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Anatomy Finals 2017-2018 Recalls

1. Union of Superficial temporal vein and Maxillary Vein = Retromandibular vein

2. Occipitofrontalis muscle (specifically the frontal belly) raises eyebrows
3. Found in the middle cranial fossa: sphenoid sinus (not sure)
4.​ Divides the posterior triangle of the neck: Omohyoid (inferior belly)
5. Tracheostomy: 2nd – 3rd tracheal ring
6. Emergency cricothyroidotomy: cricothyroid membrane
7. Clinical auscultation area for pulmonary valve: Medial end of 2nd left ICS
8. Base of the heart: left atrium
9. Coronary sinus: lies along the atrioventricular groove
10. Closure of the aortic valve leads to filling up of the coronary arteries
11. Location of SA node: tip of sulcus terminalis
12. Dimpling of the breast: Due to the suspensory ligaments of cooper
13. Anterior border of the larynx: infrahyoid
14. Lateral cricoarytenoid: Adducts vocal cords; Posterior cricoarytenoid: Abducts vocal
15. Third part of the duodenum: related to superior mesenteric vessels
16. Marker in locating the appendix: Teniae Coli
17. Narrowest part of male urethra: external meatus
18. External spermatic fascia: from external oblique aponeurosis
19. Muscle related to the branches of the lumbar plexus: psoas
20. Importance: Triangle of Calot: Cystic Artery
21. Portal vein formed by the union of superior mesenteric and splenic vein
22. Glossopharyngeal nerve: general sensation and taste for the posterior 1/3 of the mouth
23. Temporomandibular joint: between articular tubercle and anterior portion of the
MANDIBULAR FOSSA of the temporal bone above and the head (condyloid process) of the
23. Opening of the Stensen’s duct: Opposite the upper 2nd molar tooth (may something
about maxillary bone dun sa exam)
24. Lateral plantar artery (from posterior tibial artery) unites with dorsalis pedis to form
plantar arch
25. Muscles that are affected when upper medial surface of tibia shaft is damaged:
Sartorius, Gracilis, Semitendinosus
26.Phrenic nerve will pass anterior to scalenus anterior
27. Moderator band: present in RV but not in LV
28. Mercedes benz: Aortic valve
29. What forms the base of the heart: Left atrium
30. Found in Anatomic Snuffbox: radial artery
31. May result from fracture of Ethmoid bone: Anosmia (due to damage of Olfactory nerve)
32. Sensory innervation of posterior third of tongue: glossopharyngeal
33. Location of urethral crest: prostatic urethra
34. Case about a boy who had a small object stuck sa may respi tract. Area where it got
stuck: right bronchus
35. How to test facial nerve? Close lips
36. Long axis something (ultrasound sa neck): indicator should point cephalad
37. Nerve responsible for movement of scrotum during the cold: genitofemoral
38. Ovaries have both endocrine and exocrine functions
39. Taste in anterior ⅔ of tongue: Facial nerve (is it not chorda tympani)
40. Muscles the borders the axilla anterior border: pecs major and minor
41. Splenectomy would affect greater curvature of stomach
42. Lymphatic drainage of testis or epididymis or fundus of uterus (not sure which one) basta
43. Thoracostomy done on superior border of rib
44. Vein is the most superior in the intercostal groove
45. Gluteus maximus extends knee via iliotibial tract
46. Ultrasound for heart: phase array; neck:linear; abdomen: convex
47. Question about Anechoic waves: sound wave bounce off
48. Ultrasound waves which are not clinically significant
49. Retroperitoneal organs:
50. Lymph drainage of kidneys/suprarenal glands: Lateral aortic nodes
51. Multinucleated: Osteoclasts
52. Borders of the thyroid gland (what tracheal rings)
53. Singer who can’t reach high pitch sounds: Superior Laryngeal Nerve
54. Layer of Scalp responsible for infection: Loose Areolar Connective Tissue

Matching Type:

1. Commencement: Vein, Artery, Nerve

2. Tributaries: Vein
3. Branches: Nerve and Artery

1. Barium enema: Colon Cancer

2. Ultrasound: Renal stones / Nephrolithiasis
3. UGIS (upper gastrointestinal series): Gastric ulcer
4. Esophagram: Achalasia

1. Saddle: Carpometacarpal (CMC) joint of thumb
2. Condyloid: Metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints
3. Plane/gliding: Intercarpal joints
4. Hinge: Interphalangeal (IP) joints

There are also questions about:

Fascial coverings of the kidney (remember the 4 fascia-fat-fascia-fat and what they enclose)
Table about heart valves, location regarding to surface anatomy and auscultation area
Differences between right and left lung (fissures)
Differences between jejunum and ileum
Differences between small and large intestine
Retroperitoneal parts of the GI

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