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The Definitive Guide to DAX: Companion Content

There is one folder for each chapter.

A few chapters do not have any demo, in that case there is a single file named "No
demo files" in the folder.
Most of the examples are based on a Contoso data model that is available in Power
BI Desktop format.
Other examples are in Excel. You can open all the .xlsx files with Excel 2013, but
certain new DAX functions
work only in Excel 2016. If you get an error from Excel 2013 if you refresh a pivot
table, this is the reason.

You can open the .DAX files from DAX Studio.

You can download the free Power BI Desktop tool at this URL:

You can download the free DAX Studio tool at this URL:

Once installed, open the Contoso.pbix file with Power BI Desktop and connect from
DAX Studio in the demos where
this is required.

If you have SQL Server Analysis Services 2016, you can restore the Power BI Desktop
file on Analysis Services,
and connect DAX Studio to Analysis Services, selecting the correct database.

Certain databases in Excel are based on a subset of the data available in the same
Contoso database used in the
example created with Power BI Desktop.
If you want to refresh the content of the Power BI Desktop or Excel files, you need
the Contoso database in SQL Server.
You can restore it from the backup file "ContosoRetailDW.bak" that you have in the
root folder of the
companion content ZIP file.

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