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imjiTsa it 1H for some actiml benefit to to
proceed, llie unfortunate woman re fALL.niailTS nBSEllVBD.l look after but lib, like Janey, the bedroom.-Her know. Faugh ! The recks of
they entered you place
, „.

the liis.wife, was

cliikJ, H<. won't her ears as
sulTci-/ through that, mained bound to the tree in view of the
"eleven Wc can let and mist rose death."
(outcome will be lusling benefit." ditch where her (lend saying, days. things breath would not come, a
an,, |)t|'c son lay from Monday
Mr. Laing came home from the region of
sa,dA dolefully.
lighting with liim," Win- afternoon until Wednesday, when, ulmost EVERY MAN'S DESIRE.
drift for eleven days." up beFore her eyes as she stood beside the "But Adam Ramsay," she hesitated.
business toils about dusk. exliiuistcd hy hunger ami cold, she was "If you've got somefin to do," said bed. The curtain tbiit draped it Can we leave him like this? Jt will take
Letting mosquito

|,js Uli, wouldn't/ You would have

nki, joii driven hack to Prizrend, where

in with he found the she arrived Albertine, turning to "I'll be the silver liim some time get over the awful
up as she bad
himself his latchkey, Iliighie, was flung left to
"reiqe.s, no
doubt;, and then the dc- the same
r night. Tliure she wus im who couldn't shock."

in semi-darkness, and forthwith fell light ot wtth obedient BY MARY like tlie poor fill'
cigarette box holding chocolates on tlie
foil de.ihng a -decently prisoned and brought before the com GAUNT.
violence the baby's r\ud don't mistake— with and open,- and
with over- folding car- if- I' timke one don't mander on the following find anyone to. play bim, table beside it was the little Hugh had been looking out over tlie sea,
day. Althougli
riage— nn ornamental affair in green lea
houses made the
friends' will hate to see 'their General dankovitcli must have known that CHAPTER
J'se got such a lill' time in Africa because figure with the abundant dark hair in its and lie turned to bis wife with a little 9 BOURKE-ST. E., MELBOURNE.

peculiarly adapted for thrusting .iron plnees of discipline. What an innocent person stotx! before liim, the (Continued.) of tlmt horrid old doctor man." kimono was still with the wonder in his tones. "My dear girl, of
ther, they fo grcy-nnd-orange
really luitt is see lialiy run wild unfortunate woman wns not liberated, but Adam's face uppealed to (NJ-MK HAJITJ1WKNT HOUSE.)
into whomsoever should en in their
rooms, and any elforts to
Janey lor pity, Hugh looked at
Janey. She was looking stillness that awes and silences. She was course it was awful, and no one can be
ignore kept a prisoner in llie house of the Servian so and
it unawares. Recovering himself check 'lnm. I weary und hopeless was it. out into the The walls walls seemed more sorry for the little cat than
I am;
counter anl considered fond of llie next she courtyard. pink dead, slie was'
dead; the very
bishop putil day, when was
All the more did it
with appeal to her that he

suppressing difficulty natural children, behuvei:
'dear me, how given the Catholics taken that she could in shadow, and a The with quick but, bang Janey, it it's just the best
see were a
and hut, I
up to and to shrieking it. priest all,

comments on the
the diningroom
situation, Mr.
and the solace
of a

my pro
of church,
she received
three Albanian
did Lhllit
and nave
hi llllll

more sign than
uliiiiula,!u <i


sat and sharpened movement
and took lier
put one hand
on her forehead
in his other,
in the
Ramsay, and lie
that could
lought down, left
mi edge n green painted clay-cold
perty lost upside marks on
sticky were completely mid night.
and soda. From the couch in the mv destroyed, thirty tree them and What's the good of protending?" Janey
whisky I

chain), and 'madu tub that held nil orange that she had and then ho relinquished
generally lmy' representative of communes in the neigh ihe to
voice greeted him, f 'house." priiwt stopped -her und and thought of the tears yet UNDER THE
comer a
„ia>" borhood were killed. They were accused looked
opf\osite been nursing back to Health again. dropped down on to one of tlie boxes, hardly dry upon PERSONAU DIRECTION IDF
her up and
you, Horace?"
"Is that always had a horror of a down, almost, Jane0 liis checks. "Common serine tells she
-i I1?? spoilt of being 'favorable to Austria." la these "I'll go and see they've begun sat there rocking himself backwards und you
said Mr. child, said Winnie. "Hut somehow thought, with inteiiHO wasn't the wife
"It's me," Laing, ungram I
communes soldiers drove Albanian women anxiety. like 'torture. for any man. A eat little
rubbish round tlint orange she said, forwards a man in bodily
matically. "No one except me can fall
never regarded Bertie ns spoilt. lie's so from their houses, hound them together,
"You is well?" he asked, and then; was u
"Who can have done this thing?" and sbe wns, without any morals whatever. ARTHUR F. RUSSELL, )ental Surgeon.
very high-spirited, you know, .Mother." and forced them to passionate eagerness "before 1 lie down. Fatuer Ignatius, wliat
over that go dance in rings. They in his voice tlmt set Just tlie sort that Bless me, old
as heavily beastly cart 'Why, 1 hope so," said Bertie's grand Adam's voice the fruitless question girl,
then opened tire on and watched are you going 'to do?" asking
should What's the mat mother. "But there is no need for him to them, Juiiey'H thoughts u-roving. IS lie was very what's the good of being shocked at what
thing, I imagine. them full " seemed thin and fur away, as if his mind
one after another us un enter beautiful and -the "1— Kofii Knngi ho began.
Are you sick?" ho disobedient as well. luid priest was a man, and a you must know is the truth?"
darling? Curiously, 1 taining for some
always expected spectacle. of of course. Ansumanah, were unconsciously groping
said the voice,
to spoil my children— and "When General young man in spite all his vows. Might "Why— yes, tell
turned sick heart.
"Only tired," sadly. should probably have done hut tluit
.Tiinkoviteli learnt that she he the lodestar cook to Father thread, some hint of cludication of the ter Janey away at
dreadful so
toe tribes of L.iumesen to thut had drawn him go to Ignatius in bis old
had a perfectly afternoon realised wns about plncc she had was her husband. He
kissed lmdthis

