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Once the crisis has been learned about, it is crucial that our key publics are notified. As soon as a
member of the crisis team has learned of the virus, they should report to each public frequently
and accurately.

Internal Publics:
● Employees
● Patients
● Board of Directors
● Hospital Leadership Team
● Suppliers

Due to the gravity of a virus spreading, it is important that we let our internal publics know what
is happening first. The first to be notified will be our employees since they have to deal with
patients hands on. Patients will be notified by nurses on staff for each floor. Board of Directors,
Hospital Leadership Team and Suppliers will be contacted by work phone. In the instance that
technology is sometimes unpredictable, a personnel will contact the CEO of the hospital who
will then contact the board members and hospital leadership team. Frequent updates should be
sent to the public's.

External Publics:
● Center for Disease Control and Prevention
● San Angelo Health Department
● Competitors
● Fire Department
● Insurance Companies
● Community Leaders
● Media
● Texas Department of State Health Services

Our external publics will be contact by work phone. If they fail to receive our call we will send
out press releases. We will also press conferences will be held with external publics to ensure the
message is reached. We will keep in contact with external publics via email with all updates.

● Employees

● Patients

● Board & Directors

● Texas Department of State Health Services

● Center for Disease Control & Prevention

● Competitors

● Suppliers

● San Angelo Health Department

● Fire Departments

● Hospital Leadership Team

● Insurance Companies

● Community leaders

● Media
The following is an evaluation on the efficiency of our crisis training. Your feedback is
crucial in helping us improve our plan. Please answer the following questions as honest as
possible and once finished, return to the head of your department. Thank you for your
support and feedback.

On a scale from 1 to 5, 1 being very little and 5 being very much, rate the following

1.I understand my roles in handling the crises.

1 2 3 4 5 Comments:____________________________________________


2. I know who to contact during the crisis if I were to have questions.

1 2 3 4 5 Comments:____________________________________________


3. I agree with dates proposed rehearsal dates.

1 2 3 4 5 Comments:____________________________________________


4. I am comfortable executing the crisis plan.

1 2 3 4 5 Comments:____________________________________________


5. Are you comfortable constructing a press briefing?

1 2 3 4 5 Comments:____________________________________________

6. I feel confident that my safety and the safety of patients is first priority.

1 2 3 4 5 Comments:____________________________________________


7. How comfortable are you with our plan of action. Please provide additional comments
about what can be improved.

1 2 3 4 5 Comments:____________________________________________

The crisis communication plan for a virus outbreak will be practiced bi-annually.

The dates for the next 5 years are recorded below.


Friday, May 10

Friday, Nov 8


Friday, May 8

Friday, Nov 13


Friday, May 7

Friday, Nov 12


Friday, May 6

Friday, Nov 11


Friday, May 12

Friday, Nov 10
Senora Scott
KIDY Fox San Angelo News Anchor
Cell: 954-364-2500

David Wagner
KLST/KSAN News Director
Cell: 325-949-0730

Jen Killin-Guadarrama
San Angelo Standard Times News Director and Editor
Cell: 325-659-8249

Victor Glenn
KLST Multimedia Journalist
Cell: 325-949-0730

John Tufts
San Angelo Standard Times Multimedia Journalist
Cell: 325-659-8243

Joe Hyde
San Angelo Live Publisher
Cell: (325) 340-1238


o To be secure in public's ability to perform crisis plan

o Be honest with media and public and to answer questions to best of knowledge at all times

o To respond quickly as to keep crisis from reaching other areas of the organization


o To effectively handle the crisis in manner that keeps staff and patient safety as priority

o To communicate issues as effectively and precise during crisis with all departments

o To keep all public and stakeholders aware of all progress during crisis

o To understand causes and prevention of crisis

When the crisis strikes the crisis team will make its way to the hospital conference room
for a briefing. In order to prevent the Crisis Management Team from being affected from
the virus, we will make our way to The Cactus Hotel at the meeting room. The hotel is
located at 36 E. Twohig and is an eight-minute walk from the hospital. A public affair
advisor will get in contact with the hotels facility manager to let them know of our
arrival. If the meeting room at the Cactus Hotel is being occupied, we will make our way
to the First Christian Church located on 29 N. Oakes St. which is a four-minute walk
from the hospital. We have permission to use these facilities for as long as needed but
also being considerate of the facilities events. These are the only two facilities we will
meet at during the crisis as they provide space for media camp and interview space.
Those on the crisis team will each have a copy of the key and the contact information is
below for both facility managers.

