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6 PEACH AND JOY. From www traditionalmusic co uk MT. LEBANON, N.Y. toil and strife, Thus forming se | | ' SATS I =} Rac se 2S Se 1, A-wake, for the an-gels are gath-'ring near, Whis-per-ing 2. Oh, then let us gain ev-'ry Chris -tian grace, What-e’er the @ oo + “a8 eft Dios pe Fee ae (se oe pace e a he pete as Fa a Os ae eS peace and joy, Gath -er-ing near Christ-bless - ing to bring; Let here a household of faith, The V7] REFRAIN FOR Ist STANZA. mj gg # d c rc be pope 99-779. (pee ee rt E Z| aa ais noth-ing that boon destroy. Hap - py are they who gath-er these fruit of the vir- gin life. este ia + fr ts (e-—se—_-_e_P pee fe a CC t REFRAIN FOR 2D evr see = “| 7 b=5-st F gore: aa ra bp fe EY At Z ra Grass pMg ere ¥ v gifts, Fresh from the heav’ns the soul to up- lift. Let us sing with the - a an-gels in £2 # glad ac-cord, Peace and joy are the gifts of the Lord. i}

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