"I've I

how indul mystery. This

pretty quickly their back to the rible morning

olwtiielcs in the way of the march Castile? and she stepped out into the court
gence of the room,"
with Baby." wns spoiling home life for their danced across the floor more full o£, woman, made love to lier, stood at licr
Servian troops towards the Adriatic "Oh, m she
lather. he was well," laughed; yard.
"The little scoundrel!" said licr husband, By licit- concerned 1 never "very, grave with tears, and scrupled not to scorn
ordered his soidieis to proceed with the very more care-free any one of thorn, than and
"What lias lio been put -the babies first. Ami think, Winnie, well,' and he turned, and, leaning llamsay let his eyes follow her, but lie
doing, her openly. At that moment envied

with utmost the region slie

pride. if you consider how dillerent would severity. In cf Ljuma against -tho stood out now she dead, dead! was No wonder that
it doorpost, looking on went out at tlie other door.
be for Horace twenty-seven villages were de silent and Albertine.
everything!" said Mrs. Laing, with wife and fton,
to come home to a cheerful
stroyed, and all the inhabitants,
down to
the court yard steeped in
sunshine, as if Albertine turned to Httglne.
the awful
shock held them
And yet death had the
bad a

AT —

'"Oh, instead of HndinK vou tired The great beetle boomed girl's
liic slain. the eight of her in rude health had tongue-tied.
bitterness. "He began out and Jlertie 7»ot much tailor children, Here were
practised in "Will you play with me?" she asked wist curious effect If she had wanted liim.
comprehensive by upon

the most fearful some across the room, and Jancy's mind went
"f huow Horace should he firmer cruelties which nave oc way soothed bis troubled and

his clotli at dinner tliinkn j nerves. her were He to she would have lmd no chance
soup over tlie fully, eyes to

throwing curred in the Servian alluring. solution. speak
with Winnie admitted. war of annihilation A Lbertiric took it in that light, ranging backward, seeking vainly
about She Baby/' Janoy saw; looked round Tho bad
-and Jane wus so cross it!
quite he does.
on the Albanians. Women and cliildren she evidently quickly. priest fol
aud to Kumsuy alone, for be kept close beside
the third cloth this wck— ns
"I. m sure
Try it, iny straw
regarded herself ns all-eon- lowed Ansiimnnali. Hugh bad gone to the window-place
her. Tlie he said, had got liis
uid was if dear girl, and let me were in and burnt Castle, on
help you." wrapped front bear to
Old Mm, in if lie could not
quering. The tabic wan laid and the was
leaning out, as

know that! Then, when I had Laing smiled at m their hound husbands and fathcrd. Now don't and it seemed lie could not
I didn't her, looking at her own My breakfast "Yes, sweet little one.
look at the thing that full of nerves, as if

to go out, I took my eyes olf bandaged hand. It


will he worth informant, a imicli-respcelcd and coming in, nnd Altai-tine /lilted
was once so
bear his wife out of his sight.
him dressed while quite be templin' me; run away nn' go to liy-by; mucli NOW that RUSSELL DEN RU8SELL TEETH
nnd found him to have been made a burnt offering
6he trustworthy man, added to his report. across her husband to
and ran her fingers life and that hud loved him as as are superbly
for a
minute, run away like a Adam's
troubled face might haunt her, TISTRY Is located at
liim just said. It is all incredible, hut still true." Four lightly good girl." how love. Adam's bead AUSTRA- beautiful and
through his hair. she knew to exceptionally effi
the tap in" the garden— soaked! I hundred from And Albertine to her bed but she told lmd married LIA HOUSE
under men Ljumn. who surrendered went away herself, site we make a
lie drew haek; the endcannent forward as if the pressing horror special Vour
bim again, and wc went out; but of vexed drooped bound cient. senses will
t liei r own accord were taken to Priz him. Lvcn when room, for were there not eleven whole days all the Hugh Grcshaip, herself to him, and, Introductory offer of the very give you
had loved the old Castle with
he wouldn't sit iii'tlic folding carriage, and SERVIAN ATROCITIES. rend and shot in groups of forty to
sixty devotedly he hud

tried to
her most
her of pleasure before her, and who can look
of itself,
had been enacted within its
grieve as she might, there was no way in best teth at half price, with proof of the one
quality— perform
and tiring to get along at his daily. In the neighborhood of Prizrend cure of tragedies that
so slow eleven which she could help him. So one hot, still painless extraction free. ance has proved the other— dur
it is
hundreds of corpses caressing him in public. beyond (lays? had Special
'looks so thu are still lying uiiburied walls ill ull the years thut passed,
and one silly, pushing at Hilt when morning in April she and Hughic, accom sets
pace— ALBANIA this day. Llevon I they assembled for. afternoon quality at 42/ (free extrac ing 25 years' of practice. RUS
LAID WASTE BY FIRE days till go," she said, and were weighing on his shoulders.
empty carriage!" panied by Father Ignatius, set out north tion
"Djakova is also almost entirely de she pouted a little. "f'«e tea, a little after four o'clock, on the included). These sets are SELL TEETH
AND SWORD. so well God!" lie and his voice was are positive neces
would said Mr. Laing; stroyed, and now, "My cried, and Ramsay wus in tlie

"One its population decimated. At bastion wards, left g'cat
Jill boy. J don't b'lieve Til Jfs niec
usual, Albertine did not make God!" and the priest gave a equal to any 50/ or 63/ set ever sities if you make public
unfeelingly. "What else?" Berlenik 00 Albanians were
go. hoarse; "my Castle by himself. made. appear
grinnncd Smim nt
Jancy's hens." licr appearance. The priest was there ances of any kind.
to Mrs. INHUMAN 32, Ferban 20, nt Ljubisln 19, and strangled moan in response.
/"Well, wc went Mncdonnld's, CRUELTIES. '
Even to himself lie bad not dareil to
m K n mens
Glnvu, where all the men of 50 Chop lib, announced Ansmnanah's sol leaning up against nn old cannon, and ac
wasn't bad there. So short time ago their ministratiors bow
liid lui really "Rmchspost" the contents publishes families are dead. that the men emn voice.
knowledge unspeakably be hud dread
Janey noticed that fixed
place lie kept his eyes ItUSSET.Ti TEETH made in
least, he didn't howl, and lie of a dossier, lmd saved
ber from death, went on Jancy's her had are our own
RUSSELL teeth are
Jtt entitled Blood Servian were forced to march up and give a mili "Uo tell ed going. He put the thought Dental endorsed by all lead
(iuilt Mr. 0 realm m chop lib," on the door that led from the sittingroom. Laboratory by Expert Specialists, and
seems when he doesn't in tary ordered and again her mind was He was ing actors and actresses.
always good Albania, and describing the salute; they were then hound nnd thoughts, groping away from liim. no
child, lie had constructed of strictly the best materials.
atrocities Janey, but Hugh's amiling Was

