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September 11, 2019

Last year, we had 5 math teachers who participated in professional development (PD)
with Stanford: Eileen Baly, Juliette Roberts, Venessa Sena, Richanne Dolfi, and
Michelle Garcia. For the PD, we met once a month throughout the year. The PD was a
research with Stanford University to find ways to help amplify the English Learners (EL)
conversation in class. Today was the final meeting to hear an overview of what both the
English and math teachers did in the research & the results.

Teachers from other districts participated in this research too. So we all met together for
the last meeting, but through a virtual meeting. There were 3 different virtual locations:
Stanford University, Tulare, and Azusa. Jeff Zwiers, professor at Stanford, came and
ran our meeting at Azusa! He has written several books about helping students build
academic language.

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