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Siarra Chabot

Siarra Chabot worked as an intern at my public relations agency, Bulldog Communications.

Siarra was a diligent worker and was ready and willing to take on every assignment we gave her.
She was able to get very good results - probably better than I would have expected from an intern
– which helped contribute to maintaining solid relationships with the clients whose accounts she
worked on.

Siarra was also very eager to learn and asked a lot of insightful questions, not just about each
project but public relations in general. It became clear early on that she was passionate about
public relations and approached it with the kind of enthusiasm one wants to see from someone
looking to make a career in this field. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Siarra to anyone who
needs a hard-working, pleasant, quick learner, whether as an intern or a staff employee.


Arthur Sesnovich, Principal

Bulldog Communications

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