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Millennials – They are the generation of people born on the edge of the millennium and had a

number of features which differ them from the people born before. And we, every one of us here,
are part of them. We have become a distinctive layer of the society, having special attitude towards
life. Under the influence of technological advances, as well as the society and our families, we
millennials have developed our own fears, problems, insecurities and difficulties. We became the
most diverse, tolerant, connected, educated and idealistic generation ever. We also became
narcissistic, lazy, entitled and disconnected.

Millennials are the most diverse generation, given that everyone of us are born from different races,
status, environment with different cultures, belief and views, it develops personalities that vary from
one person, to another. Thus, having diversity.

From different issues found on the internet, televisions and smartphones, exchange of opinions
happens and millennials tend to tolerate such things. They allow the existence of it even if
sometimes, they don’t agree with the point of a person giving opinion. Through this, more people
tend to give opinion on a certain topic without uncertainty.

Millennials are connected educated. This is really true. With the help of technologies,
communication between people and information dissemination became easier even if they are far
from each other. In the terms of education, with higher standards of teaching, millennials tend to
learn more and be interactive in the classroom or even on visual learning.

Millennials are open-minded, they become aware with situations in life and support advocacies that
could help them grow. This make them idealistic people. They are also receptive to new ideas and
search for more suitable choices to achieve something close to perception.

On the negative side, millennials are narcissistic. They have excessive interest on oneself and one’s
physical appearance. Millennials also entitle themselves to have the right over something because
they feel that they deserve better that they have been getting.

Millennials also became lazy. Maybe, this is due to the emergence of technological advances where
in just one click, you will get what you want. And there’s this trait “procrastination” that’s been
observed nowadays with millennials.

Millennials are disconnected. This is true. Physical presence has been abandoned when millennials
uses their smartphones during conversations and it shows that when you get more connected online
or on technology, the more you disconnect in the reality.

However, we millennials are not perfect. We do live in a world of screens where physical appearance
is more important. Than ever. We live in a world of technologies which make our life more complex.
There may be issues with the characteristics of millennials but such attitudes say far more about the
state of the society. That the world we live in doesn’t change, it’s getting worse. The good thing is,
we millennials are brave and we still could stand amidst the criticism towards us. We can show
ourselves and even with diversity, we are unified. So, let’s trust ourselves that we could do it. That
we could change the world through flame of unity found in ourselves.

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