The Cactus Hotel

Conrad Hilton, Facilities Manager

Cell: 325-655-5000

Work: 325-655-6000

Home: 325-655-7000


First Christian Church

Cheryl Willard, Office Manager

Cell: 325-234-6587

Work: 325- 234-9878

Home: 325-234-0989


Contact 1: Irene Rios (325) 444-2134

Contact 2: Lyndy Stone (325) 555- 4354


[San Angelo, Texas, November 8, 2018]

A patient complaint has been filed against a Shannon Medical Center nurse claiming the
nurse on duty verbally attacked the patient after they asked a question pertaining to the nurse’s

The name of the patient and nurse will remain anonymous for their protection. According
to the complaint, the patient felt that the nurse was rushing her visit when she would arrive at the
patient’s room. In the complaint, the patient said the nurse would not speak to them or explain
what she was going to do before she performed them. When asked about previous work
experience the nurse got defensive and began using vulgar language and made threats again his
health in response to the patient’s question. The patient claims he no longer felt safe or
comfortable around her presence and was afraid she was going to harm him.

The Shannon Medical team is investigating the nurse and interviewing past patients. The
nurse has been placed on leave until further notice. “Matter likes this are not taken lightly,”

Pamela Bradshaw, Chief Nursing Officer, said. “We pride ourselves on having the best
team of nurses for our patients and will do everything in our power to see that patients get the
best care.”

Our mission is to give patients the highest care of quality. We also strive to give them a
caring and effective service. We pride ourselves on caring for West Texas for over 80 years. We
are one of the largest locally based health care providers here in our home of the Concho Valley
as well as surrounding regions.


Contact 1: Irene Rios (325) 444-6556

Contact 2: Lyndy Stone (325) 555-2143


[San Angelo, Texas, November 8, 2018]

Recently, a family of five came into Shannon Medical Center came in complaining of
having influenza like symptoms. It was not until later on that the doctors discovered the family
had Ebola.

The family had recently gone on a mission trip in the West African region, the father
began feeling ill but blamed it on stress. Once arriving back in the U.S. the rest of the family
began feeling the same symptoms. It wasn’t until he began complaining of excruciating
abdominal pain that he made his way to . After running tests, our medical team discovered the
family had the Ebola virus.

Nurses did not know of the patients having this virus and because of this did not wear
appropriate attire to deal with the patients. We have put the family in a private section on the
third floor. The nurses that worked with the patients have also been put in room and being
monitored for any signs of the virus. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been

Our mission is to give out patients the highest care of quality. We also strive to give them
a caring and effective service. We pride ourselves on caring for West Texas for over 80 years.
We are one of the largest locally based health care providers here in our home of the Concho
Valley as well as surrounding regions.


Dear Executive Team and Employees,

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who work diligently for patients and
our Shannon Medical Center. It is an honor to represent this company. I sincerely hope that
everyone will take this contingency plan seriously and in detail. The goal of our company is to
provide our patients with the most compassionate and efficient service while ensuring the highest
quality care. We must be prepared for the health and safety of our patients. Under extreme
circumstances, it is most important to understand how each employee should behave. Our public
relations team has worked hard to build this plan in preparation for the crisis. You are
responsible for knowing your job in a crisis situation. This plan provides all the information you
need to respond to emergencies that have caused the Ebola virus. Failure to understand this plan
can put the company and the world at risk. Preparing for this crisis, we ensure that the health and
safety of our employees and patients in our top priority.

Thank you for your hard work and dedication to our exertion.


Shane Plymell

CEO, Shannon Medical Center, Inc.


To Employees of Shannon Medical Center,

Thank you very much for your relentless work in getting the necessary information needed for a
successful crisis communication plan. It is so vital that you as individuals understand this
process. Working together as a team is the most important aspect of responding timely to a crisis.
I am providing this form in order to ensure that you have read through the crisis plan. Please sign
this form to assure Shannon Medical Center that you are prepared for any crisis that comes our
way. We all our team and want nothing but preparedness and success when a crisis arrives. Once
signed, please turn this form in to your superior as proof of your commitment by April 10, 2019.
Rehearsal dates are listed in this plan starting exactly one month after the due date for this form.
If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to ask. Our operations staff is on call at all

Again, this is a very important matter and thank you so much for your hard work and time.


Shane Plymell
CEO/President, Shannon Medical Center

I, __________, have read the crisis communication plan and am prepared to fulfill my role in any
given crisis.

__________________________ ____________
Signature Date

Below is a list of emergency contacts that should be contacted immediately in the case of an
emergency. Police have been listed so that they can control flow in and out of the hospital. Local
officials contact information is not available due to the fact that SAPD Chief of Police, Frank
Carter, will keep officials notified.

