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Tacocong, Kaye B.

Affordable and Clean Energy

Major challenges and opportunity of the world facing today is having an affordable and

clean energy. Access for energy is essential; it provides jobs, security, food production and

increasing local and national incomes. Clean energy is produced through a method that does not

release greenhouse gases and any other pollutants. It can be generated from renewable resources

like solar, water and air currents.

Wind and solar are powering a clean energy revolution. Clean energy comes from natural

sources or processes that are constantly nourished. Sunlight or wind keep shining and progressing,

though their availableness depends on time and weather. While renewable energy is a new

technology, harnessing nature’s power has long been used for heating, transportation, lighting, and

more. Clean energy and renewable energy are not interchangeable, not all renewable energy

methods are clean energy. For example, geothermal power is a renewable energy source but some

ways it can be processed that can have a negative impact on the environment and will eventually

affects communities.

Working towards this goal is vital because it interlinks with alternative property

development goals. Focusing on universal access to energy, redoubled energy potency and the

redoubled use of renewable energy through new economic and job opportunities is crucial to

making a lot of property and inclusive communities and resilience to environmental problems like

temperature changes.

Public and personal investments are energy additionally got to be redoubled and there has

to be additional concentrate on regulative frameworks and innovative business models to remodel

the world’s energy systems. At the present time, there are more or less three billion folks that lack

access to clean-cooking solutions and area unit exposed to dangerous levels of pollution. The

challenge is way from being resolved and there has to be additional access to wash fuel and

technology and additional progress has to be created concerning integration renewable energy into

end-use applications in buildings, transport and business. The benefits of clean energy are that it

reduces our reliance on Fossil Fuels and can mitigate Climate Change. In the United States, more

than a third of emissions are derived from coal and other fossil fuels. Switching to renewable

sources would reduce this and could provide as much as 40 percent of the American energy

demand by 2030.

Ultimately, so as to best shield public health and cut back gas emissions, the United States

must transition away from fossil fuels to clean energy sources. Burning fossil fuels such as oil, coal,

and natural gas which driven climate change, and pollutants that contribute to significant health

concerns, especially for workers and local communities. There are considerable health and climate

benefits to transitioning to 100% clean energy, such as wind and solar. Supporting clean energy

initiatives at both a local and state level will help move us towards our clean energy goals.

Though a clean energy future is already beginning to materialize, dirty energy continues to

block its way. Fossil fuel subsidies and lax regulations mean that the current price of coal- and gas-

fired power does not reflect the costs of harmful air, water and climate pollution. In addition, our

appliances are woefully inefficient, which increases energy consumption. Meanwhile, our energy

utilities and state and federal regulators remain staunchly short-sighted when it comes to planning

for and creating clean energy pathways.

Creating pathways for clean power through advocacy before regulators to knock down

barriers to wind and solar, increase investment in clean energy resources and supportive

infrastructure, and ensure that long-range power planning fully accounts for the value of clean

energy resources.

Promoting of energy efficiency through the adoption and enforcement of strong national is

required. Government should invest in state-level energy efficiency standards that would create

utility programs and state sectors that would regulate and be held accountable for enforcing public

disclosure of energy efficiency information for consumer products.











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