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Religion is the theme that I think influenced a person from the ancient world to act

responsibly and contribute to society. Religion and culture have always had significance

throughout history. It sets the rules and customs by which people live and practice. Religion is a

central form of life.

Ashoka from the ancient Mauryan dynasty is my first example. Ashoka began as a leader

and expanded the kingdom of his ancestors. After the war against Kalinga, Ashoka ended up

converting to the religion of Buddhism. He did, however, change his ways and was determined

to rule in peace. He promoted the spread of the religion and its beliefs and encouraged peace and

harmony among his subjects. He was a great ruler who cared about the well-being of his

kingdom. Learning from the actions of Ashoka, we can see how religion helps shape society.

My second example from the Roman Empire, he was the first Roman emperor to convert

to Christianity, Emperor Constantine. When Constantine converted, Rome began to witness

many changes in its laws and policies. Christians have now been free to practice their religion,

and special privileges. Nevertheless, the practice of other religions was not banned by

Constantine. He allowed anyone to practice their religions within their rights. After Constantine

spread the religion of Christianity in Rome, Christianity has risen to become the biggest and

greatest religions. Even to modern times, Christianity is still one of the biggest religions.
Third example I give is of Zoroaster, who came up with the religion of Zoroastrianism. He

preached the importance of one's own decision, saying that by thinking and doing good, we are

getting closer to God. He told his followers to perform good acts and deeds, and to also act in a

kind and presentable manner.

Ghaith Alsabbagh


Portfolio Reflection

December 8, 2019





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