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A Time When Your Expectations Were Incorrect (60 second speech) Due 8/26/18

When I tried to do laundry last week I was expecting everything to be easy and go smoothly, but,

unfortunately, that did not happen. First, I should explain that I have done my own laundry

before many times meaning that nothing should have gone wrong. Expecting to perform an easy

task I took my unscented, uncolored laundry detergent and a sack of dirty clothes to the

basement of Maria. As soon as I reached the stale detergent filled air I remembered, I am allergic

to Tide laundry detergent. I could feel my lungs being to strain as soon as I opened the door. I

made my way to the laundry room, quickly doing all the necessary steps before starting the

washer and leaving the room. When I got up to my dorm I stood by the open window and

breathed the fresh air before having an asthma like attack in the middle of my room. After I

recovered I made my way back to the laundry room to move the clothes to the dryer. I entered

the room, found an open dryer, and switched my clothes over as fast as possible. Scurrying from

the basement I felt itchy and tight, it went away after 5 minutes of being away from the Tide. An

hour later, I made my final trip to the basement to receive the clothes. I hiked them up to my

dorm and could finally relax. Doing laundry in college was a task that I had assumed would be

simple, however, since Tide is the number one grossing laundry detergent brand in America this

task turned to be very problematic.

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