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E how is the relation of age, gender and job in this case

Based on age, most respondents aged 20-29 were diagnosed with allergic rhinitis
(65.71%) while the least were at the age of ≥ 40 years. Judging from the age
distribution, most allergic rhinitis is in the productive age. It can be explained that at
that age more are in an environment with temperature and humidity that is easily
exposed to aeroallergens such as the work environment, school area, or dusty learning
place with poor ventilation of the room. Allergy is around the age of 20 years.

More women tend to suffer from allergic rhinitis (49.02%) than men. The results of
this study are in accordance with those obtained by Lumbanraja at Adam Malik
Hospital in Medan, where the number of women with allergic rhinitis was higher than
that of men. This is possible because there are more women who come for treatment
and in general women are more concerned with health

2. g what is the klasifikasi of rhinitis alergi

Berdasarkan sifat berlangsung nya

1. Rhinitis alergi musiman (seasonal, hay fever,polinosis) : hanya terdapat pada

negara yang memiliki 4 musim alergen penyebabnya spesifik yaitu tepungsari
(pollen) dan spora jamur, nama yang tepat adalah polinosis atau rino
konjungtivis gejala klinik ialah mata merah, gatal disertai lakrimasi

2. Rhinitis alergi sepanjang tahun (perennial) : gejala penyakit ini timbul

intermiten atau terus menerus, tanpa variasi musim, jadi dapat ditemukan
sepanjang tahun, penyebab paling sering ialah alergen inhalan terutama pada
orang dewasa dan alergen ingestan yang gejala sering pada anak ialah
urtikaria, gangguan pencernaan. Gangguan fisiologik

Berdasarkan who

Berdasarkan waktu sifat berlangsung nya

1. Intermitten (kadang-kadang ) : bila gejala kurang dari 4 hari/minggu atau

kurang dari 4 minggu

2. Persisten/menetap bila gejala lebih dari 4 hari/minggu dan lebih dari 4 minggu
Berdasarkan tingkat berat ringannya penyakit

1. Ringan bila tidak ditemukan gangguan tidur, gannguan aktivitas

harian,bersantai,berolahraga, belajar, bekerja dan hal-hal lain yang

2. Sedang-berat bila terdapat satu atau lebih dari gangguan tersebut di atas

Based on its ongoing nature

1. Seasonal allergic rhinitis (seasonal, hay fever, polynosis): only found in countries
that have 4 seasons of specific allergens, namely tepungsari (pollen) and fungal spores,
the exact name is polynosis or rino konjungtivis clinical symptoms are red eyes,
itching accompanied lacrimation

2. Allergic rhinitis throughout the year (perennial): symptoms of this disease arise
intermittently or continuously, without seasonal variations, so it can be found
throughout the year, the most common cause is inhalant allergens, especially in adults
and ingestant allergens whose frequent symptoms in children are urticaria, indigestion.
Physiological disorders

Based on who

Based on the time the nature lasts

1. Intermittent (sometimes): if symptoms are less than 4 days / week or less than 4

2. Persistent / persistent if symptoms are more than 4 days / weeks and more than 4

Based on the severity of the disease

1. Light if there are no sleep disturbances, daily activity disturbances, relax, exercise,
study, work and other things that interfere

2. Seriously if there is one or more of the above disorders

3. DD

Rhinit alergi, Rhinitis Vasomotor

1. Avoid contact with cause allergens and elimination
2. Medical
 Anti histamine: H-1 histamine antagonist
 Decongestants (alpha adrenergic agonists): topical use may only take a few days
to avoid rhinitis medicine
 Topical corticosteroids
 Anticholinergics: lpratropium bromide to treat rhinore
3. Operative
Konkotomi: If the inferior turbinate is heavy hypertrophy and is not successfully
reduced by cauterizing 25% AgNO3 or trichloroacetate
4. immunotherapy

Soepardi, E.A., Iskandar, N., Bashiruddin, J., Restuti, R.D. 2007. Buku Ajar Ilmu
Kesehatan Telinga Hidung Tenggorok Kepala & Leher Edisi Keenam. Jakarta : FKUI

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