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Sample questions for case 19

1. The largest commissural fibre of the central nervous system

A. Anterior commissure
B. Corona radiata
C. Corpus callosum
D. Fornix
E. Internal capsule

2. One type of sensory deficit in Brown-Sequard syndrome would include loss of vibratory sensation:
A. Bilaterally in all extremities
B. Bilaterally in the lower extremities
C. Bilaterally in the upper extremities
D. In the lower extremity contralateral to the lesion
E. In the lower extremity ipsilateral to the lesion

3. This structure is associated with vibratory and position sense pathway:

A. Corticospinal tract
B. Lateral lemniscus
C. Lateral spinothalamic tract
D. Medial lemniscus
E. Ventral spinothalamic tract

4. Location of cerebral aqueduct:

A. Diencephalon
B. Medulla oblongata
C. Midbrain
D. Pons
E. Spinal cord

5. Ascending fibre tracts of the lateral column of the spinal cord, EXCEPT:
A. Anterior spinocerebellar
B. Anterior spinothalamic
C. Lateral spinothalamic
D. Posterior spinocerebellar
E. Spinoreticular

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