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A forum for the discussion of Sophian Gnosticism

Path of the Cross/ Cross of Light

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Path of the Cross/ Cross of Light
by Brooke Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2013 7:27 pm

“If you know the path of the moon you will know the path of the sun. With this
knowledge and understanding, follow the path of light which is beyond the sun or the
moon. This is the path of the cross.”
~ Secret Gospel of Mary

"This cross of light is sometimes called the word by me for your sakes, sometimes mind,
sometimes Jesus, sometimes Christ, sometimes door, sometimes a way, sometimes
bread, sometimes seed, sometimes resurrection, sometimes Son, sometimes Father,
sometimes Spirit, sometimes life, sometimes truth, sometimes faith, sometimes grace.
And by these names it is called as toward men: but that which it is in truth, as
conceived of in itself and as spoken of unto you, it is the marking-off of all things, and
the firm uplifting of things fixed out of things unstable, and the harmony of wisdom, and
indeed wisdom in harmony."
~ “Acts of John”


During a recent contemplation, I was struck by the similarity between these beautiful passages
from “The Secret Gospel of Mary” and “The Acts of John.” As the Feast of the Crucifixion and
Resurrection or Spring Equinox draws near, these passages seem especially powerful as a means to
contemplate the *cross of light* and the *path of the cross.*

The verse from “The Secret Gospel of Mary” seems, to me, to suggest that if we understand the
Mother we will also understand the Father. God the Mother is immanent in creation while God the
Father transcends it. But through the knowledge of the Mother, we come to know the Father. Yet,
ultimately, even this understanding unfolds as gnosis via the cross of light or the path of the cross.
This seems to point to the importance of experiential knowledge or gnosis rather than intellectual

That being said, I was struck by the idea of the path of light as the crossing of the vertical axis
(father – son) and horizontal axis (mother-daughter) on the cross? Through the Son or Spiritual Sun,
our own Light, we (the daughter) know the Mother and through the Mother we know the Father.
Indeed, this is a vibrant, living cross. It criss-crosses beyond even these patterns.

We usually think of a path as being linear, but the path of the cross -- which is a cross of light --
wouldn't be linear at all. For this reason, the flickering between clarity and confusion, when it
comes to gnosis, may be more intense or drawn out for someone who feels more comfortable with
a linear explanation. While I know that, ultimately, gnosis is an act of Grace working within our
own individual practice and surrender, I thought it would be inspiring and helpful to understand a
path that is crossed.

There is much to contemplate in these verses, but I wanted to start with this basic question about
the cross of light and the path of the cross.
Shalom and Blessings!

some layers of meaning...

by Tau Malachi Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 9:44 am

Grace and peace to you in Hayyah Yeshua!

The passage from the Acts of St. John is quite beautiful joined with this saying from the Gospel of

There are, in truth, many layers of meaning within this saying for “moon” and “sun” and “light”
can be understood in various ways, beginning with the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, the
Holy Bride and Bridegroom, and their union in the bridal chamber, represented by “light” and the
“cross.” In this interpretation the “path of the cross corresponds with the Second Adam, or Great
Seth, which is the full reintegration of the masculine and feminine in us, and the full reintegration
of the soul with the Light Continuum, Yahweh; hence, the generation of a new humanity in the
Messiah, supernal and divine.

There are other layers of meaning, though, venturing into other mysteries, or other expressions of
the same holy mystery.

First, as you may recall in your studies of the serpent power, interior stars and body of light that
there are three principle channels through which the serpent power is uplifted, lunar, solar and the
central, or “stellar” channel. Here the central channel way is call the “path of the cross.”
Essentially, the place of the “crossing,” or the cross, corresponds with the crown star on top of the
head – “Mount of the Skull,” and when an adept engages the transference of consciousness,
actually shifting the center of their consciousness from their physical body into a subtle body of
light, they will uplift the serpent power through the central or stellar channel to the crown star in
order to “cross” into the light body. Something similar is also done when helping souls of the dying
and dead in their “crossing,” and likewise when initiates are waiting upon the Holy Spirit for the
full breakthrough into Supernal or Messianic Consciousness. In order to bring mental consciousness
into cessation to open the way for the Supramental Consciousness, they will uplift the serpent
power to the brow and crown, and bring the serpent power into repose, cessation. It is through the
capacity to abide in this state, Clear Light Dissolution, that the Supernal Consciousness dawns and
the full generation of the Threefold Body of Melchizedek is accomplished. When this happens, the
Supernal Influx generates a greater manifestation of the serpent power, and so the serpent power
is uplifted through all three channel ways at once; hence, the Light-presence and Light-power we
encounter in a true Gnostic Apostle, or a spiritual master in Supernal Realization. Thus, on one
level this speaks of the awakening of the serpent power, which is an esoteric understanding of the
mystery of the crucifixion and resurrection. The Holy Cross corresponds with the Non-dual Gnostic
Awareness of Supernal Consciousness, and likewise with the development of consciousness beyond
the body, or capacity for the full transference of consciousness.

