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You are on holiday in a foreign country for the first time.

Write a letter to a close friend in your home country, explaining;

 what is different about the new place you are in

 what activities you have already done and planned to do
 what do you feel about the holiday
The pictures above may give you some ideas, and you should try to use some ideas of your

Your letter should be between 150 and 200 words long. Do not write an address.

You will receive up to 10 marks for the content of your letter, and up to 9 marks for the style
and accuracy of your language.

You will receive up to 10 marks for the content of your letter, and up to 9 marks for the style
and accuracy of your language.

Dear Evelynn,

Sorry it’s been ages since my last letter, but it was all because I was gearing up for my first
overseas holiday.

Yes, you guessed it right – I’m in Paris (yay, the frog is finally out of the pond!). I’ve been over
the moon since we arrived yesterday, so I couldn’t resist dropping a few lines to brag about
it. Need I tell you I’ve always had a thing for Pairs and snow? As you know snow is something
we only get to see on telly in Maldives, so you can imagine how I’d be drooling over the sight
when I see the whole city completely blanketed with fluffy white snow.

Oh, there’s plenty to do here. Dad didn’t agree to laze around, so we went for a round of
sightseeing yesterday. You wouldn’t believe how magnificent the Eiffel tower is. I stood there
mouth agape in awe though I must’ve looked idiotic. Then we went to the mall to quench my
shopaholic mom’s thirst for frocks. The place was like something from a fairy tale: a riot of
colour with an array of zillion items. Tomorrow is going to be my day – skiing on the French
Alps at last! I can hardly wait to fulfil my childhood dream of sliding down cottony snow and
getting my adrenalin going.

Exaggerations aside, this is going to be my best holiday ever. I don’t mean to boast, but it
really is like a dream come true. Everything here is way better than I’ve imagined.

Got to dash now. Need to catch a few winks before the big tomorrow.



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