (This will be referred to as «agreed
upon» in the remainder of the book).]
1. Physical Purification

It is the purification of the body from dirt and impurities. Physical

purification entails two forms of purification:

a. Purification from Hadath (the state of ritual impurity)

Hadath is that which, when produced from or befalls a body,

prevents a Muslim from acts of worship for which purification is a
requisite, e.g. As-Salah (prayer), circumambulation of the Ka’abah etc.
There are two types of Hadath:
Minor Hadath.. It is that which makes ablution imperative, like urine,
defecation, passing wind and all other nullifiers of al-wudu’ (ablution).
These will be listed later on in the text. Purification from these is achieved
by performing al-wudu’. Allah I says: “O you who believe! When you
intend to offer Salah (daily prayer), wash your faces and your hands
(forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads,
and wash your feet up to the ankles. ”(Maidah:6)
Major Hadath .. It is that which makes ghusl (a purificatory bath)
imperative, e.g. sexual relations, menstruation etc. Purification from this
state is achieved by ghusl. Allah says: “If you are in a state of janabah (i.e.
after sexual relations), purify yourselves (by bathing your whole body).”
If it is impossible to purify oneself through wudu or ghusl, then one purifies
himself through Tayammum (a dry form of purification using soil, to be
discussed in a later section).

b. Purification from Najasah (a physical impurity)

Removal of any physical impurity is obligatory, as Allah says: “And

purify your garments”(Mudathir: 4).
And the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said; “Most of the punishment in the grave is a result of
the lack of cleaning (oneself from) urine” [ narrated by Ibn Majah.] and
“When any of you comes to the masjid (mosque), he should be mindful of
his sandals. If he sees filth or dirt on one (of them), he should wipe it (off)
and then (he can) pray in them.” [ narrated by Abu Dawud.]
Purification from physical impurities entails:
1-purification of the place of prayer
2-purification of clothes
3-purification of the body
In Islamic law, najis (Arabic: ‫ )نجس‬means ritually unclean.[1] According to Islam,
there are two kinds of najis: the essential najis which cannot be cleaned and the unessential
najis which become najis while in contact with another najis.
Najasa refers to impure substances that Muslims must avoid and wash off after coming into
contact with them. God says: Purify your raiment (74:4) and: God loves those who repent and
who purify themselves (2:222).
 Animals that died naturally (e.g., not killed in the Islamic manner) are impure, as is
anything cut off a live animal. However, dead sea animals and those that have no flowing
blood (e.g., bees and ants) are not impure. The bones, horns, claws, fur, feathers, and skin
of dead animals, except for pigs, are pure.
 Any blood that flows from a person's or an animal's body (e.g., blood from a killed animal
or menstrual blood) is impure. However, blood that remains in the veins is permissible.
Also, any blood that remains in edible meat, livers, hearts, and spleens is not impure,
provided that the animal was sacrificed in the Islamic way.
 A person's vomit, urine, excrement, wadi (a thick white secretion discharged after
urination), mazi (a white sticky fluid that flows from the sexual organs when thinking about
sexual intercourse, foreplay, and so on), prostatic fluid, and sperm is impure. However,
according to some, sperm is not impure but should be washed off if it is still wet, and
scratched off if it is dry. Any part of human flesh is impure.
 The urine, saliva, and blood of all animals whose meat is prohibited, and the excrement of
all animals except birds whose meat is allowable, are impure.
 The excrement of poultry (i.e., geese, hens, ducks) is impure.
 Pig and alcohol are impure.
 Dogs are considered impure. Any container that a dog has licked must be completely
washed and sterilized. If a dog licks a pot that has dry food in it, what it touched and what
surrounds it must be thrown away. The remainder may be kept, as it is still pure. A dog's
hair is considered pure.
 The impurities mentioned are considered "gross impurity" (najasat al-ghaliza). Any amount
of them contaminates whatever it touches. However, if it is on person's body or clothes
when he or she is praying, or on the ground or mat where he or she is praying, its amount
is taken into consideration. Any solid filth weighing more than 3 grams, and any liquid
more than the amount that spreads over a person's palm, invalidates the prayer.
 The urine of horses and domestic or wild animals whose meat is allowed to eat is weak
impurity (najasat al-khafifa). When more than one-fourth of a limb or one-fourth of one's
clothes are smeared with it, the prayer is in-validated.


Various ways and methods are used to clean dirty things based on their nature. The
main ways of cleaning are as follows:

1. Cleaning Through Washing with Water:

*Material dirt can be cleaned with absolute (mutlaq) water like rain, stream and sea water;
it can also be cleaned with some kinds of qualified (muqayyad) water like sap, rose water,
vegetable and fruit juice. If there is no other water, used water can be used for making wudu
and ghusl.

