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Loyora Universtry MArytano Educational Technology Internship Approval Form Instructions for Student: 1. Fill out the student information below and attach your Educational Technology Internship Proposal. Any project within a school or professional setting must have the approval of an administrator or supervisor within that school or business. 2. Bring this form with the attached proposal to the administrator or supervisor, and have him/her complete and sign the School Administrator or Supervisor Approval section. 3. Register for ET601 Educational Technology Internship for the semester in which you will begin your internship. Consult your advisor for the appropriate section number. 4. Sign this form and submit it (along with the attached proposal) to your Internship Supervisor for signature and cataloging. Student Information Name _Cheis odds Home Phone aor Cell Phone 443-553-464 Semester(s) for Internship_Fall ZoiQ School Administrator or Supervisor Approval Name N4Shte AL Dennett tite Prin pal Work Phone Ylo~ 831-013 2 Email Address_nenne tt @ beps-org School/Business Name _ ern Woe lem

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