shot without face appeared lie watching for Albertine?
Hut 'Mrs. Macdonald mado committed trial by court in the past, to find and he must
howl. by Servian troops in Albania, murtial. At iinuer the archway. confusedly struggling made a mess of liiB life, take Full Sets RUSSELL TEETH are the result of many
resavo,- too. there arc few survivors. She made the tea, and before pouring it (including
uneoinfortablc for me— she kept which throw the acts very some incident that might .throw the consequences. The
it so all as
yet made pub suspicious first day lie was Free Painless Extrac years' experience in tectli fltting, reinforced
Ihc district of Kossovo it estimated tcI1 Mr- Grcflham when out turned to Ramsay.
him quite nervously all the time, lic into the shade. is
i"'0!!. ?Jccdlj't this. There was so much that alone he filled up time ..£2 by the brains of in the art of reliable
The journal feverishly, .fancy tions) 2/-
a on
irateliing declares without chop light experts
exaggeration, the number of lib, said he; "there's "Where is Albertine?"
lie hiH hands tlmt it luts an tooth making.
up whenever put received unfailing she did not but bad lmd packed Albertinc's and lie sent

and jumping the dossier Albanians understand, it any things, Gold

from a killed reaches at least 25,000." monitor within. Rovercndo!" "I don't Crowns, 22 ct.,
One 'would think she hud personage in high who himself T'Il' "lleielispost" concluded its
IIn-1-Io, and know," be said. "I have not on this? Tlie woman who looked them off to
Fredericsburg for despatch to guaranteed ..£1 Every effort been has
brought to bear to
anything. office, wit- report it bearing 1/.

with struck Janey that Hugh was teeth of natural
mother the following words:— dis seen lier since breakfast." The produce and
never been
a herself." nesspd some of tlm incidents, and had "Europe shall slightly over into garden the that moonlightDutch England. little silver cigarette box, Gold Bridge Work.. ..£2 2/« and
beautiful ap

said her bus- others examine and judge. She shall whether composed at
appearance the of the priest; "Didn't you lie down?" half of chocolates he had also sent
pearance maximum strength. In
this, we

"Perhaps that's why," authenticated hy trustworthy per

and all the night not long ago! so Even very
now full
Gold have succeeded to the highest of
the blood of innocent people, of women suspicion, all tho feeling of some "In the he said. there for analysis for the thought had oc Fillings, 10/ up, fection. ItUSSELL TEETH
degree per

and children sittingroom," she those two silhouetted size. are guaranteed to
hand, sapicntly. which has flowed, constitutes hidden brooding tragedy tlmt the potting
saw figures according to
be free from all defects oi material and
that," "We make "Ansumanah," she asked, "where be the curred to him that by this medium the St,
"i don't see why you say re- an appeal to the heart of a claim to the land of Albania and the of the oleander against background of moonlight in Fillings, amalgam or workmanship. Furthermore, we will remake
trees lmd dispersed, missus?" have been
tinned Airs'- Ixiing. "You < mldn't ex Lurope/ writes tlie robbery of a free If friends of hu
the postern but it was she, poison might given to
her, cement ..£0 6/. any ltussell Teeth, or gladly return

Keielispost," "to people. doorway, ..

her your entire

mane upon again with overwhelming force. Tlie priest it seemed him futile to feo if you are not absolutely satisfied.
child to be iho were not arouse her conscience, for in licr dealings and European culture still wns
manifestly getting who wns hurt and no though to now Invisible fillings of real porcelain, not
a good if
history She looked uneasy. Janey, shamed, ce-
pect exist, will 'No.' up to tho vaulted roof she seek the incut. This the
amused, and of course it amused him to there chapteris 110 since long they say as His cavernous ej'cs looked from one to the other person, and she had not done this why and the wherefore of her been
is flr3t time reliable
dentistry You can order RUSSELL TEETH, without
bygone days took her seat at the head of Llie lias offered you at such a price. low hesitancy,
which table, her oilier. 1 lis death. The death was incontrovertible, as you are absolutely protected by
round and look at things. He pulled narrates such inhuman atrocities us long freckled fingers, the fing thing. She remembered the cold hands HUSSELL TEETH do not compete with cheap tlds guarantee, and ARTHUR RUSSELL'S
trot place since Albertine lmd been ill, and felt nud lie felt as if it was liis own wish that re

a rubbishy frume over, and broke the were perpetrated uflcr the occupation of THE WOMEN MEN MARRY. this grim old Castle
ers of nn enthusiast and played a fanatic, that had stolen quick-
over her face, the dentistry,
half the
hut with the best in the world at putation tor the last 25 YEARS, backed up by
Albania thai;, lmd them in its hud killed her. Ilow he liad hated her. prices usually charged.- a big responsible concern.
of course and I scolded him but liy the Serbs, while so much inno agitatedly with his ragged heard. At the in but the

