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From the UNSA is my house’s farthest that I do every day in transport Commented [1]: No se entiende

public, the trip is as long as going from Uchumayo to the city center,
however it’s much quieter tan a taxi ride in Arequipa, so my best Commented [2]: A que tipo de transporte te refieres

option will always be to take the bus. The bus ticket costs me 10
soles every week, so the bus is the first cheapest transport in
Arequipa but it isn’t as fast as combi and this is a little less
comfortable than a taxi. The combis are as frequent as the buses
because it is the second most preferred by people. In the rush hour
the buses aren’t as convenient as the combis because they stop for
…..pick up passengers and these are a lot less fast than combis and
taxis and this one is a bit safer than the rest. My best idea for public
transport is to modernize it and thus make my city in my country's
most orderly. Arequipa will be the least problematic in transport and Commented [3]: No seentiende

thus have the simplest life.

When you arrive in Arequipa you can take the bus because it’s the
first most frequent transport you will find, but it isn’t as comfortable as
the taxi and a little more realible than a tico. To visit the tourist places
you can go by taxi because they are much cheaper than the tourist
agency buses. Getting to Arequipa is the simplest thing in the world.
To get to the city center you can go on foot however this isn’t as fast
as cycling. The Catedral is Arequipa’s most popular place, being
here is the best experience. Yanahuara in my city's most visited place
because it is the Mirador Yanahuara and is a lot more popular than
the Plaza de Armas. Getting to this place is a bit less farther than
going to the Catedral and you can take a bus but this is the least
typical in the Mirador. Currently Yura is the last least visited in these
years. Arequipa is one friendliest with tourist and as Cosmopolitan
as Lima. Arequipa is as impressive as Cuzco. Arequipa is one of the
least dangerous places in Perú. Arequipa had years ago one of the
most traditional transports but now they are much more modern. My
best recommendation for you is to take a safe and cheap transport.
For you our best thanks for visiting Arequipa.

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