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Cemetery Management System

The cemetery staff will manage a cemetery, the staff will provide its first name, last

name, email, username and password. The staff will upload a cemetery map with cemetery

address. Each cemetery is categorized as private, municipal or sectarian cemetery. A sectarian

cemetery includes the name of church where the cemetery belongs. When map is uploaded the

staff could create niches within the cemetery map. Each niche is categorized as apartelle,

monsuleu or lawn, the price of each niches is also included. Each niches have its numerical label,

and each niche level is labeled alphabetically Each niche and niche level (layer of niches in

apartelle) have corresponding color code, as red for total occupancy, yellow for semi-occupied

and green for total vacancy.

Once a cadaver is to be buried, the staff will get cadavers details like its first name, last

name, the birthdate, the burial date, contact person’s name and contact number, the address is

also included. Exhumation date is also included for exhumed cadavers. The niche number or

niche level label is also included. Each cadaver’s information is linked to a niche where the body

is buried. The contact person is optional (could be one or more) the email of the contact person

is also necessary.

Once the amortization is due the system will notify the contact person/s. the contact

person could pay online, where the contact person/s could see the summary of payment, with

corresponding cadaver’s details and choose a payment provider of its choice.

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