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MATH 1210-Pipeline project Jared Velez

BLM Ground

17 miles
BLM Ground
42 miles

Private Ground

97 miles - BLM Ground

The U.S. Interior Secretary recently approved drilling of natural gas wells near
Vernal, Utah. Your company has begun drilling and established a high-producing well
on BLM ground. They now need to build a pipeline to get the natural gas to their
While running the line directly to the refinery will be the least amount of
pipe and shortest distance, it would require running the line across private ground and
paying a right-of-way fee. There is a mountain directly east of the well that must be
drilled through in order to run the pipeline due east.

Your company can build the pipeline around the private ground by going 17 miles
directly west and then 42 miles south and finally 97 miles east to the refinery (see figure
above). Cost for materials, labor and fees to run the pipeline across BLM ground is
$98,750 per mile.

Cost of drilling through the existing mountain would be a one-time cost of

$2,364,000 on top of the normal costs ($98,750 per mile) of the pipeline itself. Also the
BLM will require an environmental impact study before allowing you to drill through the
mountain. Cost for the study is estimated to be $78,000 and will delay the project by 3
months costing the company another $1,200 per month.

For any pipeline run across private ground, your company incurs an additional
$24,300 per mile cost for right-of-way fees in addition to the normal costs ($98,750 per
mile) of the pipeline itself.

Your company has asked you to do the following:

Determine the cost of running the pipeline strictly on BLM ground with two different
i) One running west, south and then east to the refinery.


ii) One heading east through the mountain and then south to the refinery

Delay=3 months-1,200 per month
Environmental study cost=$78,000
Cost to drill through mountain=$2,364,000
Total cost=(122*98,750)+3600+78000+2364000=$14,493,100
Determine the cost of running the pipeline:
i) The shortest distance across the private ground to the refinery.
𝑥 2 = 422 + 802

𝑥 = √(1764 + 6400)
Cost per mile=$24,300
ii) Straight south across the private ground, then straight east to the refinery.

Cost per mile=$123050
a) C: Determine the cost function for the pipeline for the configuration involving
running from the well across the private ground at some angle and intersecting
the BLM ground to the south and then running east to the refinery. Use this
function to find the optimal way to run the pipeline to minimize cost. Determine
the length of pipe that runs across private land and how far from the refinery it
starts running on BLM land. After finding the optimal pipe configuration,
determine the angle at which your optimal path leaves the well. Clearly show all
work including drawing the pipeline configuration. Make it very clear how you
use your knowledge of calculus to determine the optimal placement of the

17 miles 80mi
BLM Ground
42 miles


x (80-x)

97 miles - BLM Ground

𝑡𝑎𝑛𝜃 = 𝑥/42 BLM=$98,750

𝑦 = √(𝑥 2 + 1764 Private=$24,300
𝐶(𝑥) = 98750(80 − 𝑥) + 123050(√(𝑥^2 + 1764))

𝐶(𝑥) = 7,900,000 − 98750𝑥 + 123050√𝑥 2 + 1764

1 1
𝐶 ′ (𝑥) − 98750 + 123050(𝑥 2 + 1764)^(− )(2𝑥)
2 2
𝐶 ′ (𝑥) = −98750 + (𝑥 2 + 1764)2 + 123050𝑥
−98750(𝑥 2 + 1764)2 + 12305 = 0
123050𝑥 = 98750(𝑥 2 + 1764)1/2

1.25𝑥 = √𝑥 2 + 1764
1.56𝑥 2 = 𝑥 2 + 1764
𝑥 = 56.5
−1( )
∅ = tan 42 = 53.4

y = √((56.5)2 + 1764)=70.4
d= (80 − 56.5) = 23.5
Minimum Cost
The pipeline on this method will be in the southeast direction the private grounds of 70.4miles
and will intersect BLM land at 23.5 miles towards the refinery. The cost will be $10,983,345
which will have the most affordable cost for building.

Throughout my journey through calculus I had to refresh my knowledge on Trigonometry
and Algebra to create a strong base to enter calculus. Since, I am going into a degree like Civil
engineering I see how much calculus a valuable tool for me will be to use when I graduate and
have Civil engineering be my career. In this project I learned how much calculus I will be using
when I do become a civil engineer because I suspect that many of the project, I will come
across will be very similar to this. Using problem solving skills like we have done here to find the
most cost-efficient way to satisfy the customer that has asked me to do so.
In this project calculus has really opened my eyes to how much it can be used in real life
situations. I do intend to further my journey through calculus and strengthening my math skills
as I move along through my degree.

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