Until. Ilow should running footsteps darkness,

cent tlicy escape the in Now that she waB dead that distuste for
to look at Mrs. blood has seldom llowed. We do back of her mind, as she asked Ansumanah was who bad been
Muedouald's fuce, fluence within its again it she, Juney,
not The walls? his wife magnified itself into horrible pro
would have had done demand but ask tlmt disinclination
growing shown where his mistress she could But the priest had feared.
you thought lie a belief, Europe hy 1 in not goin',
was, not help visited. Why portions that REAL AMERICAN DENTISTRY.
should young men of this
fill' hoy, now
Juncy's preyed on his mind. Whi.e
amount of damage. Then despatch a commission to convince generation to marriage thinking that the man who had such hands had the priest feared, and what had he
tremendous hero," said Albertine. Grcshams
herself of what assigned to Surely she could not tlie were with him he liad them In the RUSSELL Laboratory man's skill and and modern combine
came in, and I was thankful to divert is happening in Albania." is various reasons, amongst was never from bis feared? ingenuity machinery
lea have spent the morning beguiledduty by any to to make the RUSSELL
The informant which tlie increased with her husband, turn to, and though he might not speak System real American Dentistry, Scientific, painstaking care is exer
and of tlm journal then de cost of living and the female The thread
him by giving liim some cake, slic loveliness, by any wiles of woman. thoughts run like a tangled cised in every ojjeration.
scribes cult of thought Janey, since now she wns so lient to Janey alone, still her presence was
crumb the poor little what occurred in Uskub and its high modern selfishness largely She lmd wronged her could
watching every on him if even for a moment through brain; even she dis
figure. Now tlie cajoling her own, and yet her inward soothing. The very look in her blue eyes WHY OUR FEES ARE SO MODERATE.
and child of two will neighborhood, where the heavens an aran'ment naninst she had
fellow spilt, any were conviction thought so.
Why, then, waB lie tinguish the booming of the beetle, the
wns thut they two had been to drove away disquieting thoughts and wnat
reddened marriage state is often found in the homes Our New Palatial Premises
few. crumbs. And she said night after with the re Equipped
his night so anxious that Albertine should crash of the surf, and the chatter of negro with Every Modem Appliance to expedite the
'tpill a
gether. be here? lie should do when were he
flection of the flames of friends, for the type of girl they gone work. NO RENT TO PAY and greater facilities have considerably
Ms were insisted oil wash and from hurtling vil most ad "I voices in the courtyard. lightened our own cx-
the mired Adam said nothing, but she felt bound
savvey, Ma," said Ansumanah in feared to think. With Albertine making penses, and we wish our
patrons to reap the
benefit. Therefore we oiler you the Highest Grade
them; and of course lie howled then; lages, inhabitants ot which had all by the other sex proves a bail work answer to her "We must do something," she heard Work at HALF PRICE.
ing to respond. question. demands upon liis time it had always
fallen a to the sword, ing partner, and liar
always docs when he is washed. Real prey although they incidentally a to "Go tell her tea lib." herself aud Adam's like the
ho Hut Janey won't he here," saying, answer, seemed as if .lie could never get all liis work COUNTRY
said Mis. Laing, "I always thought I hud mude 110 opposition to the Serbs. worldly progress. The true essence of a always she
But Ansumanah was a wordless groan; and then PATIENTS.
ly," said. did not come back, priest's, in, and now he found, with fear and shrink
"In' clmsm share and share alike "Hugliie's got to see about that con and, COUNTRY PATIENTS Fitted in There
Macdonald, but I feet a among the rocks behind partnership iB that a day. are 8pocial Rooms for
lilicil Alice quite dif
there must cession and wc are to inland after a
little, Hugh, leaning back in his Hugh turned and spoke harshly, and it
ing dread, he bad not that enough to occn supplied with telephone, pens, ink, paper, where meet tlicir
to the fortress of Uskub there the be an absolute equality in three going start He., tlicy may arc
ferently her now. I don't see how I lie to-4ay the very demanded his also seemed bitterly at times to give advice to what to see and where to go whilst
fundamental day you leave." chair, tea. "Give ns reproachful. py iiis waking hours. His first nighc after prepared all as they are in Mel
of 100 Albanians from things— equality of honor some,
dm possibly take baby there again; slio corpses over
vil in
for me! How old Mrs. "Nothing can be done for the little
bourne. If advised by wire or letter wo will secure hotel or private accommodation for them
lages which Imve been their dealings with eaeii other, equality of "Stoppin' good of you." girl. Ramsay won't mind." poor dinner lie sat alone on the bastion and during their
stay in town.
made liio feel that lie was
quite unwel destroyed by fire, cat, now. She is dead."
Her eyes wandered to llugnie Janey poured out tlie tea and then she smoked and tried to plan out his
and in the gorge of Vistula Voda there arc eifort in making their business a success, busy with future,
And lie looked such a darling And then mist about IT DOES NOT
come. in
and hut hy his curried chicken. Hugiiio's appetite
tlie rose up closer to forget AlberLine and look ahead. But, HURT ABIT.
tunic. Of course, lie's about eighty dead bodies. Of 132 wound last, 110 means least, comes
his new ever so
"Hut "T her eyes, the great
never failed you've caught me how. j list IIgo and see what's become of grey walls that seemed wus tiiis his punishment? Albertine would GENTLENESS, SYMPATHY, OARE and SKILL. Nervous patients and delicate ladies have

better than the Macdonald ed Albanians who were sent to the hos equality Lacking
responsibility. these
much looking to to be that this was one of the not no us the
manage, and you'll come hack." her," she said. The priest's eyes followed reiterating ba forgotten. As lie sat there think fear, gentle, painless treatment gives no shock. We are known as the careful
children." pital at Uskub 100 died as tlie result of there is 110 partnership worth tho name, for dentists,
Adam raised his and she could have sworn many tragedies that had been enacted ing, all licr foolish little ways, ail her silly
one of tho firm is merely sleeping eyes for one swift look her, there was a
"So then home?" insufficient food; they actually al were a mem
you -came, at within them closed around her, and she came hack to lum. And he found to
not actually parasite the busi- Jancy's face and then dropped them to passionate prayer in them. sayings,
and he howled all llie way. Tie lowed to starve. Many corpses were flung ber, if a on
"Yes, his knew no more. his dismay that lie judged her just us
to neso. plate aguin. Adam rose. "I'll
because he was into the Vnrdar, twenty thirty corpses go."
didn't want to leave, play as alive. From where ho
The mission "Well, no," said she spoke Janey, and "No. drink your tea." she said. harshly dead,
thrown the bunks below Uskub who of "T won't

on a
with being real woman
happily a little ornament, and, he could
lias very quietly, though color she felt the be a minute. I shall CHAPTER XIX. sat see tiie lights of the native
daily. The Sorbs killed harmless Alban received tlie blessing of a good husband rush just have to regulate
ol course, having he hated
to give it up. Jt town tom-toms
to her fuce and die away "Air. Addic Ansumanah not and hear the that were for
ians who were the bridge tho and childion find out the best again. for back." "Death
coming says old
crossing over is to way meets us everywhere,"
wouldn't Mrs. have hurt
Macdonald to let says this part of tlie has all ever beating; but try as he would to give
Vnrdar before of providing their daily bread, instead country been Hut she of Ansumanah "and
him home needless to say, I should — my eyes. saw no
sign as Jeremy Taylor, is procured by every his
exploited and mind to the new system of sanitation
"As it was difficult to dig graves for the of leaning on or to another. But long ago, Hugh's business she passed the instrument, and in all and enters
have returned

evtn seemed to
it to her.
think of it;
she never
that oc-
murdered corpses, tlie ground being frozen, the clingsomc tyipe
of girl takes it for
lies in the richer
Hugh did not dispute
the fact,
and the
thought did just
through her in at many doors."
We all must die, and he


he could
his dead

they were dung into cisterns near
Uskub; granted that a house runs itself, and tho though mind wonder why lie lmd not come to yet surely never death entered into a
to her was out of the
currtd getting it
Albertine He had
with husband looks after from Janey saw look at him swiftly her bad done -bis errand. household but brief her, the hated
thirty-eight cisterns filled corpses. everything, or tell lie At the for a moment he cried,
poor little fellow's hands. 1 was just ex
and keenly. What lmd he said last and the crashing surf emphasised he had E.,
As 1 have perfect command Servian of the dering the coals to the hills. Her night? bedroom door she knocked. There was no all No bitterness can it;
hausted when I got home. (Thank good- paying changed things.
What fervent had he not hated and lier.
language, the Servian officers soldiers nnd urgument, if he suggests accounts, vows breathed answer, and she knocked Still there Btand before liim; lie blots out at for despised Therefore, was
he's in bed now !" » keeping again. least,
, ness,
into Albertinc's little he not to OPEN EVERY, DAY, also SATURDAY AFTERNOONS. Phone, Cen
often took for fellow What the cars. A vision of his all intents and

