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Laudato Si’ Activity

1. For me, I admire his endearing love for nature and his disregard for wealth. He chose to live in a
life of poverty, knowing that it would be a long road ahead and it would be difficult. His
acknowledgement for saving nature and other creations of the Lord really struck me because
even if he is at that period in history where war is very prevalent, he still managed to realize that
nature and other creations of God, still need protecting.

2. Yes, I have experienced this connection in the sense that environmental degradation such as
climate change, gravely affect the under privileged people of our society. This is because,
climate change causes storms that we experience in our country to be much stronger and it also
causes extreme temperatures that affect crops, which in turn makes the poor suffer more and
we can help them by spreading awareness toward other people, telling them that each small act
that we do can help save the lives of these people who are less fortunate from us.

3. Yes, I agree with the pope that the earth is falling into a serious disrepair. In today’s society man
becomes more and more greedy as time goes on, and most of them do not care whether they
harm the environment just for their own gain. One example of this that is very prevalent in the
Philippines is Mining. Some mining companies extract every mineral that they could find and
they do not care if this activities would cause landslides in the area that they mined and it is
truly heart-breaking to know that these horrible things are happening in our world.

4. I also think that human activity is one of the main causes of global warming. Human activities
such as burning of trash, using of CFC’s such as air-conditioning, gases emitted by vehicles,
excessive removal of trees, smoke coming from factories and power plants are one of the major
causes of Global warming. As humans, we can help to fight global warming, we can do our own
small part by encouraging our community to plant trees, educating drivers of Public Utility
Vehicles about the bad effects of black smoke produced in their vehicles if the exhaust is not
properly cleaned, spreading awareness through social media, and also the simple thing such as
not burning our trashes and just waiting for the garbage collector can greatly help our home,
5. When I buy products, sometimes I am conscious of how it was made, but in some situations, I
myself, am not that conscious. If I know that the development process did not respect rights of
persons, animals and plants, then I would not buy that product since I know that if I buy that
product, I myself, am promoting these kinds of behavior. If all of us get to know how products
are made, then I think that most people would agree with me that they would also not want
these bad behaviors to continue. For example when employees of a certain company are not
treated right, how can we expect them to deliver quality products if they cannot take care of
their own employees.

6. I think that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) has its benefits and
consequences. One of its benefits is that a country can only get resources within their covered
nautical miles, but this also means that if a country is limited on where to get its resources, it
will be prone to abuse and maybe even the degradation of life on water. From what I know,
people take whatever they can on the ocean. They want to take every single resource that the
ocean has with no regard towards ocean life. It is nice to think that a supranational organism is
governing the use of ocean resources, but we cannot really say for sure if those countries are
really following those laws. If we can show to the different countries how their actions cause a
significant effect in the degradation of ocean life, then maybe they would listen and control
their consumption of ocean resources.

7. For me, the most urgent need of our society is awareness of the consequences of each and
everyone’s action and how it affects not only us, but also our environment. Living in a world
today, where technology is so advanced, we can spread awareness by the use of social media.
Aside from this, we can do our own small part by asking ourselves every time we make a specific
action if this action harmed someone or something. When all of us become aware of the
consequence of our action, we tend to think of others that would be affected and maybe if we
think about it, we would limit our actions to only cause good not only to others but also other
creatures that were created by God.

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