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In those pictures above, we can see that there are mistakes in translation of the phrases that
printed in the banner or sticker used to display the sellers’ products. It shows that the writers did
misspellings in those texts. It refers to a translation that does not sound correct in English.

1) In the first picture, basically, the writer used translation pure borrowing techniques to
promote the seller’s product. He might be used the word “Vanilla Latte” for the coffee
flavor variants. It happened because there is no equivalent word in Bahasa to replace the
word "Vanilla Latte". However, the writer might intend to convey a word "Vanilla Latte",
but a misspelling error makes the target text error. The writer might want to convey the
intention that in his coffee product, the seller has a variant of the taste "Vanilla Latte", but
there is a misspelling error in the second word which is "Latte" become "Late" which
means "terlambat" in Bahasa, and if "Vanilla Late" translated into Bahasa, it means
“Vanilla terlambat”. This error results in a semantic error that results in a different
meaning than what it should be. Of course, it will make the readers confused, and they
will do not understand the text they are reading because it does not fit the context
2) In the second and third pictures, there is a similarity with the first picture which basically
the writer used translation borrowing techniques to offer the sellers’ products. He might
be used the word “Scanning” and “Cappuccino” for their products. It happened because
there is no equivalent word in Bahasa to replace the word "Scanning" and “Cappuccino”.
However, the writers did the same mistakes in those words which is misspelling errors. It
also happened in the fourth picture. The words written by the writers are Scanning,
Capucino and Accecories that must be Sanning, Cappuccino, and Accessories. It makes
the results of the translation lose its proper meaning.
3) In the last picture, the writer might be used translation blend borrowing techniques to
promote the seller’s product from the English word Crispy to Krispy in Bahasa. In the
fact, the word Krispy cannot be found in the KBBI. It indicates that there is also
misspeling error in this word that absolutely wrong lexically. The writer should write
Krispi in Bahasa not in English to match or equivalent to the words that followed by
Krispi, Otak-otak.

All in all, most of the translation techniques used by the authors are translation
borrowing techniques. however, the most common error is misspelling errors. this
happens when there are letters added and letters removed that form a wrong word in
English. In business or commercial, misspelling errors can have long lasting negative
effects. That will make your reputation bad. Such mistakes will have an impact on the
emergence of understanding the wrong meaning by the reader. On the other hand, for us
who are linguists or students of English literature, when we read and find the spelling
mistakes as in the cases above, we may will be entertained, or we can also feel annoyed,
and maybe we will also feel happy that we know the mistakes and someone else did not.
However, when spelling errors appear in professional translations, the consequences are
often more serious than just interference or amusement.

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