me a country man, is: is use? One lias to spend was no she pushed
answer, open tho so the moment, all sin. Whatever Albertine purposes guilty
"Mother's coming to-morrow," said Air.
and a Servian soldier told how an Al lifting up the in tho postern door of lier death? common tral, 6536. Hours. 10 to 6.
so much to live, and knowing where the girl rose door, and
glance Convinced one her Alber had been, whatever her relations to the Again, sense came
after silence. "So you'll
Laing, prolonged before
banian Kumunovo eyes and her heart to his uid. He hud done
money goes won't back. Jnney's went there— actually The he- could for
village near bring it out tine was asleep still? three with slie been bo whom all
have an cusicr time for a while, Winnie. people .bad
stormed. Of does in pity for tho who curtains the bed were tucked her; he had been very patient.
course a man not expect his
woman was
playing mosquito of bound up the last few- Janey had WM— xw— MuMrawwwBjw— —wwraMara
She'll be very keen to look after the grand- closely during
her falBe. She

who unable to wife to know everything minister, round and through reminded him of but
'Many villagers were was one more nil his
at once. to; it, their folds weeks, she and that, conscience
Experi- site, now dead, nothing wis :

flee hid themselves in the attics of the once comes with time. At first it is large
Hugh's pleasures. I
could see the outline '/'of the girl's form they cOuld do could alter things.' In the -refused comfort. She was dead, and to
"f don't
know," Baid' his wife, doubt- houses. We smoked them out, and when ly a question of attitude, and many "Right you are, Alissus," lie said; "must wrapped in her flowery, she himself he liad not but a thou
"Often young kimono, very glory of ber fresh young beauty said, once,
fully. these old people have such the huts burnt came down don't- get a heave on us und do
they screaming, wives realise tilt demands work-' a little work, she "how had been cut down; and the -awful sud sand times, that lie would be better with
old-fashioned ideas about children. After
a or
"Why, Albertine," said, lazy
weeping, and begging for mercy like moles dav makes on an nmbitioiis Peter Addle'U go ravin' mud. Is out ber. Wnat -that but wishing
ing man, or rampin', you are," and she crossed the room. And denness of it, the unexplainableness of it, was her
ill, it's u
long avlailc since mother hud
your from their underground tunnels. We shut understand that there hours that chutney alongside you, Kcvercndo?" deud? He got
are when, if then she saw. Her
stoodheart and the unalterablene3s of shocked and up, and walked about to
anything to do with babies, Horace." still, it,
the doors upon them. Only with the chil is to succeed in that must Hut Father Ignatius never heard. lie shake
lie life; bu she as felt
if all the stones of the great awed them. It home to them off thought. Round the great walls
"Well, she reared of us," said brought
eight dren wc spared our bullets and used free from trivul was eating his breakfast
interruptions. Now the as if it ivere a
Castle that bad stood unmoved for hun- their for with a doc he paraded as men had marched in bygone
Horace, "And I reckon babies i
fiercely helplessness,
practically. bayonets. We deva-tatcd tlie be vine is liable to sacrificial That lie
village clinging become quickly rite. was
eating it was
dted3 of years were crushing down about away it was even to days. Round thom ran a breust
aren't any better now tlian tor days impossible high
tlicy used to cause shots were fired from the. house with of relief to
and her invari mind. j
jealous, even thought, his hostess's
be. I'd let give me
licr few points licr. No, it could not be. But this other find out the cause of death. Only she was parapet, and at the corners were little
white !
a a
if 1 dug.' not
able answer if instantly in A vague shadow crossed Albertinc's face. could not ,be cither. She listened towers for
wore you Winnie." thing and dead; that was' incontrovertible. Tho defence; below him was the
Ho moved towards "The military authorities took no nature:

steps formed of their if 1 must learn to go

"Oh, you "Well, out into the she heard tlie surf beating on the rocks out- chief court like a but
the door. "After I believe there's to bright, bappy, laughing, beautiful girl
was yard, well, it was
all, a prevent these atrocities; many officers don't want fbut 1 tell she said,
to"; you everything bush," "and Janey'll teach me her own feet as she moved little
save for faint
good deal to be said for Airs. were side, a a silent thing they must put away from dark, a
glimmer of light
Macdonald!" concerned, and the Serbs I

were con in time engenders a feeling of being in how to manage, won't you, dear?
he ducky nearer across the -bare boards, some negro

them. that he from knew

the lamp in the
vinced !

disappearing— a remark that that they were a vaded and
accomplishing overpowered by another's per Mayn't I go, fill' boy?" chatter
have in tho courtyard outside, the drone Janey nnd beside the great No other
brought solace to the bruised meritorious work. Ramsay stood sittingroom. sign of life

might At Kullcaiidele I

eighty- sonality. Lacking independence, it follows llamsay looked at her and spoke deliber- there.
of that of a great beetle that buzzed across the nnd tlie woman put the wax- was On the other far below
.soul laiy, who at tlie moment was fivo Albanians were killed just ns rough eofl'm, side,
they that she has no respect for the privacies "Your taken !

atcly, passage and you must lier

is room. It was
fancy, mind cried. This iikc blossom of tlie into the him were the moats, empty and grass
recounting Mr. Macdonald her appal stood without making resistance; their frangipanc now
of others, for she considers it tho Bcniic. I'm seeing about
afternoon with "that houses were burnt
terrible sail by a surf-
thing could not be true; lier reason refused clay-cold hand. grown, and he walked round to the
dreadfully spoilt down, nnd the vjliago to be alone. to sea
Happiness being her sole con boat take us to Frc-dericsbuig. It'll be to accept It must .be only the usual where the
baby of Winnie The treatment "If I had loved her I -had loved her ceaseless surf beat
it. if side,

Laing's." plundered. of women, giils ever
ception of the good, she attains it by easier for you than trekking across conn-
Old Mrs. and even children afternoon slumber that wrapped the girl said the man, above his lastingly against the rocks. To tlie
Laing hud. a horror of being twelve ycais of age was better," just east
constant companionship with her husband, try." so heavily. Her dark hair was all tossed would not. have been there the Dutch
considered the typical mother-in-law, and beyond description,
nnd perhaps it was the und leaves him to carry tlie Albertinc's breath, "it "so ter was
garden, and beyond
total responsi ibegau to quiver upperlike lip about the hand stretched it
fust forbore to interfere height of that the soldiers, pillow, one was rible." again, on the landward the court
at with the man cruelty revolv side,
bility of both their lives. a child's. Her husband's voice was tone
ers in forced out across tlie coverlid, the other lay would yard of the police,
agement of the most uncontrolled gentle to stand
and witness
fathers and husbands ,

