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Civils strategy invokes the various plans and strategies for the preparation and
examination for civil examinations. There are large number of candidates apply
for the examination but very few aspirants can only clear that. For most aspirants,
a complete training and orientation program, through one of the two available
methods of online or classroom installation, becomes essential to have the
opportunity to successfully navigate the prerequisites to access the IAS program .

The Civils strategy focuses primarily on the aspirants to provide strategies for
qualifying the UPSC exam. With the tricks of these strategies, aspirants improve
their career success. As a civils strategies, it aspires to become the reference
repository and all-inclusive guide for complete and complete information for
aspirants hoping to successfully enter civil services.


UPSC preliminary exam is the first stage to become IAS. Preliminary exam is
the first screen test for every aspirants in UPSC exam. Aspirants preparing for
UPSC exam prelimiminary and mains comparatively. Prelims preparation
should began with N cert books, test books and class VIII to XII text books.
These are the best strategies to crack preliminary exam. So, along with hard
work during the preparation hours, a strategy must also be devised to help
them score more than 120 points in their prelim. Here are some tips that will
help you score over 120 points in your pre-releases.

Even if UPSC is unpredictable, you can analyze the documents of the previous
year and understand that most of the questions come from which topic. Often
the preliminary UPSC questionnaire has a good part of Indian politics and
economy. There are some questions about Indian culture, so you can limit
your hours of preparation. Modern Indian history is one of
UPSC’s best choices, so be sure to investigate further. By analyzing the
previous documents it is possible to draw up a personal outline and prepare
One of the best way to crack preliminary exam is N cert books. Every aspiring
UPSC must be attentive to NCERT books. Many times, UPSC has directly
asked questions from these books. You can easily get good grades if their
bases are clear.

Aspirants fail to realize the importance of simulation tests. These tests help
you understand the pressure of the real exam. Make at least 50 mock tests to
evaluate your learning. Try both the subject-wise quiz and the full-fledged
preliminary quiz. By practicing the simulation test you can easily identify your

3-2-1 RULE
Every aspirant can design their own strategy, however, we believe this is
good. Aspirants can first mark 60% of the questions they are completely sure
of. This ensures you over 120 brands, however, this will not be enough. The
next 30% should be the one if you are at least 50% sure. The remaining 10%
should include questions that you are not completely sure.

Aspirants often mark the answers to all questions. It would work well if you
know all the questions. The blind hypothesis can be counterproductive. Since
UPSC has a negative marking system, you could lose all the marks you may
have scored and eventually fail to reach the limit.

Marking good grades is not just the result of knowledge and hard work. Many
other factors also play a role. Don’t doubt yourself or think too much in the
exam room. The panic attack will surely make you unnecessarily nervous and
you could score wrong answers.

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