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Data Structures (UG-H-CC-L-305) Credit-4

1. Basic definitions; classification’s; ADT; Linear Data Structures - Sequential

Non-linear data structures – representations.
1. Arrays
Single and Multi-dimensional Arrays; Sparse Matrices (Array and Linked
Representation); Row major
And column-major order; different applications
2. Stacks
Implementing single / multiple stack/s in an Array; Prefix, Infix and Postfix
expressions, Utility and
Conversion of these expressions from one to another; Evaluation of postfix
expression using stack;
Applications of stack; Limitations of Array representation of stack
3. Linked Lists
Singly, doubly and Circular Lists (Array and Linked representation); Normal and
Representation of Stack in Lists; Self Organizing Lists; Skip Lists
4. Queues
Array and Linked representation of Queue, De-queue, Priority Queues
5. Recursion
Developing Recursive Definition of Simple Problems and their implementation;
Advantages and
Limitations of Recursion; Understanding what goes behind Recursion (Internal Stack
Implementation); Tail Recursion; When not to use recursion; Removal of recursion.
6. Trees and Graphs
Introduction to Tree as a data structure; Binary Trees (Insertion, Deletion, Recursive
and Iterative
Traversals on Binary Search Trees); Different Properperties of Binary trees;
Threaded Binary Trees
(Insertion, Deletion, Traversals); Height-Balanced Trees (Various operations on AVL
Trees); B- tree,
B+ tree; Graphs - Representations, Breadth-first and Depth-first Search.
7. Searching and Sorting
Linear Search, Binary Search, Comparison of Linear and Binary Search; Bubble
Sort, Selection
Sort, Insertion Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort, Radix Sort, Bucket Sort, Shell Sort;
Comparison of
Sorting Techniques
8. Hashing
Introduction to Hashing, Deleting from Hash Table, Efficiency of Rehash Methods,
Hash Table
Reordering, Resolving collision by Open Addressing, Coalesced Hashing, Separate
Dynamic and Extendible Hashing, Choosing a Hash Function, Perfect Hashing
9. File Structures
Sequential and Direct Access. Relative Files, Indexed Files - B+ tree as index. Multi-
indexed Files,
Inverted Files, Hashed Files.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (UG-H-CC-P-306)

1. Introduction
Basic Design and Analysis techniques of Algorithms; Models of computation: RAM,
TM etc.; time
And space complexity; Correctness of Algorithm.
Asymptotic Notations: Big-O, omega, theta etc.
Advanced Analysis Technique of algorithm: Amortized analysis
2. Recursion- Definition, Use, Limitations, Examples: Hanoi problem etc.; Tail
3. Algorithm Design Techniques
Iterative techniques, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Greedy
3. Sorting and Searching Techniques
Elementary sorting techniques–Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Advanced
Techniques - Heap Sort, Quick Sort, Sorting in Linear Time - Bucket Sort, Radix Sort
and Count
Sort, Searching Techniques, Medians & Order Statistics, complexity analysis; Lower
Techniques Decision Trees
Linear search, binary search and their time complexity analysis
4. Divide and Conquer:
Basic method, use, Examples: Merge sort, Quick Sort, Binary Search
5. Dynamic Programming:
Basic method, use, Examples: matrix-chain multiplication, All pair shortest paths,
Shortest path, Travelling Salesman problem
6. Backtracking:
Basic method, use, Examples: Eight queens problem, Graph coloring problem,
7. Greedy Method:
Basic method, use, Examples: Knapsack problem, minimum spanning tree (Prim's
and Kruskal's
8. Graph algorithms:
Traversal algorithms: BFS and DFS
Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm for Maximum Flow
Shortest Path algorithm: Dijkstra Algorithm; Floyd Algorithm
9. Notion of NP-completeness:
P class, NP-hard class, NP-complete class, Circuit Satisfiability problem, Clique
Decision Problem.

Discrete Structures (UG-H-CC-L-307) Credit-5

1. Introduction:
Sets - finite and infinite sets, uncountably Infinite Sets; functions, relations,
Properties of Binary
Relations, Closure, Partial Ordering Relations; counting - Pigeonhole Principle,
Permutation and
Combination; Mathematical Induction, Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion.

2. Growth of Functions:
Asymptotic Notations, Summation formulas and properties, Bounding Summations,
By Integrals

3. Recurrences:
Recurrence Relations, generating functions, Linear Recurrence Relations with
constant coefficients
And their solution, Substitution Method, Recurrence Trees, Master Theorem

4. Graph Theory
Basic Terminology, Models and Types, multigraphs and weighted graphs, Graph
Graph Isomorphism, Connectivity, Euler and Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits, Planar
Graphs, Graph
Coloring, Trees, Basic Terminology and properties of Trees, Introduction to
Spanning Trees
5. Propositional Logic
Logical Connectives, Well-formed Formulas, Tautologies, Equivalences, Inference
UNIX/LINUX Programming (UG-H-SEC-L-301) Credit-2

What is Linux/ Unix Operating Systems?
Difference between Linux/Unix and other operating systems
Features and Architecture
Various Distributions available in the market
Installation, Booting and shutdown process
System processes (an overview)
External and internal commands
Creation of partitions in OS
Processes and its creation phases – Fork, Exec, wait

User Management and the File System

Types of Users, Creating users, Granting rights
User management commands
File quota and various file systems available
File System Management and Layout, File permissions
Login process, Managing Disk Quotas
Links (hard links, symbolic links)

Shell introduction and Shell Scripting

What is shell and various type of shell, various editors present in Linux
Different modes of operation in VI editor
What is shell script, Writing and executing the shell script
Shell variable (user defined and system variables)
System calls, Using system calls
Pipes and Filters
Decision making in Shell Scripts (If else, switch), Loops in shell
Utility programs (cut, paste, join, TR, uniq utilities)
Pattern matching utility (grep)

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