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Austin Salvador

CIL 621

Professional, Course-Related Why is the goal important to How will I document/provide

Goal me? evidence that I am working
on this goal/accomplished
this goal?

My “I As A Learner” goal for If I am able to gather the In order to document and

this semester is to develop a appropriate assessment tools provide evidence that I am
binder of lesson plans, for literacy instruction, I will working on this goal or have
assessment tools, and be better able to meet each accomplished this goal, I will
strategies to guide literacy student’s needs. By compiling research 5 assessments for
instruction over topics lesson plans and strategies my class, stating their
including reading, writing, for instruction, I will be better purpose, standard(s), and
comprehension, fluency, able to access prior instruction strategies. I hope
phonics/word study, knowledge in my students to implement these
vocabulary, and motivation. while simultaneously assessments and create my
engaging students through own mini lessons based on
multiple styles of learning. what I learn from them.I will
also communicate with other
educators at my school to
share ideas and strategies to
include in my binder.

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