“Moon,” “sun,” and the “light of the cross” also designate three different gradations of light, and
three different light vestures that may be generated: astral, spiritual and supernal. These are
three very different gradations in the generation of the body of light, the ascent of consciousness
and realization of the soul, and it is very important these gradations are not confused. If and when
they are confused, clinging to the astral light, believing it to be the “spiritual light,” an individual
might prevent further development, and likewise, clinging to the spiritual light, believing it to be
the “supernal light,” so they might fail to actively labor for the greater Supernal Realization. This
saying reminds us that there are three gradations of the Holy Light, the very essence of them all
being the Clear Light; hence, the “simple primordial light of the first day of creation stored up for
the righteous.” This is an important reminder because many aspirants early on confuse these
gradations and this confusion often generates powerful obstructions to further progress in the
There is also another significant teaching in this simple saying from the Gospel of Mirya. In the
Kabbalah of the Zohar Malkut is called the “moon” and Yesod is called the “sun,” and the “light”
beyond these is Tiferet. The moon is the Community, the sun is the Holy Tzaddik, and the light of
the cross is the Messiah, the Messiah who is the head of the Living Body and who is the Way, or
Continuum of Light Transmission; tzaddik and community, the Living Body, is the vehicle of Light
Transmission, and is the “Path of the Cross” – the manifestation of the Way in This World.

If we account moon and sun as Yesod and Tiferet by there actual celestial attributes, then the Path
of the Cross is the path crossing the Great Abyss, and the Light of the True Cross is the Supernal
Light, influxes of which come through a soul “crossing the Abyss.” This, of course, is another way
of speaking about Clear Light Dissolution, the cessation of mental consciousness through which the
Supramental Consciousness dawns.

This saying also hints at another mystery, one concerning the continuum of sacred ceremonies in
traditional Sophia Gnostic circles, for there is an outer and inner continuum of ceremonies, the
outer being called the “solar continuum” and the inner being called the “lunar continuum.” The
outer continuum is mystical, focused upon devotion and worship, celebrating the key mysteries and
movements of the Holy Gospel through the solar year; the inner continuum is magical, and focuses
on spiritual works, experiential teachings and revelations, and spiritual empowerments. These two
expressions of the continuum are completely interconnected and interwoven, but it is through
experiences in the inner continuum that the outer continuum is truly known and understood; the
outer being as a veil to the inner works.

This also speaks to the natural generation of an outer and inner circle in Gnostic Community, and
to the natural generation of an outer and inner branch in a Gnostic Lineage; this is common in most
forums of authentic mystical spirituality, an outer and inner manifestation usually form, or
different levels of involvement in the spiritual life and practice arise, all as is good for each

These are some other layers of meaning we might draw from this saying in the Gospel of Mirya.

Messiah Shalom!

Re: some layers of meaning...

by Brooke Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:49 pm

Tau Malachi wrote:

“Moon,” “sun,” and the “light of the cross” also designate three different gradations of
light, and three different light vestures that may be generated: astral, spiritual and
supernal. These are three very different gradations in the generation of the body of
light, the ascent of consciousness and realization of the soul, and it is very important
these gradations are not confused. If and when they are confused, clinging to the astral
light, believing it to be the “spiritual light,” an individual might prevent further
development, and likewise, clinging to the spiritual light, believing it to be the
“supernal light,” so they might fail to actively labor for the greater Supernal
Realization. This saying reminds us that there are three gradations of the Holy Light, the
very essence of them all being the Clear Light; hence, the “simple primordial light of
the first day of creation stored up for the righteous.” This is an important reminder
because many aspirants early on confuse these gradations and this confusion often
generates powerful obstructions to further progress in the Gospel.


Thanks, Tau, for answering this question in a way that both uplifts and challenges forgetfulness.
My first thought was that there are so many [wonderful] layers of meanings in your answer. My next
reaction [on a second reading] was dismay at how we can allow ourselves to be tripped up by false
lights, which has been discussed on this forum in many other places, such as in the Gospel of Pistis
Sophia. Seeing the gradations of Light explained in this way brought some more clarity and
understanding to this. Plus, I was reminded of the "Path of the Cross" via the interior stars and
uplifting of the serpent power. I was also struck by the outer and inner continuum of ceremonies
which is one place where the actual transformation or Light Transmission can occur... if we're

While reading this, I was seeing that all of these layers lead back to one Truth, leading to Clear
Light Dissolution and Supramental Consciousness. The many layers are simply skillful means for
understanding what is beyond the ordinary mind. I was thinking that whichever layer resonates
most with your heart and your Soul of Light is the one that will be most likely to get you closer to
Supramental Consciousness or full knowledge of yourself as you exist in the Light Continuum. So,
when we study or when we talk with others, this awareness of resonance is what's most important
when it comes to understanding the Path of the Cross and the Cross of Light. We should ask, "What
resonates most for me or that person in order to get me, him or her to that place?" This comes with
much awareness that it must resonate with the friend / teacher, too, in order for a truly blessed
exchange of sparks to occur.

May We Never Give Up On Gnosis for Ourselves and Others! Praying That We All Gnow in Full that
Which Was Never Separate from Us!

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