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A depravity of the mind

28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of
God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be

Romans 1: 28

18 Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body,
but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.

1 Corinthians 6:18
April 2016

Barna Research Group


Dr. Mary Anne Layden

Intent with Pornography
Personal Arousal



“It’s fun”

Socially acceptable

Relational Building
Intent with Pornography
Personal Arousal



“It’s fun”

Socially acceptable

Relational Building

Sexually arousing material delivered in the form of communication

Communication of Pornography
Romance Novels Sexting

Magazines Snapchat

Pictures Facebook/Instagram

DVD’s Chat Rooms

Internet Pornography Tender

Prostitution Movies/Media

Classic Version 2.0

History of Pornography
History of Pornography
19th Century Romance Novels

Caused very first obscenity laws to be enacted in the UK and USA followed
History of Pornography
Kinsey Report

1948 Report done out of University of Indiana

Main findings were that humans were sexual and homosexuality was common

Homosexual himself and experimented with children

Paved the way for modern sexual education and acceptance

History of Pornography
Kinsey Report

Children Findings
History of Pornography
Kinsey Report

Children Findings

Extreme tension with violent convulsions: ...sudden heaving and jerking of the whole
body... gasping... hands grasping, mouth distorted, sometimes with tongue protruding;
whole body or parts of it spasmodically twitching...violent jerking of the
penis...groaning, sobbing, or more violent cries, sometimes with an abundance of tears
(especially among younger children).... hysterical laughing, talking, sadistic or
masochistic reactions... extreme trembling, collapse, loss of color, and sometimes
fainting of subject.... some...suffer excruciating pain and may scream ...if the penis is
even touched....some...before the arrival of orgasm, will fight away from the partner and
may make violent attempts to avoid climax although they derive definite pleasure
from the situation.[19]
History of Pornography

1953 First Magazine Published

History of Pornography

Internet made available in 1989

1994 was first registered porn site by Gary Kremen

Porn sites make up 3% of the top 100 sites

501,425 Years spent viewing Porn in 2015 on 1 site

History of Pornography

2007 release of iPhone

63% of porn traffic is from a smartphone

Social Apps
Progression of Pornography
Accidental Viewing


Selfish Gratification




Pornography Facts
Pornography and the Mind
Pornography and the Mind
Brain Chemistry

Every time a person views porn, or eventually even thinks about porn, the burst of
dopamine strengthens the connections between cells. The stronger the connection, the
easier it becomes for cells to communicate on that path. This idea of the brain
changing itself is called neuroplasticity. Whether learning to ski, learning to speak a
foreign language, or looking at porn, the more we use a particular neuropathway, the
more our brain changes, making the pathway stronger.
Pornography and the Mind
Drug Use

It is not surprising that many psychologists call internet pornography the new “crack
cocaine” when you note the combination of the power of pornography with the ready,
24/7 availability of pornography on any computer, much of it free, accessible in the
privacy and anonymity of the home.

A brain having just viewed pornography, when administered a MRI shows the same
activity as a brain having just ingested cocaine. The “feel good” part of the brain grows
in size while the “logical/moral center” shrinks in size and a pathway is created directly
from the brain to the reproductive organs.
Pornography and the Mind
Moral Depreciation

This “may be pornography’s most insidious influence; namely, the acceptance of the
attitudes (some obvious, some more subtle) expressed in pornography. Pornographic
depictions of the sexuality of women and children distort the truth about desires of
women and children, and legitimize men’s sense of entitlement, and use of force,
violence, and degrading acts by the male actors.” In other words, pornography has the
ability not only to teach social attitudes and behaviors, but also to give permission to
engage in them.
Moral Depreciation
Moral Depreciation
Male Subjects

Recommendation for Rape

Months of Incarceration
(3 weeks after exposure to pornography)
Moral Depreciation
Projections of Others Sexual Behaviors - Group Sex

(percent; 3 weeks after exposure to pornography)

Moral Depreciation
Projections of Others Sexual Behaviors - Bestiality

(percent; 3 weeks after exposure to pornography)

Moral Depreciation
Evaluation of Pornography and Recommendation for Accessibility from Minors

(percent; 3 weeks after exposure to pornography)

Moral Depreciation

Actions young adults find “wrong”

Moral Depreciation

Related to Use of Porn

Moral Depreciation

Sexual Images ALWAYS wrong

Relational Depreciation - Men
•58% of male pornography users (average age 25) had erectile dysfunction with
women but not with pornography.
•They have more sex partners
•They are less interested in actual sex with their partners
•They try to get their partners to act out scenes from pornographic films
•They have affairs if they are married
•They go to prostitutes

In 19-21 year-old males almost 25% said that they had either gone to a prostitute
already or planned to in the future.
Relational Depreciation - Men
Several Hardcore porn users believe the following:
The Rape Victim enjoyed it

The Rape Victim “got what she wanted”

Rape Victims make “false claims about being raped”

Relational Depreciation - Women
•More likely to accept the rape myth.
•More likely to have sexual fantasies
that involve rape.
•Think rapists deserve less time in prison
•Have reduced support for the women’s
liberation movement
•They were more negative about their body
•They believe that their partners are more
critical of the women’s bodies
•They had less sex
Relational Depreciation - Industry
Abuse of Strippers by Customers
•91% Verbally abused •27% Hair pulled
•52% Called c*** •58% Pinched
•61% Called w**** •24% Slapped
•85% Called b**** •36% Bitten
•88% Arm grabbed •76% Customers flicked cigarettes, ice, coins
•73% Breast grabbed •70% Customers followed them home
•91% Buttocks grabbed •42% Customers stalked them
Relational Depreciation - Industry
•Women who work in the sexual exploitation industry have about a 25% chance of
making a marriage that lasts as long as 3 years.

•Have been or currently are homeless - 84%

•Prostituted women who are physically assaulted - 70-95%
•Physically assaulted by a customer - 55%
•Prostituted women who received head injuries - 77%
● Wish to leave prostitution - 87%

● The average age for entry into prostitution is 13.

In the Church

The reason only 9% of

surveyed churches
offer help from
Others In The Church

Christian Males (13-24) - 41%

Christian Females (13-24) - 13%

Christian Males (Total) - 64%

Christian Females (Total) - 18%

How to Fix It
How to Fix it

Start the conversation

How to Fix it

Get help if you struggle and be honest

How to Fix it

Have the talk with future spouses

How to Fix it

Prepare your children

How to Fix it

How to Fix it

Utilize Technology
How to Fix it

How to Fix It

Women - Modesty
How to Fix it

The Gospel
The Gospel

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek
my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will
forgive their sin and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14
Discussion Questions
Define Pornography

How long is “acceptable” to consider marriage if your partner currently/has used Porn?

What advice would you give to someone who struggles with this issue?

How will this knowledge change your parenting?

What are actionable steps you can take today to help fight this?

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