'Without from the first he insists 011 less and colorless, hut lie evidently intend against breast, her face was white
It have been a thousand times
whero was usually all Three Reasons why you Ought to Use It,
man of two that had ever come within these atrocious pro
lier as worse, as
Janey realised, but sbe did not and life. He looked down into
her her 'holding her end of the ed this to be the last word on the subject.
up joint part tiie and tho
ben. But after an occasion when ceedings. The town of Gostivar, where six pillow itself, darkly fringed say so. the Dutch garden, and tho scent
her their whole "But I don't want tn go. I'll he so of the
Albanians nership, married life resolves closed. Dead!
shot, saved Impossible! A "You did reminded
were were
grandBon had succeeded in setting to itself eyes your (best," she frangipanc reminded him of Janey— Janey
lire hy paying she whimpered, and him;
itself into one choice for liim cither to all by myself,"

a ransom of XlJuu to lonely little who lived for the pleasures
: the dniwingroom curtain tlie the Servian' com butterfly "remember, always you did your very sitting here alone in tbe evening, and then
through me-
submit to her
demands and let things she looked very lovely in her childish help
hum of a box of matches mander. go, of the moment!

of which Impossible, impossible! best." Janey putting the blossoms into

his do them for the husband looked at and his dead
I mother had not deprived "At J'erisovitcli the Albanians made
himself, who lessness. Hugh across her,
Unhoard-of tilings did not happen in this "I did not," he accused himself. "I wife's hand.
him because an grew There
curly a minute a home Janey him softening, but there was no
getting away It is absolutely tea— the
organised armed defence, Tho fighting spares for detail saw visibly
jog-trot life. She must shake off this to bate from pure leaves,
acrcamcd, her soul rebelled within and con her, to curse myself for having and there came to him

her, ends the concern, wns no softening about Adam. it, a

tinued for hours. hy practically running ghastly down "for
spoke. Her prompt action alone had twenty-four Here an nigiitmarc. Quickly crushing bound my life to here." companionship, even the companionship

which in time encroaches on his business. "It is all settled now, you must go,"
Albanian whoso husband own fear nnd shrinking, she raised the
aaved the house from serious woman, lmd lier "Wo cannot help our thoughts," she. told of an alien and subject when they off the
U the fact that she had
damage, and
been killed, seined his rilie and shot five
Now the economic
docs not encourage
aspect of sucli a case said. "Wc can't lmve a repetition of the
mosquito curtain and took the hand that "generally but I and looked down
race, and lie walked are picked bushes, are
sustained a
badly bachelors to marry, for other day's
liim; tlicy
beyond us, on into the police quar
U Serbs before she herself was Dur kind the bed her And
lay on cover
burnt hand entitled her killed., this of woman in own. am sure she never missed in
remarks to re- is mostly so much in in the deep voice of thu anything you. tern. Hut beyond a faint
ing the slaughter "Ya, put ya," or
at Eerisoviteli than love us to spend lnirst light two cured and and get them
more her whole timo think then n strangled cry from her lips, You her she asked, and without

f ip'cct;
1200 Albanians were sacrificed. Tho town of and has left
priest .with sudden, passionate eagerness;
gave all. you were coming through the window places there dried, you
I ing it, nothing for the and she turned and fled through the drcss- with her."
."You're making misery for nnd is almost without cost very patient was no oi life
yourself inhabitants; there are of such poor, low trifles as meat and "you to Englant moost go. It is goot place sign there. He waited
ingroom and the sittingroom and out on to "Was I? Was I? a
I Horace, and most of all for the only three Allniniau .Vhrhoir.-eLins It is only what I his
baby," over potatoes. for vomans." little, training cars for tlie
I fa id old Mrs. Laing. "Of fifteen years of age. At Gillnne, where A man's work grows
the bastion. There -was the little Madeira
thought that comes back to me now. She' a the
sound of flavoring or other foreign matter of any
courso I. know the Albanians through surplus Albertine flicked him aside disdainfully. tea with the tea out.
voice, wail of a musical instrument,
I did not defend themselves, for whole wealth things set Adam looks so and fragile small
Jour views uhoub breaking a energy, his
producing she said, table, lying there, and but
baby's spirit, almost the entire fell "I couldn't help it, fill' boy," nothing came; and then, obeying a sud
' population by lire o.' plant is concealed under his lint, nnd a sitting beside it had his teacup in one
I hated and would have gone on hat
kind whatsoever
extent I respect them. sword. "I was dead." den he went
a. Only a few fugitives survived, and clinging wife is. not the best stimulant to drawing in her breath; near
hand, his other elbow wns on the table,
impulse, down through the being added.
I Bertie is that the horrors of the destruction at ing lier. My God My God 1 Do all servants'
acquiring Gillnne bread winner anxious become raised blue eyes and looked quartern.
a spirit will of n to 11
pro Hugh his
nnd his head was on his -hand as if be were They were deserted;
I have to if not at are only known hy the silent ruins. The ducer of values to the world at
our dreams come to this 1" -there
ccrtxinly be, broken,' large. her, and Adnin visibly made an ett'ort and was no
sign ot his
Servian of a little weary. Hugh was helping himself dom.cstic staff.
I bent, some occupation ITislinu was still Certainly, most men like their wives to "Hush !" she said; "hush 1 if
jeast day; and if you don't do kindly. Perhaps As far as be knew he was the "only
The Albanians spoke to cake liberally, his
someone morq bloody. estimuto the love them, hut the that there is
as was nnd the wont, knew. living It is very strong tea— not in
g strong
else will— and not He feeling we only She must have died so person in an
|I gently. number of their dead at 5000. not a minute "That is just why. I cannot risk you this great Castle— this
.u of Llie or
night when priest was still leaning against one of the Castle
such a
darling, too-— t don't know how "The duy peacefully, just like falling asleep. "Was it with all
town of 1'rizreiid oll'ered she is not The doctor seemed to think its
oppo lunging, waiting and counting dyiug. it was
old guns. He leaned forward as slie came haunting memories. The draw
i. J®1 can sition to -the entry of Llie Serbs, hut here tlie hours poison, do you think?"
handicap him 1" and minutes against the climate did notuigree with and it bridge had been drawn

deliberately his return

you, up
strong in such
the archway, seemed to her as

I' "Bother !" said .Winnie,

also blood flowed in streams, so tlmt I'riz- engenders a
feeling of desperation. In through arid it
IIe moved restlessly. would poi "Who where about
usual, some
injurious way, a way that
tearfully, is lie who on your going,
insists not T." to meet her 9 o'clock; the gates
rend is to-day the most heavily mental work becomes that his watching eyes leaped locked,

insure I've
always sacrificed for punished iaet, of niiy sort
It look cheered not
son her? spoke openly
It isn't as if I" —
lie and the policeman on
myself city in Albania after Pristina. The popu well impossible when love Hugh's
was her, own. No need to tell liiin. The horror in sentry go had gone
I nigh one
mm!" you his
misery black mistress "I liad bad a
to his own no tea sold at same will make

voice hus named in.

