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The word IoT was first used in the year 1999 for the first time, although the

IoT was used for many

years. In the past only the large organizations have the access of IoT and general public do not have any
such access to this. With the massive enhancement of Internet technologies and speedy data devices, it
leads to the advancement and introduction of new IoT devices which is now easily accessible by general
public. New digital devices are coming to the markets day by day and it was needed to introduce the
new international protocols and standards for the manufacturing companies so that their devices can
associate with each other. The internet has become more powerful organ of our digital environment
and now cyber security is considered a crucial component of modern information systems.

The increasing number of IoT smart devices like mobile phones directly means that boundaries are
vanishing day by day and risks of being hacked are becoming more common in digital world. The
researchers are attracted by the current dangerous situation of new security threats and vulnerabilities
due to the failure of IoT Cyber system.

A European E-Crime Project shows the causes of system intrusion and found that it is due to the Worms,
Trojans, Viruses and Denial of Services etc. [1]

Cyber security is becoming challenging and brings new threats for the users are growing rapidly and it
disturbed the whole globe by cyber-attacks. These attacks are real and dangerous than we think
because the hackers, criminal people and terrorists are using this way to neutralize this world. In
addition to this these attacks can also cause the damage to secrets of a company or a person and they
may leak them online or can be used for a blackmailing purpose.

[1]EU FP7 E-Crime. The economic impacts of cyber crime, d2.2 executive summary and brief: Cyber crime inventory
and networks in nonict sectors.
Accessed, 25 Mar 2016

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