Sandra Villarreal
Health Service Department
72 W. College Avenue.
San Angelo, Texas 76903
Cell: 325-817-0091
Work: 325-657-4214

Robert R. Redfield, MD
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
1600 Clifton Avenue
Atlanta, Georgia 30333
Cell: 747-716-9928
Work: 747-912-2292

Frank Carter
San Angelo, Texas Police Department
401 E. Beauregard Avenue
San Angelo, Texas 76901
Cell: 325-812-3772
Work: 325-657-4336

Ebola Virus In an emergency situation, a spokesperson should be specialized with the virus.
Ethan Rankin, the Nurse Chief, will be the spokesperson for the Ebola Virus, as the Ebola Virus
can cause serious injury. He will be assisted by Irene Rios, Director of Center for Disease
Control and Prevention. She will explain how Ebola Virus is transmitted and how to prevent it.
Dr. Minchung Chang who is currently treating the patient, will be with the spokesperson to
explain the current situation and plan of action. Aaron Torres, Crisis manager, will always be
with this spokesperson to give confidence to the public. Spokespeople should use a concise,
trustworthy language, an honest attitude, and a rational and sympathetic appearance.
Contact 1: Aaron Torres (325) 987-9999
Contact 2: Lyndy Stone (325) 450-9921

Angry employee currently holding patient hostage in a closet.

[San Angelo, December 2, 2018]

An angry employee has taken a Shannon Medical Center patient hostage. We currently have the
room they are surrounded with police on the way.

Our employee is in a very angry state. He forcefully made his way into a patient’s room and
explained his reasoning. CEO Shane Plymell explained that the employee “feels that he and the
rest of the janitorial staff are not getting the proper pay.”
This employee has had a history of anger issues. We are waiting for San Angelo Police
Department to handle the situation how they feel necessary. We, as a staff, will not take action to
ensure our own safety. Currently, operations officer Anna Pittman is trying to calm this
employee down by speaking through the door.
San Angelo Police Department and Shannon Medical Center are in direct contact. Chief of
Police Frank Carter has assured us that his staff will resolve the issue.


Contact 1: ETHAN RANKIN (325) 234-9808

Contact 2: LYNDY STONE (325) 987-9999

Shannon Employee Fired for Medical Malpractice

Patient in critical condition due to a worker’s negligence

[San Angelo, Texas, December 2]

Medical worker, Hal Opal, has been fired from the Shannon Medical Center after leaving a patient alone
while the patient was being operated on. As a result, the patient suffered more injuries due to an incision
being improperly applied during the surgery. Fortunately, other medical workers were able to remedy the
error before the patient suffered any more damage.

The patient, who wishes to remain anonymous, was scheduled for open heart surgery. Opal had made a
poor incision on the patient before leaving the room to answer a phone call. By leaving the incision
exposed, the patient began to bleed profusely. Nearby workers noticed immediately and quickly aided the
patient. “I was in absolute shock,'' said one of the co-workers, “We could not believe that he left the
patient alone in that state.”

Hal Opal had been working as a surgeon at Shannon for only two years. Prior to this surgery, Opal had
been expecting a call from his girlfriend. Opal always had his cell phone off during operations according
to his coworkers. Opal refused to elaborate on why this call was more important than the surgery. Due to
this negligent act, Opal was fired by Shannon Medical Center. This marks the first time in five years that
an individual in the medical field was fired due to medical malpractice in San Angelo. Shannon has plans
to prevent a situation like this by adding more workers to monitor workers in surgical operations.
We would like to thank the workers, associates, and CEO of Shannon for
providing information and permission to go public with this news report. We would also like to thank the
patient and his family for the information for the news report and we wish the patient a safe and speedy


Created: November 28, 2017

Last Revised: December 2, 2018

MJ Chang, Ethan Rankin, Irene Rios, & Aaron Torres


Contact 1: MJ Chang (325) 444-6556

Contact 2: Lyndy Stone (325) 555-2143


[San Angelo, Texas, November 8, 2018]

A water main broke in downtown San Angelo. Due to the large water main break on the
city, a boil water notice is in effect for the city of San Angelo . The water being shut down
affected business both private and public.

Through the cracked water pipe, the water was infected with bacteria. Children, seniors,
and persons with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to harmful bacteria.
There is currently no water available, so the water used in the bathroom, the water used to wash
hands and equipment, and the laundry have all been shut down.

In order to prevent someone from using water we locked the hospital water pipe. We
currently have bottled water in contact with grocery stores such as HEB, Walmart, Sams, and
Marketstreet and use it for immediate surgery and treatment. The water used for laundry and
toilet was replaced with boiled water and employees and patients were informed of all the
situations and asked for cooperation.

Our mission is to give patients the highest care of quality. We also strive to give them a
caring and effective service. We pride ourselves on caring for West Texas for over 80 years. We
are one of the largest locally based health care providers here in our home of the Concho Valley
as well as surrounding regions.

Reference Page
Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease) Treatments. December 27, 2017. Center for Disease Control and
Prevention. Retrieved from:

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