lar it the 'Kingdom of and whose happiness you are under obliga Adam's words. her heart was reflected on his face as if it to be jealous— and
quarters. So he was alone, money more
-Maternal sacrifice isn't I rccog- the Dead/ The -Servian hands heluived tions to consider is tlie the servants— she did alono with -the niglrt,
a- counting minutes "I'll get so strong and come back again hail been 'the tinder waiting for the spark. with the crashing
to not surf
suid atrociously, penetrating houses and slay you stop amuse her. Whan such .a get on with them, but I generally and
I '""Settler," (Mrs. Laing, till
and leant to go on trek. No, 1 don't see It only afterwards she remembered man the tom-tom beating in the distance, of good tea to

bring babies into the world—

ing ail who crossed their path, irrespective husband lias time to look around the world

aged to make that and latterly you cups the pound than Robur
Bye they're of age or sex, while the dead lay unlmried of work, and sees a friend who married u why I should go. Lill' boy," she turned that! At the moment it seemed to her that square,
and with-wvas it possible, as even white
have run the house
; Powitdtpd, poor little souls— and, hav- 111 the streets for towards liim and made the little mouth and the old Castle itself must bu men did not hesitate to
days, because the .Ser deadly competent young woman altogether sea and sky say— all the un

I soi their rearing is our vian victors were otherwise and lucking in and that had her her awful horror, "Why did not Ansumanah come and -tell
will make. It is
the surviving Albanians
he looked
scutiincntulily every brought liim to feet once, echoing and re-echoing
seen inhabitants
of this mighty pile. Ho really very saving tea to
I; incur and I really dare not quit the thing for in a
wife, and "don't that found himself
.Obihtjr. it wilfully,
shelter of their hears liim boast pay any attention to the nasty old and the extraordinary thing was Hugh stepping softly and looking
houses. night the that his. "That
B r.0.0' we've any right to hail our-
doctor and let nle stop; do, fill .boy; do." should not look up and that Adam should These people will not over his
shoulder, and then ho went
in' the city and its neighborhood of to-day is in a measure back use.
bring unpleasant If he bad broken
B u'r"13 lmrtyr3
W>0 "avo
nm' kil" about 'sacrifice.'
were renewed. In tlie first few days after owing to lier common sense doings, and to "I can't," said Adam quickly und decid say .liasually as if it were a matter of no
your best teapot
he would have kept
to tlie sittingroom, lighted his pfpe again,
t train them so the entry of the 'Serlis 401) the encouragement mid consideration she "I can't. You must go." moment: silence
B' ii i Albanians fell, edly; and, taking up a
book, sat down close be
has shown liim to well he dare

Set our due reward for but in spite of this the commander, Gene in regard his outside "You and, not so he ran
B' all we moost go," declared the priest gut- "Well, why doesn't sbe come?" tell, side the lamp.
ral and is apt to think rather
.binkoviteh, forced the notabilities work, bitterly away."
|,S»Mp.a It is packed
them, money in or in love. and She opened her lips to tell him, and there splendidly tea— tea
0 no is
heads of tribes of his own economic achievements turally emphatically. But it was hot and airless
in Trizrend to sign iottcr as a re
there was nothing in the room,
No; to be done.
's 0llr
you like. Hut she appealed to other strangled ery that brought Ram
B; p?' r'8"t, if
only of thanks to
Kiiig J'cter for their 'libera sponsible partner. The women men "Janey. Janey," llie came only a
the pipe was distasteful, and he found
say wired the fact to Fredericsbui-g, and him
eivc it to us." tion by the Servian marry become powerful factors in their "he's horrid. Toll him he should the other two to their feet.
v:¥og.wi11 army.' woman, self thinking that here in the little in cleaner
y®0' 'S|l't all maternal love sacrifice ?" "Wuen the Serbs started 011 their march lives for good or otherwise. The let me stay." A moan burst -from the priest's lips and the next .morning, as the sun was rising out of light he- must be conspicuous
packed a manner— nothing dirty
towards cheerful companionship of under of the sea, buried her. all
I, "-.Winnie, soulfully.
tlie west, aim were unable to pro

Janey had not kept Albertine amused for Llie other two cried, "Janoy!" they that
to eyes
cure horses standing soul stimulates u might gaze at him out of the
), /Ah, -that's a I know," for the transport of their lieiithny
the without "She deiul!" she gasped; "she is— no, The looked crashed and
broken dark
pretty phrase, baggage, they requisitioned 200 Albanians man's wcllbeing, birt
certainly inefficient lust
fortnight gaining some idea is priest a
ness. There came to him a that
can get near it spoil it ; no hand touches
''cr mo",er"'n-,aw. "As a matter' wives have done much to she can't be dead!" whom had feeling
B? to carry burdens of 130 lb. to 150 and bring murriaga of how to do it. man, on some terrible calamity he smiled at
Hi., himself, but
into for when love grows voice incredu promptly acted
B 'ds!
'"'n" 80, I got a tremen-; then drove them over had paths for seven disfavor, into "What is the good of worrying," she said. "Janey!" and the was fallen; but, Janey noted it with surprise, neon, tiiat he would from the until
I ("torcst. and fun and ex-: hours in the Djunui region. When this un tyranny
the only
dire for conscientious
miracle it works is failure
"The voyage home may be awfully nice, you lous. lie was not the tortured man she bad in himself
bo safer— he found it time it is dried it reaches
fortunate band reached its folks to pleasur- wondering that be used such
e«t of babies. destination, know and you haven't "Gotl! Gott!" moaned the terviewed in the kitchen court the a

yOi-Wt reaving' my eight broken and in distress, as the result of in ii'hly contemplate. that, got to think priest. yard word-out in the darkness, and once more
m''i?'nM8 Proposition, it wns
infinitcly supportable weariness and ill-treatment,
about it for eleven days yet." "Not thut little eat! Impossible!" and day before. It was if the worst had hap
he walked round tho bastion, and you. The weighing and packing are done
to the stones and was however terrible that finally
I Jiilr1'"0 mc than the things I even the Servian commander there ex "
Hugliic looked across at licr, and Jlugliie's leilcup fell pened, and,
worst, sat. again on tlie seat under the tower, and
I -'8ive because f them— social pressed his dissatisfaction at the occur Janey. that peace felt
was restored, at any smashed to atoms. its very finality brought a" measure of
lie sat so that he could look into
ONE." the police by electric machines, which
I. in?'01''
"t8'"c pleasures and money to rence.
"A woman from Fundi, numcd Diln, came
,/ate for the present; and she knew, though "It can't he true," she cried again, and peace. quarters. At least the faint lights stream
pack quicker
I couldn't reached sbe was read the
I trh
V ,0IICRtly, call sacrifice from the village of Ginja, accompanied by
he had spoken 110 word, that it -was Hugh's before the three incn lier "Reverenrto, you'll service," sug
ing out from the rooms spoke of lmman
actual enjoyment AMERICAN DOCTOR'S DISCOVERY. to make those eleven back the room gested Hugh.
' m'Ai g',fc moro to her' sons, another relative nnd two men, to implied promise days running through sitting
occupancy, living human for and at very much less cost than human
Prizrond make for the that had comforted but a step, but it seemed to "She of tho church not, "said said the occupancy,
I uv
830 things. It's not a square
of her daughter.
purchases Tho New York "Press" prints the fol pleasant Albertine. again. It was