* Visible dirt is cleaned by washing the traces of the dirt; that is, it is washed until it, its
smell and color disappear. It does not matter how many times it is washed.

* If the dirt is something that is not visible and that does not leave any trace when it dries
like urine, the part of the garment that is smeared by urine is washed in a container 3 times
with different water separately and the garment is wrung in order to get the water out of

However, if the dirty thing is something that cannot be wrung (like a mat, carpet, felt, etc)
it is washed three times in a container 3 times and it is dried after each washing. They are
hung until the falling drops end; thus, they are regarded to have dried. If something like
that is not washed in a container but in a stream or by pouring water on it, it is regarded to
have been cleaned if no trace of dirt remains. It does not have to be wrung and dried.

2 - Cleaning Through Boiling in Water:

* Liquids like milk, treacle, honey, jam, etc which have been smeared by something dirty
become clean when they are boiled with clean water 3 times separately.

* If tripe is put into boiling water before it is washed, it does not become clean again.
However, if it is put into water that has not boiled yet, it is cleaned by being washed
afterwards. If it is taken out of the boiling water before boiling water penetrates into it, the
same decree is valid. That is, it does not become irrevocably unclean. It becomes clean
when it is washed.

* Chickens and similar animals that have been slaughtered in accordance with religious
rules but that are put into boiling water in order to remove their feathers without removing
their intestines become dirty if the dirt inside comes out and smears the flesh. Therefore,
after slaughtering such an animal, the flowing blood on it and the inner parts should be
removed and washed; and then it should be put into hot water. However, if the animal is
put in water that is not hot enough for the dirt in it to penetrate into the flesh, it is not
regarded as dirty.

* The way of cleaning an animal which becomes dirty by being kept in hot water is to
clean the inside of the animal and to boil it in hot water three times separately and to pour
the water away each time after it is washed. Thus, the dirt in the flesh of the animal is
removed with the boiled water and it becomes clean.

3 - Cleaning by Fire:

* Things made of dirty mud like pitchers, glasses, bowls are cleaned by burning them on

* Cow dung and similar impurities become clean when they are burnt in fire and turn into
4 - Cleaning by Wiping:

* If things like a knife, glass, polished wood, marble and tray are dirtied by wet or dry
impurities, they can be cleaned by wiping with a wet cloth, sponge or soil. However, one
should feel sure that the impurity has been removed.

* Engraved and embroidered things cannot be cleaned by wiping; they can be cleaned by

5 - Cleaning by Scraping or Rubbing:

* If the sperm that has smeared the underwear or garment is dry, it can be cleaned by only
rubbing without washing. The trace left on the garment after rubbing does not invalidate
worshipping. If the sperm that has smeared the garment is wet, it will be regarded clean
only after it is washed.

The sperm that has stuck on the body is not cleaned by rubbing; the body will be regarded
clean only after it is washed.

* If some dirt falls onto frozen fat, the fat is regarded clean after the part on which the dirt
fell is scraped and removed.

6 - Cleaning by Drying and Disappearance of the Trace of the Dirt:

* When the ground and things that are fixed on the ground like trees, grass, etc are dirtied,
they are regarded clean when the dirt on them dries. That drying can be through the sun,
fire or wind. Praying can be performed on such a place but tayammum cannot be carried
out by them because they are clean but they cannot be used to clean things.

* Dirty soil is regarded clean after sufficient water is poured onto it to remove the dirt or
by laying enough clean soil on it to eliminate the smell of the dirt.

7 - Cleaning Through the Flowing of the water or Disappearance of the Water:

* A small puddle (for instance the basin of a bath) into which some dirt has fallen is
regarded clean when clean water is poured into it and the dirty water overflows; in this
case, the puddle is regarded like running water.

* A polluted well becomes clean if its water disappears spontaneously or if the well is
emptied by drawing its water with buckets.

8 - Cleaning Through Changing State:

* A dirty substance becomes clean if its nature changes. For instance, if wine is transformed
into vinegar through a chemical added into it, it becomes clean because its nature changes.

* Dirty olive oil becomes clean when it is transformed into soap. However, dirty milk does
not become clean when it is transformed into cheese or yogurt because its nature has not

9 - Cleaning Through Cutting and Tanning:

* The skins of the animals that can or cannot be eaten except the pig are regarded clean
unless some dirt like blood, etc smears on them. Prayers can be performed on such a skin.

* The skins of all of the animals except the pig are regarded clean when they are slaughtered
or when they are tanned. The skin of an animal that died spont
E. References

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