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Matt Cooper

Morgan Collins

University 101

9 December 2019

Career Paper

The career I chose to pursue is Athletic Training. I have done a lot of research on this

career and due to my previous experience, my current goals, and values, this career felt like the

best fit for me. One thing I found in the research is a large part of this career is helping others.

This is important because this is one of my biggest values, and what I wanted to focus my

career on. I have always wanted to help others, and this career seems like the best way for me

to do this. I have previous experience for this career I obtained in high school. First, I took many

classes that pertained to this career field such as Sports Medicine I & II, Anatomy, Biology, etc.

Also, most importantly, I did an internship with my high school’s Athletic Trainer. For an entire

semester, I spent almost every day working with him and learning all about this career. I feel as

if this was the best research I could’ve done for this career. There are many personal traits

required in this career that makes doing your job a lot easier. These include Patients, Kindness,

Humor, Sympathy, and Respect. It is important to be patient because if someone is injured and

tries explaining their injury, by being patient it insures you take your time to listen to the person

to get the most accurate evaluation of the persons injury. There are many responsibilities and

tasks an athletic trainer must do on their day to day, and this is something I learned from not

only research I did, but from seeing it in person at my internship. These tasks include making
evaluations of injures, designing and assisting with rehabilitation programs, taking into account

environmental factors for injury prevention, and most importantly caring for others.

The reason I feel as if this career is the best fit for me is because it lines up with all my

personality traits, and when I did the internship, I enjoyed going every day, and that is how I

want my career to be. Every day brought something new, and I met new people, saw new

things, and was able to help others. To me, there is no better feeling being able to evaluate

someone’s injury and helping them every day with rehabilitation program you designed until

they’re healthy and able to compete again in their sport. For these reasons this is why I chose

athletic training as the career I’d like to pursue.

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