always his
thoughts came back to Albertine
Wa-i W'And it/.and' it's very unfair to
Prizrend she procured from
Before leaving lowing:— She knew, and sbe felt she did not care un lier as if weights were clogging her l'cct, padre gutturally; the repose of lier
—Albertine, young and
l would. say. that if I lmd: General Jnn-
A doctor at Easton, lias less she wns u little sorry for Albertine, us if -she could hardly draw, her -breath, as soul I pray. Vy not?" glowing with labor. It is wholesome tea to use
in kovitch nn authorisation for herself itiul Pennsylvania, life; Albertine, false and silly and ruthless
She read the And her her
I so laid in last
moro vital things— for the "I said Albertine, she crossed the great hall. they rest
her to pass the Servian posts discovered a
family of four; composed of fink," still talking in in her
chllilL""1"!3'1- companions very helplessness; Albertine, dead
-fays recompensed me. Treat without molestation. When the five mother and three each of whom her baby voice ns tlicy rose from the table, inscription high on the wall, the
inscrip ing place by the sounding sea, and th
'Bert per children, and still and white as tho frangipane
aS blos
a sons arrived at Kuni, a distance of lour lias hearts. lie had occasion to at "I'll go an' take a good rest an' we tion in red anil gold, "To tlie glory of God tropical palms whispered eternally over the
tvbm-h proposition.
bu.8iness Spend' two long, som in her hands. And when the thoughts
0Vp,an" yur time as freely on liim.
hours from Prizrcud. they were detained
tend one of the children for chickcn-pox, enn
play golf after afternoon tea, can't we, and the great Alvarez," nnd she heard the grave of the daughter of the cool, grey
of her rose to something Robur is the Tea you ought to use.
u i,-
a— and do. it so by Servian soldiers, and 111
spile of their
of the men beside heard their North. unbearable there
qs to found heart the boy?" steps
a u on fill'
ensure robbed of their 11ml beating child's her, came to bis the sound
Bililini!' holding a pass were pro ears of the mouth
re'"ru-" Albertine bad not breaths drawn. too, were -Hugh wiped the tears from his clieek9
.V t
perty, while the four ineii were hound and right side well as
us on the left. The dis played golf since she iletp They, harmonicon and the
i'nr would-be musician
rve thrown into The then had been ill, she was shocked as the earth rattled her coffin, hut the
Po!,,5 ,®crtainiy spent both timo a ditch! soldiers
covery led him to exnmitie the two others but before that it had offered wondering, us wondering; on
tentatively trying all tbe simple he The No. 1 Grade is ai're&l tea for
them.". shot the unfortunate men from the edge the mother, with a similar excellent at the terrible other two stood dry The airs good
.IV of Hie ditch. and result. The opportunities, as
Janey could not to speechlessness mystery eyed. thing was knew. It was tormenting to listen, but at high class family use— no
you but it did not everyday tea will
have- The trouble is named is the children Ibnt remember, for flirtation with Hindi. of the fate which bad changed a
living, awful, terrifying, move .tbcm least it
"The mother who witnessed family Perkins, spoke of everyday, further and tea sold
terrified this
to tears. commonplace go no at same money
B&T v' ,Cxpen<"'ure hasn't been pnicti- scene screamed for her son; and when she being Annn, Allen and Doris, aged thir There were plenty of places along that laughing, beautiful girl into a grey, silent life. go away To was to range himself is nicer or more
teen, eleven nnd four wholesome,
W;.,"ure 8 Perfect slave > him, and saw that lie was still and dead she threw
Tho Dr.
rough beaeb where a couple might disap tiling, whose lips could never tell what And when they wore back in tbe Castle with the dead, and he looked with a shud
ldea of cnforc>ng tho most herself on licr knees in front of the soldiers physician, Morganstern, that Hugh came to bis wife she stood
pear for a little together. what her
as in
hud. passed in room, malignant der into the great dark
to consulted some colleagues in Easton, who courtyard, and
and begged them kill her. They hound bedroom
obedience; and certainly the also examined the children Adam looked at Janey quickly, but she forco bad descended upon her so cruelly. looking out through the window wondered to himself what
licr to a and on some officers coining and confirmed awful threaten
Ica4 t0 happiness, either the discovery. Their that the shook her bead at Albertine. "I've got Tlicy entered the dressing room. The crouched
fcrti. for attracted by the sound of shooting, the theory is cup place. ing shapes m the shadowy
Whom he comes in
soldiers showed them a
piece of broken component parts of the organ did not some work to do. Yes, Albertine, 1 must board to the right, in which Ramsay kept "We must get out of this, old girl, one ners. He braced himself
The "ROBUR" Tea Co.,
S?0??. the right involuntarily; he
bread which hud taken from the ventricle (the chamber of
abnegation of self isn't they unite, get it done. You aiidv your husband and liis clothes, bad been there since tho time." knew he must face tliem
the heart which, receives the blood from presently. Ho
woman, and in wlirch they had prcssod two
a''- .with Hugh play." Dutch bad held the Castle. She noticed "Hugh," she said could
James Service
1 had one
Mauser cartridges. This was supposed to the auricle und veins) and the right auricle
"I have to go down into the town to sec the broken hasp on the and bis I mean
he said
not sleep on tbe bastion all night. and Co., Proprietors.
rule, and I'll that the men were growing on the right side of. the body, and ...
door, 'fOh, it," restlessly. "Ive At least, of course he could; but would it
be evidence smuggling

Rjg; 'a.3ro"» Winnie, for well. ammunition concealed in then In end. the left ventricle und the left auricle 011 the chief," said Adam; and he wondered boots in their, trees -ranged' in a neat row arranged for and we're off the bo safe? I
it/paid earners,
yow the left.
own- pleasure or com- Thereupon the officers allowed the soldiers Whether J»ncy would think it his duty to against the wail. Ther was: hi day after to-morrow. I couldn't ker
ptay (To CcatinttdJi

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National Library of Australia

Melbourne Age, Melbourne, Victoria, AU
Mar 1, 1913, Page 21

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